Is it possible to make use of Slayer Form as a good character?

It's incredibly cool and fun to use, buuuut I'm running a good campaign. Does that mean I simply can't use it? Way back when Sarevok fought me in hell picking to learn how to control the Slayer properly turned me Neutral Evil... Is it just useless for the good guys?
What exactly does it boost exactly, anyways? All I can see is decent damage/more health.
What exactly does it boost exactly, anyways? All I can see is decent damage/more health.
Strength/Dexterity: 25.
Constitution is increased by +5.
+5 Slashing weapons and inflict bonus Cold damage.
Attack speed and THAC0 is decreased.
maximum hitpoints are set to 100.
immune to Imprisonment, Charm, Confusion, and Illithid Mind Blasts
From a role playing perspective, I don't use it when I'm a goodly character because you have to willingly embrace it. Which seems to be a bit iffy for a goodly aligned character.
If you are interested in just kicking ass with it, you can use it at any time, the rep hit is hardly an issue. Just be aware you can't stay in slayer form forever. It will eventually start hurting you. Stay in it to long and if I recall it can kill you outright.
I like the slayer change but I can't say I ever use it, for me it's a role playing thing. It just doesn't fit with my party most of the time.
But as you say at least it will be fixed for people when the next patch becomes accessible.
To me it's a bit like Frodo and the ring: he knows he shouldn't use it as it will corrupt him (and it makes him easier to find for his enemy btw), but sometimes there doesn't seem to be an alternative. Especially in no-reload games, when dying isn't an option, it can come in handy at times. And I think I've used it successfully once in an attempt to open one of the doors in the Illithid lair.
But I agree that it doesn't really fit a good-aligned party and should definitely cause issues with any romanced NPCs, as well as the likes of Keldorn, Jaheira (even if not romanced), Aerie etc.
(I know it's a stupid question... but it's my first time playing)
The Slayer ability is the white-colored monster's head.
While I can understand that to a point, one thing that doesn't make sense about it is if you already have a majorly positive (Heroic+) reputation. For example, if you are the hero of Tradesmeet and got statues in your honor, it's not very likely people are just going to instantly turn on you because it "feels" like you are exuding some kind of evil. Especially if all your choices up until that point have been objectively good.