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What is the most difficult game you have ever played or beaten?

TarotMasterTarotMaster Member Posts: 147
We have all had at least one game that just stumped us no matter what, or one that took ages to beat/finished. What game has been the most difficult for you so far? All games can apply including board or card games.

The hardest game i have played was for the PSP it was called Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. I had difficulty with it because i did not fully understand what things worked the best. The game itself was a bit complex.


  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate. The game wasn't difficult, in and of itself, given that you could import your ultra-high-level characters from Bard's Tale II but there was no shop so inventory management was difficult (no containers for storing items--you had to guess which items were better and create "holding space" characters to stash your goods) and the random fights happened every few steps. The auto-map feature (which was new at the time) didn't map the wilderness so you still had to do that by hand and then once you traveled to the other dimensions you had to figure out where to go, map those wilderness areas by hand, and then figure out what to do....while still being randomly attacked every few steps. I shudder to think how many nights I stayed up way too late my second year in college playing that game, not to mention every waking hour on some weekends..... By the time you finished mapping all of Malefia, getting to the statues, then finding the final door you, the player, were ready for it to be over.

    Pools of Darkness is a close second. Again, not a difficult game in and of itself, but the random encounters grew to be very time-consuming. "Oh, goody--*another* round of drow wizards and priestesses." "Oh, look--even *more* Minions of Bane/Bits o'Moander." *yeesh*
  • FFGFFG Member Posts: 52
    edited July 2014
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    Is it just me that despises platformers?

    Sims 3. . . I keep catching on fire and I seem to miss the point of the game . . .
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited July 2014
    Amnesia the Dark Descent. I never even remotely beat it because it did its job of creeping me out all too well :D
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Enemy Within. On easy mode. I dare not go higher in difficulty, for I know that I would get my bum kicked.
  • TarotMasterTarotMaster Member Posts: 147
    edited July 2014
    @Calonord My big problem with sims was getting them to do what they where supposed to do, not what they wanted to do. "Click"go take a dump, noo don't water the garden you can do that in 60 seconds just wait for a bit!!!

    @elminster‌ I loved that game but i kept on being trapped between "Flappy Jaw" (That's what me and my sister call him) and the darn exit.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    Not difficult per se, but in the age before internet faqs (and not even being a teenager at the time) it took me at least a couple of YEARS to beat Link's Awakening on GameBoy. I would have to put the game down for weeks at a time and come back with a fresh set of eyes. Still probably my best gaming experience. Beating A Link to the Past (a shorter time but still many, many months) was a close second. I guess I'm happy I finished them both without a ounce of outside help, since I had not idea any existed and wouldn't have known where to look if I had. Those two games also had the same "engine" so to speak, even giving our beloved Infinity a run for it's money.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809

    Hahahahaha! NO DON'T GO FOR A SWIM! Get to work. Right now you bloody little poor person. >.<

    I eventually had to turn off free will, then I went to make a sandwich, when I came back, he'd starved to death. . .

    I also may have locked the screaming child named Justin Beiber in a basement room and removed the ladder. . .
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    I just got Dark Souls for free from Xbox, I hear that one is hard, but I haven't gotten into it yet.

    Then there is this game where I amazingly got to a score of 3
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    Not difficult per se, but in the age before internet faqs (and not even being a teenager at the time) it took me at least a couple of YEARS to beat Link's Awakening on GameBoy. I would have to put the game down for weeks at a time and come back with a fresh set of eyes. Still probably my best gaming experience. Beating A Link to the Past (a shorter time but still many, many months) was a close second. I guess I'm happy I finished them both without a ounce of outside help, since I had not idea any existed and wouldn't have known where to look if I had. Those two games also had the same "engine" so to speak, even giving our beloved Infinity a run for it's money.

    I had a similar experience when it came to Link's Awakening :)
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    God damn it. Let me try again. >.< I suck at this type of game. Should of seen me try i wanna be the guy ninja gaiden. I had to try it after I watched Total Biscuit try it. Didn't work. image
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Hmmm... Vanilla bg1, or... Duet. Awesome game, and incredibly hard at first.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    NetHack: Most difficult game I ever played (without taking silly arcades into account).

    Majesty* (didn't complete at 100% but hey): Most difficult game I ever won (without considering my ultra-modded install of BG).

    Of all the other games I've played and didn't finish (which are few, as I only seriously played only a few different games over all of my life) were pretty easier.

    *I played that game when I was around 7 (when I started playing BG, but by that time I didn't got much into BG, but then the EEs cam out, and I got back to BG), and I recall doing all the missions but two, one of the was the most difficult of all (you had to get 40k Gold before a week passed), and it was needed to unlock the other.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    +1 for NetHack
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    I haven't tried NetHack am I missing out here am I? :O
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    elminster said:

    Not difficult per se, but in the age before internet faqs (and not even being a teenager at the time) it took me at least a couple of YEARS to beat Link's Awakening on GameBoy. I would have to put the game down for weeks at a time and come back with a fresh set of eyes. Still probably my best gaming experience. Beating A Link to the Past (a shorter time but still many, many months) was a close second. I guess I'm happy I finished them both without a ounce of outside help, since I had not idea any existed and wouldn't have known where to look if I had. Those two games also had the same "engine" so to speak, even giving our beloved Infinity a run for it's money.

    I had a similar experience when it came to Link's Awakening :)
    Yeah, I really do believe to this day that it is the best Zelda game, I still marvel at how the first time out of the gate on a little hand-held system (they could have easily taken the easy way out on this game) they put out a full-fledged epic Zelda experience that in retrospect can hold it's own against the all-time greats like it's big brother A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask.
  • Demonoid_LimewireDemonoid_Limewire Member Posts: 424
    From old ones...
    1) From Sega Genesis, Contra/Probotectors. Very hard one.
    2) From Sega Genesis again, Stargate. Never managed to beat the final boss, ever. Maybe now with emulator and save/load, i will try again sometime.
    3) Castlevania for Snes. Not the super 4 one, the next, with richter as player and Shaft as nemesis (don't remember title).
    4) Super Mario Bros 3, from the Mario All Stars Collection, for Snes. Reached the final world, never reached final castle, never reached final boss. Pretty hard, this one.
    5) Sub-Culture, one of the very first Ubisoft games. And the first game ever to use 3dfx. Never progressed past second area.
    6) The reap. One of the few scrolling 2d isometric shooters, and one of the last, that pc ever saw.
    7) Pokemon Crystal and Stadiums. Crystal had a hard battle tower, stadiums were very hard themselves.

    That's all i can remember. Now the modern ones...
    1) Blade of Darkness. Pretty hard game. Considered by many the spiritual ancestor of Dark Souls.
    2) F.E.A.R. 1. I struggled in Medium difficulty setting. Very hard, even for FPS veterans.
    3) The Suffering 2. New mechanics, harder gameplay style, more difficulty in enemies and fights. I struggled in medium Difficulty setting. Very hard, even for FPS veterans.
    4) Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. An endless nightmare, with total definition of this word.
    5) Shadow Warrior remake (2013). Near the final chapters, from snow missions onwards, difficulty skyrocketed into impossible levels... Wangtastic.
    6) GTA San Andreas. Damn, without a walkthrough with detailed map stigmas and pictures with pinpointed locations, or tweaking game files for passing the NRG-Challenge, it was hard as hell to get that 100%. After ages, i managed!
    7) Baldur's Gate series. Same goes as above. But instead of tweaking files, simply exploiting game and trading in cheese, instead!

    That's all from me. At least all i can remember or is worthwhile to mention (and why not? replay...).
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Hardest I actually beat? MOO2 on impossible was pretty ridiculous until you got really, really good strategies (my angle), or just cheesed the game (missiles + running away... hated this premise personally). Very satisfying to win though.

    Hardest I never beat? F-Zero GX had the most impossible races ever. The story mode was downright idiotic. As in 'never effing play tested' idiotic. CIV 1 on Emperor was sad, very much just 'computer cheats', which sucked. Hmm... Prince of Persia, original through to the 2nd 3d one were never finished (got close in both 3d, but was terrible at the old cpu game).

    All time? TETRIS! Never finished that!
  • KaltzorKaltzor Member Posts: 1,050
    I dunno whats the hardest game I've beaten...

    YS 1&2 Chronicles is conisdered rather hard, might be that...

    But for other Harder games, well Baldur's Gate is rather difficult (excluding Throne of Bhaal, where difficulty is just enemies cheaply killing you).

    Final Fantasy 3, the famicom version, was a pretty tough game...

    Ninja Gaiden Black for the Xbox (played on a 360)

    And part of me wants to mention Devil May Cry 4, only because of Hell and Hell difficulty.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    I remember the Super Mario Lands on Gameboy as being pretty tough.
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    Dark souls, on a low level, no death, no bonfire, no magic run.
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Hmm... as far as sustained difficulty throughout a game I'd have to go with the original Starcraft and its expansion. I'm not the most skilled RTS player and nearly every level was a nailbiter.

    Halo on Legendary was pretty difficulty too, particularly on some levels which seemed impossible at first. Luck was definitely involved in completing that.

    Baldur's Gate 2 was also hard, at least until I figured out how to deal with mages. At first they seemed like nearly invincible joy killers.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Totally left out Stronghold: Crusader! Beating the Crusader Trail is brutal... some of the later maps mandate cheesing, and even if you cheese well, you can STILL lose if you can't manage a low resource economy perfectly. :s Really hard to take on more than two or three well equipped capable seigeing opponents like Wolf, Saladin or Richards. Even Caliphs can be rough, if you cant guard your resources perfectly.

    Lots of replayability though!
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809

    I Wanna Be The Guy.

    That. That. . . That was E V I L .

    The god damn boat you glide over every time. Made me SO mad. >:I
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    When I was younger, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee felt like something unfinishable for me. Also, Abe's Exoddus was quite difficult with all Muddokons saved and not using the quicksave at all.

    I never beat the original Super Mario Bros and I don't ever intend to anymore.

    While Diablo 2 isn't considered really difficult game, it was for me in single player without grinding run. Hell difficulty gave me quite a harsh time, and my skills as a gamer never really helped much. If you don't posses good loot, every champion pack will overpower you. That's all there is to it.

    Naturally, Baldur's Gate 1. Learning to play this game was based on trial and error.

  • DeefjeDeefje Member Posts: 110
    Baldur's Gate 1 was really hard, I knew nothing about D&D and actually had to play it with an english to Dutch dictionary. I was 11 years old, even though my english was okay, I didn't release thac0 was 'to hit armor class 0' or that 'd' stood for dices untill much, much later.

    Commander Z was a pretty hard RTS game and even though I finished it, many of my friends could not. (And none would believe I finished it without cheating). Very funny game btw.

    Further, if online game counts, I think Eve-Online is still the most complex game I ever played.

    Riddck: Assault on Dark Athena, never got past the first few levels. Stealthing through the dark and getting hunted by weird, heavy breathing robots... creeped me out. I didn't give it too many tries.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Good ol' Copy Protection! Sierra games could be unforgiving if you are 5 and not a great reader.
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