Problem with Hexxat Storyline (Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition) [Contains Spoilers]

So I just finished helping the pseudo-Hexxat free the real Hexxat from Dragomir's Tomb. Hexxat mentioned that I should meet up with her in two hours at the Copper Coronet to discuss some further business. Instead of dismissing her and waiting for this appointment, however, I asked her to join my party. I assumed whatever quest or dialogue would still be available upon entering the Copper Coronet, but this is not the case. I've tried leaving Athkatla and returning to see if it would help, and tried waiting multiple hours with her in my party, all to no avail.
Is this storyline bugged? If not, how can I initiate further dialogue or quests from Hexxat? I would like to help her out and finish up her storyline before moving on, but I can't do so when all she does it loiter in my group. Alternatively, if it isn't bug and my accepting her into my party nullifies any further dialogue or storyline progress with her, then that really sucks.
Can anyone help me with this issue? I considered posting this in Bugs, but didn't know if this truly was one. Hopefully, you all can help me instead.
Is this storyline bugged? If not, how can I initiate further dialogue or quests from Hexxat? I would like to help her out and finish up her storyline before moving on, but I can't do so when all she does it loiter in my group. Alternatively, if it isn't bug and my accepting her into my party nullifies any further dialogue or storyline progress with her, then that really sucks.
Can anyone help me with this issue? I considered posting this in Bugs, but didn't know if this truly was one. Hopefully, you all can help me instead.
Also why is there a HEXXATLOVETALKSTIMER and HEXXATROMANCEACTIVE? I thought romance was disabled for male CHARNAME.
These are global variables from EEKeeper.