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Jaheira Romance bug; "Jaheira, about last night" - Help

So, I've gone down the Jaheira romance line, and I've reached near the end. But here's the weird thing.

I get the "Jaheira, about last night" dialogue, and she responds as if something bad happened. But nothing happened last night... T'is very strange. Anyone have any idea on what may be messing this up?


  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    I know this isn't related to the game, but if *nothing* happened last night that usually qualifies as "something bad happened". Just saying.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @cremno - must have been hitting that uzo again. Just sayin, steer clear of that stuff or you will end up with a bunch of bastard bhaalspawn chi..... oh, wait.
  • cremnocremno Member Posts: 25
    Well, sure, I may have downed a barrel of ale or two, but nothing I couldn't handle... :P In all seriousness though, t'is an irritating bug ^^
  • fanscalefanscale Member Posts: 81
    Sometimes a romance just bugs, because it went too fast or your reputation is not at the right level. Nobody knows for certain.
    The quickest way to fix it is with the save game editor. Set the lovetalk back 1-3 numbers and also set romanceactive to 1. You should have no problems after that.
  • cremnocremno Member Posts: 25
    fanscale said:

    Sometimes a romance just bugs, because it went too fast or your reputation is not at the right level. Nobody knows for certain.
    The quickest way to fix it is with the save game editor. Set the lovetalk back 1-3 numbers and also set romanceactive to 1. You should have no problems after that.

    But I can't make ShadowKeeper work since it keeps saying it can't find the files.
    Maybe it's because of how the beamdog version is set up? Any help, pretty please? :P
  • fanscalefanscale Member Posts: 81
    You need to download eekeeper. When you start it point it to the directory where Baldurs gate blk and bg.ini bgmain.exe files are. Program files../0766/data Directory search to make sure they are there.
    Restart eekeeper.
    There might be one more thing to select on the menu and ignore if it says can't find bg directory.
    Just check if you can load saved games.
  • cremnocremno Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2014
    fanscale said:

    You need to download eekeeper. When you start it point it to the directory where Baldurs gate blk and bg.ini bgmain.exe files are. Program files../0766/data Directory search to make sure they are there.
    Restart eekeeper.
    There might be one more thing to select on the menu and ignore if it says can't find bg directory.
    Just check if you can load saved games.

    Thanks for all the help, but no matter what I do it won't work on baldurs gate 2 ee, only baldurs gate 1... Really frustrating. <.< It simply can't find the files it needs in baldurs gate 2 and just blurs out the option for it. Any thoughts?

    Edit: Found out I'm simply stupid and made it work xD Thanks for all the help!

    Edit: Edit: So, where the diddley is the lovetalk? xD I can only find romance and romanceactive.
    Tomance active is 2 and the romance is an ungodly high number lol.
  • fanscalefanscale Member Posts: 81
    Its the 3rd last tab/column for lovetalk - effects
  • cremnocremno Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2014
    fanscale said:

    Its the 3rd last tab/column for lovetalk - effects

    Thanks for your continued efforts xD Still can't find it though. This is what I see.

    Deleted screenshot

    Edit: Sorry, that was a screenshot of my main char's stuff ^^ Going through Jaheira's now.

    Edit: Edit: Found it xD Gonna fool around with it for a but.

    Edit: Edit: Edit: Well, thanks for all the help, but it seems it just continues on to the same spot even if I set it back a bit. My guess is that going to sleep is supposed to trigger the scene where you can sleep with Jaheira, and then the scene I see is the next day scene. Problem is, the scene that is supposed to happen at night seems to not execute.

    Damn, EE is so much more buggy than the original <.< Never in my life have I played baldurs gate with as many bugs as the Enhanced edition lol.
    Post edited by cremno on
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Jaheira's romance has always been heavily, notoriously bugged, long before the EEs.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    jackjack said:

    Jaheira's romance has always been heavily, notoriously bugged, long before the EEs.

    Romances in general have always been bugged. I swear like 5 people in the whole world have actually seen Arie's baby. Everybody else just heard about it.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    meagloth said:

    jackjack said:

    Jaheira's romance has always been heavily, notoriously bugged, long before the EEs.

    Romances in general have always been bugged. I swear like 5 people in the whole world have actually seen Arie's goodies. Everybody else just heard about it.
    Fixed that for ya.

  • cremnocremno Member Posts: 25
    I realize Jaheira's questline has always been buggy, even though I by luck managed to complete it the first time I did it lol. But The fact that it showed up now alongside all the other stuff that has bugged out for me in the EE it just makes it seem like the bugs in general are much more frequent in the EE. Never have I experienced so many conversations not triggering. Even mazzy's questline was bugged for me, along tons of other sidequests where I had to try workarounds to make them work.
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Mazzy's questline being bugged shouldn't be a bad mark on EE. Mazzy's questline being bugged is sort of like the sun rising when you're hungover: you dread it, you plead for it not to happen, you make desperate blood sacrifices to the light of dim candles, you do some random praying to gods you've never heard of, and there's some tears involved- but the sun is going to rise, and that quest is going to bug. Forget Aerie's baby; there are probably only five people who've gotten that quest to work without any reloads, variable switching, CTRL+Ying everyone involved, or just pretending it never happened and never existed la de da.
  • fanscalefanscale Member Posts: 81
    I've had no trouble with romances when I did not rush the game. My rep was 18 so Jaheira was happy. It was about day 32 when Elminster turned up. Giving Jaheira the priority I made sure I went to a wilderness area for the bandit plot. That seems to be critical. Next part you might have trouble is fighting dermin.
    Elminster should turn up at the final lovetalk. If not something has gone wrong.
  • cremnocremno Member Posts: 25
    Twani said:

    Mazzy's questline being bugged shouldn't be a bad mark on EE. Mazzy's questline being bugged is sort of like the sun rising when you're hungover: you dread it, you plead for it not to happen, you make desperate blood sacrifices to the light of dim candles, you do some random praying to gods you've never heard of, and there's some tears involved- but the sun is going to rise, and that quest is going to bug. Forget Aerie's baby; there are probably only five people who've gotten that quest to work without any reloads, variable switching, CTRL+Ying everyone involved, or just pretending it never happened and never existed la de da.

    Haha, jesus xD Well, if you insist I can give you a list of things I've tried that I know for sure was due to the EE version xD lol. Hope you won't ask though, as I'd have to go through my saves to describe them ^^'
    fanscale said:

    I've had no trouble with romances when I did not rush the game. My rep was 18 so Jaheira was happy. It was about day 32 when Elminster turned up. Giving Jaheira the priority I made sure I went to a wilderness area for the bandit plot. That seems to be critical. Next part you might have trouble is fighting dermin.
    Elminster should turn up at the final lovetalk. If not something has gone wrong.

    I've gone through all of that. I'm on the last few conversations here. What happens is that a conversation that should have happened doesn't happen, and the game takes the trigger's as if I chose to say "no thank you" to her sexy time offer. And since I can't force the conversation I can't continue her romance. I'm pretty sure elminster is going to appear right after this one...
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I think you should try CLUAConsole:SetGlobal(“LoveTalk”,”LOCALS”,XX) which sets your love talk to a given rating, where XX is a number. I think 67 will do - it's the "Stay with me tonight" dialogue

    will trigger the dialog

    Terminsel appears during the LT=70.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    @cremno - while I personally suspect that you suffer from at least minor confirmation bias where bugs are concerned, it is true that some new issues have popped up in the EE versions. I'd suggest that any new issues that you have would best posted on the Support forum as bugs. if you are experiencing them, I am sure that others are as well. And if you are merely confirming what others have reported, at least it will be another vote towards getting that fixed over something else.

    Certainly if you post in the General discussion as you did, other posters here will "Share your pain", but that ain't gonna make your experience with the game any better.
  • cremnocremno Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2014
    bengoshi said:

    I think you should try CLUAConsole:SetGlobal(“LoveTalk”,”LOCALS”,XX) which sets your love talk to a given rating, where XX is a number. I think 67 will do - it's the "Stay with me tonight" dialogue

    will trigger the dialog

    Terminsel appears during the LT=70.

    Well, this response has showed me what was wrong. It is 67 that kept screwing up. It skips 67 and goes straight to 68. Even when I use the CLUAConsole it won't work. It sets the values but it doesn't start the conversation even when I do the; CLUAConsole:SetGlobal(“JaheiraRomance”,”GLOBAL”,1)...

    I tried fooling around with lovetalk and managed to fix this. For some reason 67 bugged out whenever I tried to set it to it and it would go straight to 68. I have no idea how I fixed it, but seems to work after some tinkering. All hail the mighty Cremno and his haxor skills xD
  • cremnocremno Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2014
    Accidental double post*
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