100 Ways to Die

I just had my weirdest death ever.
Struck down by lightning. Yep. Was fighting in a rainstorm and was already injured by a previous battle and Talos kinda looked down and gave me the finger.
Tell me about your favorite deaths in game. Doesn't need to be the main character but should be ironic or funny in some way.
Struck down by lightning. Yep. Was fighting in a rainstorm and was already injured by a previous battle and Talos kinda looked down and gave me the finger.
Tell me about your favorite deaths in game. Doesn't need to be the main character but should be ironic or funny in some way.
Then there was also the time when I foolishly decided to rely on Minsc's berserk ability. He went berserk on my poor Charname. (Many years ago; I learned real fast not to use his berserk state except in rare circumstances.)
And my most hated ever, the phasing spiders. When they teleport right behind my thief and mage, and bit them with that deadly poison; in mere seconds, without me being able to do ANYTHING (don't have time), they always die on me. This is doubly annoying, down there in cloakwood, where the resting places of these spiders conceal web-launching traps!
I think the funnist death I had in BG was when I commanded Keldorn to attack my badly injured M/T Elf so he would dispel the Confusion effect my PC with Carsomyr... But he made a critical hit and killed me.
"you know I'm sure there was a trap around here. Ohh well I must be mistaken...."
Shortly thereafter...
ZAP (party member/charname dead)
Dying by lightening is really irritating, especially when your game has a bug. How else can lightning nuke Minsc five times in five rounds.
(No joke, it works that way).
God I hate that room.
Oh I'll just move my party to the portal room and minimize-*squish*
So cruel. To this day I hate that sound effect!
Lets see here:
Attacked Albert. TPK
I ran an unpatched game, and a memory bug happened when I returned from the island and entered Mendas' house. Mendas was so angry with me, he turned into infinity wolfweres! Several spawned each round. I decided that killing just one of them would probably cure me from lycantrophy. It didn't.
*looks both ways*
and against a bunch of drunkards at level 3....
How about Cow to the head?
To this very day, I'm not sure how Irenicus managed to get that corpse out of there, and I feel really bad for Imoen.
Oh, and one of my first playthroughs had Imoen being killed by a Winter wolf. She got turned into a Popsicle Imoen, and exploded.