Thoughts on Neera's quest in BG:EE

First time I've really taken a swipe at this. While the new area feels a LITTLE off graphically, I think the whole thing is done seamlessly enough to make it feel like an actual part of the game and not a tack-on. The fight with the red wizards is was a bit of a struggle though, even for a group comprised of level 3 and 4s for the most part. While it's easy enough to silence the wizards, the Thayan bodyguards seem to be immune to sleep and color spray and go straight for Neera, who if you're lucky might have over 12 hp at this point in the game. Definitely took a few reloads and still lost both her and my Cleric, though it's possible this fight is more geared toward a late game encounter. Other's thoughts??
I enjoyed the chatty goblin, and thought the conversation with the Wild Mage was excellent. I think it really felt like part of the game, and not something tacked on later.
As a side note the bodyguards will be immune to most disabling effects because they are barbarians and they use their rage.
Like Tresset suggested, I usually keep Neera in motion until someone else can drop the thugs.
In the fourth and winning reload: Eldoth succeeded in immediately Blinding Ekandor (then used his poison arrows on him). Neera's wand of Horror succeeded with both Ekandor and the other Red Wizard. The Diviner immediately paralyzed the ogre with a wand of paralyzation. Faldorn summoned a dread wolf to tie up one of the barbarians. Coran was able to fend off the other barbarian with a long sword (without any buffing potions) until the barbarian rage for both of them expired. Neera then Enfeebled the barbarian that Coran was meleeing with. And the Diviner and Eldoth both used paralyzation wands on both barbarians. Then it was just a matter of mopping up against the helpless enemies.