What in the name of Boo is with monster attack bonuses???

So, I'm playing through BGEE right now, currently running around Durlag's Tower.
What the heck is with the attack bonuses of monsters that I keep fighting? Not just here, but elsewhere? My frontline fighters have AC -4 to -6 (-6/-8 with Defensive Harmony), and I'm still getting hit on 6s and 7s by a lot of these monsters, for massive amounts of damage, as in, out-damaging Dorn.
What is going on here? I'm stacking all the AC I can on these guys and I might as well not be bothering.
What the heck is with the attack bonuses of monsters that I keep fighting? Not just here, but elsewhere? My frontline fighters have AC -4 to -6 (-6/-8 with Defensive Harmony), and I'm still getting hit on 6s and 7s by a lot of these monsters, for massive amounts of damage, as in, out-damaging Dorn.
What is going on here? I'm stacking all the AC I can on these guys and I might as well not be bothering.
What specific monsters are you finding this with?
You should aim for -8 / -10 AC without buffs to do it easily.
Cloak and Helmet of Balduran: -2 (-1 each)
Twinkle: -2
Full plate mail: -9
DEX bonus: -4
Large Shield+1: -2
Ring of Protection+2: -2
Base AC: +10
After Durlag's you can use the Large Shield +2 you can find there to get permanent -12 AC, then, if you buff, you can easily get -17:
Permanent, item/DEX given AC: -11
Potion of Defense/Invulnerability: -1 you can now change the Full plate mail for a Mage Robe if you are a F/M(/T).
Blur: -3
Defensive Harmony: -2
-11-2-3-1 = -17
And you can still stack more stuff I right now don't remember.
But outside the tower even Ogre Berserkers were still nasty.
I was level 7/8 when I cleared it last night.
Mini-spoiler:Big S is even scarier in melee. Kiting, summons, and magic help a lot.
@CrevsDaak couldn't you make it -12 with 19 dex?