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Teleport Field

I have no experience with this spell. I was re-reading it recently, and it seems like it might be quite effective, depending on the details of how it works.

Could one of you describe its effects in greater detail?

Specific (but not exclusive) questions:
-Does it affect both friend and foe in the field?
-Is it a single instance of teleport per creature, or does it keep bouncing creatures within the field from spot to spot for the duration of the spell, (or other)?
-Does it teleport creatures only to another spot in the field, or does it sometimes/always flip them out of the field?
-If the caster is within the field, is the caster also teleported?


  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    Yeah, it's pretty much an excellent spell, especially if you've got a bunch of stationary area spells scattered about.
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