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Want to finally do a full run. Start now or after 1.3?

As the title says, I want to finally play this series from beginning to end with 1 consistent character (I've been playing these games off and on since they first came out but I've never beat any of them).

Basically I'm just wondering if I should start up a new game right now or wait until 1.3 drops. Will any of the changes/fixes screw up a pre-existing game? Will I miss out on new content or anything by starting now?


  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    It's probably coming pretty soon now, and there are often some fixes which apply only to new games started after the patch, so I'd be tempted to wait.

    However, unless someone knows better and cares to correct me, I don't think there's any actual new content in the next patch - I believe it's all bug-fixes and technical improvements.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Honestly I would just start now.
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    I guess it boils down to how soon is "pretty soon". If we are talking weeks, I'll start now. If it's days, I'll wait. But I guess only a dev would know the answer to that.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Well from what I can tell internally there are only a handful of issues left. However, I don't have any inside information about when the patch will be released or if the information I'm seeing is necessarily an accurate reflection of what issues will be resolved in 1.3 (in other words the list I'm seeing might not include recent issues that have come up in the latest stage of the Road to 1.3).
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    The beta is in its final testing phase, though that did just start. In your position, I would probably wait.
    A couple of caveats, however:
    - Any mods will probably need to be updated, which will add to your wait time.
    - Like @elminster‌ , I don't know when the patch will actually be released.
    Still, like I said, if it were me, I'd wait.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I'm currently in a holding pattern myself before I start another game of BGEE. I'm also circling through the clouds waiting for the BG2EE patch before purchasing. I'm psyching myself up for it by earnestly patrolling the forums. ; )
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    Balrog, it seems like $6 is pretty good for BG2EE. I'm not sure it's going to go below that for at least another year.
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    And yeah, I guess I'll be waiting then. Seems to make the most sense. And since I don't plan on using mods, all good!
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Yeah, I would suggest buying it while it's on sale, but maybe wait for the patch to actually start the game.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    Also in a holding pattern. (I love flying ;) I'm pretty patient and have played the games through more times then I can count. Then only thing that wears on me is @JessicaKrystal‌ (My Fiancee) and I REALLY want to do a play through together, but don't think it's really worth starting til after the patch.
  • FablewyndFablewynd Member Posts: 79
    Trent Oster tweeted on the 18th June "We're working hard on [the patch], my personal hope is to have a 1.3 update for BGII:EE in the next two months."

    You could be waiting a while...
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    That's the BG2ee patch to 1.3, @Fablewynd. The BG1ee patch to 1.3 should therefore be out well before then.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    Finger's crossed! Remember how I said I was patient? Yea I lied. We started the play through last night. :(
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    Well at least I've been able to create a few possible characters to choose from in the mean time, along with a few different party configurations :p
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    This is true! It can take a while for me to settle on the character I want to use, his backstory and his companions. :) I like to keep each play through as unique as possible :)
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    For BG:EE I would just download the 1.3 Beta and start! It's a more polished game than it ever was.

    For BG2EE I would wait for the patch, as I experienced some buggy behaviour with the new characters in BG2EE.
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    I would do that but I have a Steam copy of the game. Thus, I don't have access to the beta.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    Not to derail, but am I the only who doesn't like Steam? o.O
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    At this point? Pretty much, yeah. Steam = PC gaming. And until they've done something horribly wrong to interfere with that, that's the way it's going to proceed. Why don't you like them?
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    I dislike that I now buy a CD from local shop, there is no disc. It's just a case now with a bloody CD key in it. It forces updates to a lot of stuff I don't want. It has to run in the background all the time, it's constantly throwing ad's at you. I just find it VERY intrusive and annoying.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Maybe make a thread about Steam in off topic?
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    Ah. Well you can turn the ads off. The updates, yeah you have to live with that but honestly, updates are a good thing. It doesn't take up very much CPU power to run in the background. And who buys discs anymore, for any media? Physical media is an obsolete idea :)
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    Yea I think I'll start a thread one day, after I'm done with the politics and a religious or science one I plan to start at some point ;) "To Steam or not to Steam. The Eternal Question?" Anyway! I won't derail anymore! ;)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    bmardiney said:

    As the title says, I want to finally play this series from beginning to end with 1 consistent character

    Well, taking into account you want to play from Candlekeep, you can start right away. BG1:EE runs just fine and the patch, when it's released, won't bring any MAJOR difference.

    Explore the world, complete the quests, go to Durlag's Tower. It should be a good experience. And when you finish your BG1 playthrough, it will be better seen if BG2:EE patch is near or not. If it still will be far away you can always run BG2:EE as it is as it's completely playable. And when/if you meet some bugs, just ask here and the forumites will quickly help you;)
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    Hmm. Okay you've sold me on it. Off I go with my half-elf fighter/mage!
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    A little cheat, use your Tab key. ;) It's your friend! Other then that! Enjoy! It will be great fun! :):)
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    Pfft "cheat"...that's my bread and butter. I'm not playing hunt-the-pixel. I was over that at the turn of the century :p
  • SweetMagooMagoodleSweetMagooMagoodle Member Posts: 40
    I have waited three months since my last play through of the EE saga -- I can wait a few days or weeks more for BGEE and a couple months for BG2EE. Have been procrastinating with another Commander Shepherd run. Jack and I having a good time... Although in retrospect should have gone with Dragon Age as Inquisition will be out by the time I complete an EE run... Also re reading Song of Ice and Fire which is always good for a laugh while Beamdog does its good (slow but good) work.

    I would wait for the patch is my recommendation. If you get through, say, a third of the game and then the patch comes out... Well, if it were I, there would be some serious hemming and hawing about whether to start over or not, and then there goes all the fun.
  • bmardineybmardiney Member Posts: 36
    I'm still holding out. Basically because now I'm testing the waters to see if my girlfriend will join me. Also wondering now if I should jump on this Divinity Original Sin bandwagon while I wait for these BG patches :p
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