Neera: "Jerome and Anton"... who?

Just started ToB, and at one point Neera starts musing about what she'd do if she wasn't here with charname -- birdwatching is one option, she claims. You can then reply: "Birdwatching? Jerome and Anton isn't enough for you?"
Can't remember which characters (if any) those are, and googling doesn't give me any obvious answers. A joke I'm simply missing? Not important, just slightly annoyed that they'd include a reference in my partychat that I seem to have no knowledge of whatsoever... Anyone know?
Can't remember which characters (if any) those are, and googling doesn't give me any obvious answers. A joke I'm simply missing? Not important, just slightly annoyed that they'd include a reference in my partychat that I seem to have no knowledge of whatsoever... Anyone know?
But what Tresset said is probably more likely to be true.
Aha -- a simple bug then, or should I say an error in the writing. See, I haven't even gone near the palace yet, and that exchange you mention most definitely haven't taken place (yet). Guessing I'm not the first one to be confused by those names being dropped with no explanation.
But thank you for clearing it up!
Coutelier: Probably.
@maliagante you knew all that ... now thats VERY disturbing