The Jon Irenicus Workout Plan?
Member Posts: 4,861
Jon's in pretty good shape for an elf but I didn't notice any gym equipment in his dungeon. What's his secret? How d'you think he got to be so buff?
He has quite some muscles alright, made me wonder what his strength score is. What's the natural strength score for having a "six pack" ?
Poor guy, should have rolled something better for his constitution... oh my god, fat Irenicus anyone? O_o
There are several Irenicuses around here and there but most agree on these stats :
Jon Irenicus, Mage Level 29, 30 second class (which is none)
Race : Human (?!?)
Hit Points : 96
STR 13
DEX 19
CON 14
INT 19
WIS 18
CHA 17
Save vs death - 8
Save vs wands - 3
Save vs polymorph - 5
Save vs breath - 7
Save vs spell - 4
That's all there is to him sadly... Of course, I don't think these are the stats of the Slayer you fight in hell, but these are the stats of most Irenicus .cre files in the game. Finding the final battle one could prove to be difficult though.
And that of a water polo player cap :
I think he's a good swimmer! Therefore, explaining his muscles... MYSTERY SOLVED!
I think he is doing roids, that would explain his crankiness. Lol.