Obe the Illusionists' Helper Party - Where's the exploit??

Help, folks!
I swear that no more than a week ago, on this site, I read a detailed description of an exploit to get the training party out of the storehouse without having to use export/import or an external tool or leaving the game.
Now I cannot find that thread after dozens of search term variations, and even a scan of every thread title that is grayed because I have viewed it recently.
The description involved clustering the NPCs near the player and Obe, then dismissing them all, and denying their requests to rejoin. Then, I THINK, you either triggered Obe's teleport, or waited for him to get tired of playing around so he would trigger it himself. Paused, bespoke one of the NPCs, then allowed the teleport to complete. that left you with a remaining party member inside, whom you could use to speak to/join up the others and lead them outside to rejoin the avatar. I THINK.
Can any of y'all point me to the original post of the technique, or a subsequent description of it? I'd like to mess around with these guys a bit.
I swear that no more than a week ago, on this site, I read a detailed description of an exploit to get the training party out of the storehouse without having to use export/import or an external tool or leaving the game.
Now I cannot find that thread after dozens of search term variations, and even a scan of every thread title that is grayed because I have viewed it recently.
The description involved clustering the NPCs near the player and Obe, then dismissing them all, and denying their requests to rejoin. Then, I THINK, you either triggered Obe's teleport, or waited for him to get tired of playing around so he would trigger it himself. Paused, bespoke one of the NPCs, then allowed the teleport to complete. that left you with a remaining party member inside, whom you could use to speak to/join up the others and lead them outside to rejoin the avatar. I THINK.
Can any of y'all point me to the original post of the technique, or a subsequent description of it? I'd like to mess around with these guys a bit.
The existing exploits about this are:
-Getting healed by the Potion of Healing they carry
-Using the Oil of Speed they carry
I have to admit I would love to do a run with that party though.
- After a battle kick everyone of them from your party and stand somewhere that Obe will see you.
- Wait for them to walk to you and reject them.
- Now 2 most important things: if Obe talked to you between all that you should say that you want to fight the remaining monsters.
- Make a quicksave and wait for Obe to talk to you.
- Say that you wish to leave (prapare your hand on the spacebar).
- When you close the dialog window immidiately pause the game.
- If you're still inside the building (success), talk to the nearest NPC, (if you're outside - reload the quicksave), unpause and let him join and you'll be transported outside, but with a party member (additionally you should give the equipment from the NPC you'll be talking to to somebody else, otherwise it'll disappear).
- Run to Gorion and use the NPC to recruit the remaining NPCs (you can move outside Obe's vision so that he won't talk to you).
- The NPCs will be waiting for you after Gorion's death near Imoen.
Not hopeful that it will work, even so - in EE, Obe's cut scene DD spell starts REALLY hard on the heals of "end dialogue".
I suppose to remain more or less canon and not have any conflicts with later story, one should probably only use these guys until your avatar can recruit some of the intended NPC companions, then send the old home friends back to Candlekeep so they can logically be there for Chapter 6. Broadens the opportunity to RP an actual years long standing relationship with these guys, however. The twist of them showing up along with Imoen is kinda neat; like she is a very persuasive kid.
- Arkanis has 9 hp more than allowed for his lvl (2 lvl fighter with 19 con - 39 hp), with 18/53 str he's an amazing and durable fighter. Even more tanky than Kagain (unless Kagain will have 21 con with the tome).
- Canderous is the only cleric to have 18 wis, his 16 str also helps. He also has lay on hands ability (like paladins), but for some reason loses it after leveling up.
- Osprey being cleric/mage has a lot of spells at her disposal, her stats are not as overpowered, but she has a wand of the heavens (extremely useful at the beginning) and an invisibility as a special ability (similar to Quayle).
- Mordaine is similar to Dynaheir, has the same special ability (slow poison), but has 18 int and overall better stats and a wand of magic missiles.
- Deder is similar to Montaron (better dex but worse str), but his thieving abilities are absurdly high for his level.
In comparison to this party, normal NPCs are very talkative, so I would recommend to play with them just for fun. Some time ago I did a minimal reaload run (only reload when Charname dies) and Arkanis survived all the way to the end of the game. Now I have Osprey in my party and later on she amazing with a ring of wizardry and a ring of holiness she has so many slots for spells I tend to give her some weird spells to memorise. Those NPCs have a potential for a mod maybe (BG NPC project?).
I think I'd like to see a mod where they were easier to get out, but they had scripting automatically drop away at variable points, to return to their Candlekeep lives so they would be back 'on set' logically for their later appearances.
This would be a great party to run a monk PC with, for instance.
However, for myself, I was only interested in using techniques that did not involve the use of mods, editors, export/import, or restarts. Ways to do it within the "allowable" actions of a single continuous, unmodified game, in other words.
But I would try it out if it were available within the game. For that matter, if a player could accomplish it within the game as published, who is to say whether it was an "unintended feature" or an Easter egg for the very determined, similar to the bonus cash from Firebead Elvenhair.
(FWIW, I would never play that entire party. There would be no room for Imoen! I expect I would send them back one by one over the first couple of chapters as I met other companions along the way. That way they would all be logically available for their later cameos at Candlekeep.)
It just seems a bit contrary the list of things that you won't do to achieve this thing which, on the face of it, appears to be contrary to the game design in exactly the same manner as the things you won't do.
but at the end of the day, if you can find a way and you enjoy doing it? Great. I love MODS and think they enhance game play immensely, so who am I to say?
You could even include Ajantis in that group and give the game a whole religious slant for an amazing playthrough with morning prayers, prayers for the fallen, sacrificial rituals, confessions, etc....
ps: this exploit was described long ago, though not so clearly, in the classic BG1 FAQ by D. Simpson: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDIQ0gIoADAB&url=http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/75251-baldurs-gate/faqs/2456&ei=ZXlJVOGmKfWBsQTL3oHwDA&usg=AFQjCNEgk54EYWx1OdwuyLz0dSQelsGdWA&sig2=b3WBej5ArB8X5vwiXlcAcA
Osprey was the one I talked to after the immediate Pause following Obe's dialogue. Then, through her, talked to Deder. Obe then repeated the Dialogue offering to transport us outside. This I set aside by selecting the "Not just now..." option and then clicked on Charname's portrait to re-return to Candlekeep grounds. No problem!!!
I had pursued the RP idea above and hand-rolled an 88pt Fghtr [Elf] with 18/97Str. Will be my first playthrough with a pure Fighter Charname.