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An Account of Levinus Sternfell's Expedition to Icewind Dale (first time playthrough)

This is the journal of Levinus Sternfell, itinerant Cleric of Lathander, serving at the Morning Watchtower in the village of Deadsnows in the foothills north of the Nether Mountains.

I went with Cleric/Ranger and edited him into a Priest of Lathander (kitting characters is possible for me because I'm playing with the IWD in BG2 mod, which, as the name implies, allows me to play IWD in the BG2 engine). I wanted to play a Priest, but all I know about this game is that it is quite a hard game and involves a lot of fighting (more so than Baldur’s Gate), hence my choice for Cleric/Ranger rather plain Cleric. As in BG the Cleric/Ranger gets Druid spells but only up until the level that Rangers get to cast spells (I think that in IWD this is caster level 4), so unlike in BG no high level Druid spells for a Cleric/Ranger.
By the way, the obvious class choice would have been a single or multiclass Mage since the IWD NPC mod I’m playing with has no default Mage, and the fact that some of the NPCs’ banter refers to their original classes makes that radically changing NPC classes would be immersion breaking. However, below I’ll explain how I customized one of the NPCs to avoid having to play a Mage (just not my favorite class I’m afraid).

In this journal I shall relate the details of my expedition to Icewind Dale. My captain, high priest Ashnar the Humble, has given me the task to spread the light of the Morninglord in the far north and, no less urgent, to investigate rumors that have reached the Temple of unnaturally severe weather conditions, suggesting that a force of darkness has been at work in the north. I understand that at least one or two other Temples of my faith are sending priests as well.


I traveled first via Sundabar to Silverymoon where I called on the Rhyester’s Matins Temple. I learnt from one of the Dawnbringers that an initiate from Waterdeep, Endricane, had left for the Ten Towns four or five days before me. He is likely to be found in Easthaven. I shall look for him when I arrive.
From Silverymoon I traveled along the River Rauvin, and trekked through the Lurkwood (keeping to the relatively safe southern borders of the forest) until I reached Grunwald. From there I’ve followed the Long Road passing Mirabar and Luskan. Joining a trade caravan I made my way through a pass in the western part of the Spine of the World mountain range. On the Long Road I met and befriended a Half-Elven adventurer by the name of Teri, a swashbuckling type with a few magic tricks up her sleeve as well.

In the IWD NPC mod, Teri’s default class is Thief, although the mod makes it possible to set her class to Fighter/Thief, Mage/Thief or one of the Thief kits as well. I opted for Mage/Thief and kitted her as a Swashbuckler, so that she would be a bit stronger in physical combat. I don’t regret the decision, the Swashbuckler kit goes well with her extraverted nature.

Apparently Teri’s the sole child of two adventurers, and has lived most of her life on the road. She hasn’t been too forthcoming yet about her motives to be traveling all the way north, but I can’t imagine her being on the run for having committed some kind of grave crime. At the very least she seems friendly enough and honestly, after a few tendays of traveling mostly by myself, her company has been a welcome change. I’ve told her about Lathander and what it means to me to serve the Morninglord and to do good. She doesn’t seem to have a similar sense of purpose but I shan't judge her. I better be grateful, if only for thet fact that our conversations have been a nice distraction from the bitter cold we find ourselves in, because cold it is in these parts. I’m not sure if this is the unnatural weather at play that I was told about, but I do know that I would do well to get myself a thick cloak or perhaps to acquire some enchanted trinket or other to protect me from the cold as soon as I can.


With the caravan we reached the walled town of Bryn Shander. The caravan continued further north, toward Targos, but Teri and I headed straight for the Eastway, which leads to Easthaven. Without the warmth of the people of the caravan and without their frequent sharing of wine with us, the cold seemed even more unforgiving to both Teri and me. We were more than happy yesterday when we entered Easthaven’s Winter Cradle Tavern and found a place by the hearth and managed to reserve two rooms to rest. At the tavern Teri and I overheard a group of four adventurers conversing with one of the town’s elders, a man named Hrothgar, about an expedition to a nearby settlement called Kuldahar. The idea is to investigate the harsh, unnatural weather conditions and the purported disappearances of townspeople, and to lend whatever aid possible. Teri and I joined the conversation and I offered them my help. A Paladin by the name of Holvir, the party’s apparent leader, told me that they had just formed their party in the past few days and suggested that we band together. I assented and Teri, even if more in it for treasure and thrills, was enthusiastic as well. Beside gallant Holvir and Teri and me, our party of six includes a graceful Half-Elven Druid named Nella, a quiet Elven Archer by the name of Korin, and Severn, a witty Halfling Bard.

Holvir is a Paladin by default. I merely kitted him as an Undead Hunter for RP purposes. I understand there are quite some Undead in the game so Undead Hunter seems fitting to me, although I have no idea how useful his immunities to Hold and Level Drain are going to be.

Nella’s default race/class is a human Fighter, but that didn’t make much sense to me, as she has been trained by Arundel the Archdruid, and her banter suggests she is a Druid. I chose to kit her as a Barbarian/Druid because I like the class combination and because she had decided to leave civilization and live in the wild.

I wanted Korin (plain Ranger by default) to be an Archer both for the ranged firepower and to set him apart from Levinus, “gameplaywise”.

Finally, Severn (plain Bard by default) I kitted as a Skald because I thought his song would contribute greatly to the warrior-heavy party and because I like the idea of him being normally all clever and witty like a typical Bard and becoming this great motivator on the battlefield.

Today my new comrades and I helped some of the townsfolk with a couple of minor errands, bought some basic equipment, and killed off a small group of Goblins at the edge of town. For Hrothgar we tracked a lost caravan that had fallen victim to Orcish raiders led by an Ogre east of Easthaven. With some difficulty we slew the monsters including the Ogre in their stronghold, allowing the townsfolk to recover whatever was left of the goods.

Sunscorch is a really nice spell, as it always deals damage (save vs spell for half), the damage increases with the caster’s level, and above all: the target is blinded for three rounds.

When we returned to Easthaven this evening, we decided to stock up on ammo and weaponry at Pomab's (a Calimshite store owner), and on healing potions at the Church of Tempus. An interesting place by the way, holding the remains of legendary Jerrod the Barbarian who had sacrificed his life to prevent the Ten Towns from being overrun by demons. Outside, swift-footed Nella ran into a priest who proved to be Endricane. He told us that his missionary work was taking him to other towns, where Tempus’ presence would be less palpable. I explained that I couldn’t join him (yet), as I had given my word to Hrothgar to accompany him on his expedition to Kuldahar. Endricane and I agreed to meet up in Bryn Shander on the day of the next full moon.


My comrades and I are now going to take some well-deserved rest because tomorrow morning we’ll be off to Kuldahar with Hrothgar and others.



  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited July 2014
    I'm very happy, tthat you made this. Nice work.

    (Edit: I have also a cleric/ranger in my mind, what i would like to journal, so this is doubly interesting for me.)
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Yes! I'm so excited for this play-through! IWD was my first experience with D&D rules/worlds/etc. so to see it given a play-through like this by someone whose work is always so excellent makes me very happy.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Blackraven, where did you get those portraits for the NPC Project? Those aren't the portraits I know, but do fit the character types. Is there a new release available with new portraits, or did you dig up all of those yourself? If so, I'd love to have a set if you don't mind posting them for copy purposes. Thanks.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664
    Wow, major progress! I'm loving it so far! =D
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Blackraven, great run, keep up the good work. :)

    About the megamod, it looks to me like putting BG2 kits and abilities into Icewind Dale is overpowering the early part of the game a bit. Encounters that should be challenging are almost getting roflstomped. I'll be interested to see if later encounters get any more difficult, but so far, I very much prefer the original game mechanics to the BG2 version.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @BelgarathMTH, so far playing in the BG2 engine hasn't really affected gameplay much in my experience, but that's possibly to do with lack of familiarity with the original game's mechanics. I think the Skald's song has been noticeably useful, but the other kits' powers much less so.
    In fact my run has kind of come to a halt after two members of the party (Holvir the Undead Hunter and Nella the Barbarian/Druid) fell to Bombadeer beetle's stuns and attacks. I have virtually no Free Action, only gold to raise one of the two fallen characters, and no options of questing elsewhere to generate some gold... Really difficult, and the latter aspect (linearity of the game) is a bit offputting. I intend to continue the run sooner or later, but I'll either have to heavily reload through the game or find some kind of trick. I think I could have really used a Sorcerer there with multiple Sleeps or Webs.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Ohh, Icewind Dale... Good times!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2014
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ElrandirElrandir Member Posts: 1,664

    I intend to continue the run sooner or later

    It's later. ;)
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Elrandir said:

    It's later. ;)

    Yup :p
    I still have the install, not so much time though. I've barely even been playing BG, or checking the forums... Today I squeezed in an update on my run with Butch documenting progress made a week ago.
    Levinus's must be one of my better journals, so fwiw, later doesn't mean never as far as I'm concerned ;)
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited June 2015
    I'm really glad this post got bumped, or I'd never have learned about such a wonderfully delicious looking mod! :smiley:

    I think I'll have too look into that one once I finish my current playthroughs!
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