Class Kit "Hit Die" Question

I noticed that in the Kit description for my Paladin it states "Hit Die: d10". What does this mean I thought that the hit die was always a d20 compared to THAC0-AC?
When you level up a dice is rolled (eg: d10 in your Paladin's case, d4 for a Mage, etc) and this determines how many maximum hit points you gain.
Any bonus from you constitution score is added on top of this.
d10 means that the Paladin gets from 1-10 health points for the first 10 levels, without the bonus from Constitution, but it depends on the setting.
So a Paladin with 18 Constitution gets up to 14 HP. But after level 10 I think he gets only 3 HP.
A Mage gets d4 so gets only 1-4 HP plus the Constitution bonus. But after level 10 he gets only 1 HP.
I would advise you read the manual to make sense of it and you will figure it out in the process.