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Most fitting character build for good playthrough

I'm thinking of replaying BG EE and BG2 EE, and I'm wondering what would be the best character build for a good playthrough. I mean storywise of course, not in terms of most effective or easiest to play, for example for an evil character you could play an assassin trying to live up to Bhaal's legacy since Bhaal himself was an assassin when he was a mortal. Anyway, thoughts would be appreciated.


  • TheGraveDiggerTheGraveDigger Member Posts: 336
    If you want to be completely "good" and against everything Bhaal stands for... you probably have to be a pacifist. Maybe a priest or bard that never use weapons or offensive spells.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Cavaliers are considered the epitome of good - it basically says as much in their kit description.

    You may also want to consider Priests of Lathander, or (if you're willing to try out a mod) Priests of Tyr, which is a very paladin-like cleric kit.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Depends how you'd roleplay it a bit. Imo, Inquisitor's gritty-but-good is a reasonable 'good' choice.

    If you go evil, Blackguard stands out. Roleplay your 'evil patron' as a mysterious killing machine you met in a 'dream'... the Ravager. You won't know your a Bhaalspawn, but you are supposed to be more connected to Bhaal than most spawn, so it'd be a good choice. Bloody good kit too.

    For neutral, I would either go dualed out assassin to either cleric (not great build, but rich RP choice, as you get more connected to your divinity) or fighter (also not a great build, but very judicious use of poison weapon and either GM of darts or daggers for throwing are solid for most of the game 2nd game, but ToB will force you to stick mostly to Fighter). Nonhuman could be a thief/cleric, very good build. Fightrr/thief is very strong.

    A less good good choice might be a Stalker. Edgier than other rangers, with nice buffs and backstab.

    What sorr of build are you looking for?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited July 2014
    How about a monk? You can go Sun Soul monk or even kitless monk. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Just keep in mind that monks have a fairly hard time in BG1.

    You could also do a druid run. Any of the kits are pretty good. I just wouldn't recommend kitless druid because those are kinda boring.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Kitless druid isnt boring BG1, its very exciting!

    "Finally! Level 2 spells, gonna be some firepower here, LOOK OUT EVIL!"

    "Goodberry?! What sick %&*$ designed these spells?!"

    Low level kitless druids exist so monks can feel useful. :s
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Yeah, spell wise druids have trouble until they get level 3 spells at which point they become kinda useful for some things maybe... once they get level 4 spells the start to really prove their worth... once the get level 5 spells they suddenly become second only to the mages in overall caster usefulness. There are some really beastly level 5 druid spells including True Seeing, Ironskins, Insect Plague and more.

    The problem with kitless druids (and Avengers) is that they have no special abilities to play with until level 7 so they have to rely solely on their spells to be useful and their spells aren't very useful until level 7. Shapeshifters and Totemic druids can at least do other things while waiting for level 7.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    @Tresset I find Avengers are playable at low levels compared to kitless... chromatic orb is a nice boost, and Web is a huge boost. I havent tried a low level Totemic, but Web > summons, imho. Lightning Bolt is a bit situational, but is a decent damage spell.
  • cbarchukcbarchuk Member Posts: 322
    thespace said:

    For me, my favorite has consistently been a charismatic stalker, roleplayed a bit like a swashbuckler/paladin. I prefer the abilities of the stalker (high stealth & THACO, free 2 weapon fighting, backstab, spells, single class, groovy stronghold) from a logistics point of view, although, in my imagination she/he has the benevolence of a paladin & the wit of a bard.

    I don't see "backstab" as an evil talent, just gorilla tactics for takin' out the baddies.

    Listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about.
  • MhamzaMhamza Member Posts: 228
    @Tyranus‌ that's some good advice there about Ranger/Clerics, but not playing a Paladin just because Keldorn can wield Carsomyr is a bit flawed. For example, if you are on a pure good playthrough, like I'm planning now, you can release Keldorn from your service so he can spend time with his family. Alternatively if you choose to keep him then you can go dual wielding with Purifier and Foebane/Flail of Ages/Crom Faeyr and Keldorn gets to keep Carsomyr.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2014
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  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    ...yeah, Keldorn isnt perfect, but Drow arent black people, they are a race of sadisticly evil slavers with a penchant for deceit. Trusting any ACTUALLY EVIL drow is borderline insane/suicidal/too stupid to live. Viconia is a truly evil person, and her conversion always struck me as a little forced, but the fact is, she isnt misunderstood, shes evil. Of a people known for committing atrocities that non-humanoid evils would hesitate to commit. Hes a paladin btw, so the real problem is his not killing Korgan. He should refuse to travel with anyone evil period.

    Also? Duke is likely the most offensive character in gaming. Wtf?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2014
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  • MhamzaMhamza Member Posts: 228
    While it seems hypocritical that Keldorn attacks Viconia, maybe it wasn't just because she was a drow. She did worship Shar, the oldest and arguably the most powerful evil goddess in the realms.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    DreadKhan said:

    Kitless druid isnt boring BG1, its very exciting!

    "Finally! Level 2 spells, gonna be some firepower here, LOOK OUT EVIL!"

    "Goodberry?! What sick %&*$ designed these spells?!"

    Low level kitless druids exist so monks can feel useful. :s

    Can't help myself. Related:
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    @Sergio‌ having bad things happen to you doesnt excuse being evil. Viconia worships Shar, and is, in fact, evil. Straight up evil. You dont get an evil alignment by being misunderstood, you get it by commiting evil acts far exceeding the good acts you do. She has committed cold blooded murder, and says as much. Justified? Ish, but not really. Doing evil to evil doers isnt remotely good, it MIGHT be neutral.

    Viconia isnt a nice person, and probably shouldnt be burned at the stake for existing, yet Keldorn as a Paladin has a divine and occupational obligation to fight evil in all its forms, and evil priestess' of evil deities are beyond question on the list of people he's required to fight against.

    If Keldorn tried to kill Jan, or Haer Dallis, etc, yes, you'd have an argument. Viconia and Korgan are evil, and yes, Paladins have an obligation to never work with them, and once their alignmemt is clear (some DMs would allow a Paladin the option of trying to convert, but this isnt very practical), his conscience is clear if he fights them. This is why Paladins have supernatural powers.

    Other good characters wouldnt be willing to associate with evil people, but they have less options to make certain, and lack the paladin code to guide them. Thus they are a different issues; they will probably be comfortable 'using' an evil ally, but they'd balk at letting them do evil. If they condone evil, its an evil act, and they're not going to be happy about it. This is why good NPCs leave if your rep drops too low.
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  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    I think we've found a definate common ground here, which is always nice. I would say my concern is mainly with the fact that Viconia chose to stay evil after leaving the Drow. She chose Shar for her best attribute I would say, that of forgetting and loss. I feel if more work had been put into her SoA dialogues (I might have forgotten some, only did her romance once) about the melancholic nature of her devotion, her 'redemption' stuff would feel more reasonable. ToB was rushed, so some stuff could have been truncated, which is understandable. I think Viconia stayed evil due to a combination of mistrust and bad experiences. Its understandably human, but arguably not rping her wisdom and intelligence to their full value.

    There are certainly deities that would accept a non-evil drow. Msybe not in the Seldarine, but Shar isnt Seldarine anyways. Drizzt (...sorry for bringing him into this. Its like Godwin's Other Law) found Meiliki to be a viable patron, and most of the lawful deities would likely accept a redeemed convert. Hoar might have been a suitable patron if she had been lawful. Heck, drow have Elistraee, but alignment is a problem if shes NE.
  • vishvish Member Posts: 49

    Cavaliers are considered the epitome of good - it basically says as much in their kit description.

    You may also want to consider Priests of Lathander, or (if you're willing to try out a mod) Priests of Tyr, which is a very paladin-like cleric kit.

    Cavalier... why didn't you roll an Inquisitor? True Sight+Scaling Dispel Magic gg.

    I found Mages/Sorcs, Warriors, Thieves to be among the most fun to play. It isn't very fun to have a PC who isn't very powerful. Sorcs are probably my favorite class to play.

    If you want a challenge for BG1 play a Mage/Sorc. It still remains difficult to get through the early parts of the game unless you're a wimp and get 6 party members right off the bat.

  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    How the heck do you play a Mage/Sorc?? Edit the creation?
  • MhamzaMhamza Member Posts: 228
    @dreamrider‌ I think he either means use EE Keeper or play a mage OR sorcerer
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Sorcerers are hard coded to be a single class, so I gather it's the latter.
  • TyranusTyranus Member Posts: 268

    How the heck do you play a Mage/Sorc?? Edit the creation?

    Oh god.. Memorize spells, then choose the 6 you can cast before resting... No, its too much. I refuse to find a mod for this.
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