About Wilson the Bear . . .

Don't laugh, but . . . I'm actually thinking about taking Wilson into my party for most of BGEE2 and Throne of Bhaal. Has anyone ever done this? Does anything interesting happen anywhere (random encounters--like does some innkeeper give me grief for bringing a bear into his inn?) Does Wilson get any special powers as he levels up? Does he get into a fight with any other NPCs? Can he take on Demogorgon?

Wilson continues to gain additional uses for his rage ability. In terms of HLA's he gets what rangers get, including tracking.
The following is his class description (I've spoiler tagged this to reduce the amount of space it takes)
GRIZZLY BEAR: A fairly common omnivorous mammal, bears tend to avoid humans unless provoked. Exceptions to this rule can be most unfortunate occurrences.
Bears are, in general, large and powerful animals found throughout the world's temperate and cooler climates. Dense fur protects them from the elements and powerful claws protect them from other animals. Bears are the true rulers of the animal kingdom in areas where they are found.
Bears are fairly intelligent animals that can be trained to perform in a variety of ways, particularly if captured as cubs. Bears can thus often be found dancing in circuses or accompanying "mountain men" in the wilderness.
The brown bear, of which the infamous grizzly is the most well known variety, commonly has a very aggressive disposition. Grizzly bears will often bring down large game such as deer and elk.
– Natural Weapons: A grizzly bear can attack enemies with its powerful paws and teeth. A bite attack inflicts 1d10 points of piercing damage and can be made only once per round. A paw attack inflicts 1d6 points of slashing damage and can be made two or more times per round.
– Hug: Whenever the bear's paw attack hits the target, there is a 15% chance that the bear will hug its target, dealing additional 2d6 points of crushing damage. Incorporeal or especially large and massive creatures, such as shadows, mists, elementals, giants, golems, or dragons, are unaffected by this ability.
– Natural AC: Starts off at 6, and then decreases by 2 every 6th level, to the minimum of -2 AC at the 24th level.
– Natural Weapon Proficiency: A bear starts off proficient with natural weapons.
– Regeneration: A bear can slowly regenerate sustained wounds at the rate of 1 HP per turn.
– Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting: A bear fights equally well with both paws, suffering no THAC0 penalties for the off-paw.
– Able Drinker: A trained bear can drink healing potions from a bottle. Bears do not enjoy the taste of other magical potions, however.
– 1st level: A grizzly bear can enter an enraged state once per day, receiving a +2 bonus to THAC0, damage, and Armor Class as well as immunity to charm, fear, confusion, hold, stun, and sleep for 1 turn. For every 6 levels thereafter, a bear gains one extra use of this ability.
– 7th level: Natural weapons become +1; specialization in natural weapons.
– 8th level: +1 bonus to Strength; regeneration rate increases to 2 HP/turn.
– 13th level: Natural weapons become +2; mastery in natural weapons; bear can make three and a half attacks per round.
– 16th level: Additional +1 bonus to Strength; regeneration rate increases to 3 HP/turn.
– 19th level: Natural weapons become +3; high mastery in natural weapons; bear can make four attacks per round.
– 24th level: Additional +1 bonus to Strength; regeneration rate increases to 4 HP/turn.
– 25th level: Natural weapons become +4; grandmastery in natural weapons; bear can make four and a half attacks per round.
– 31st level: Natural weapons become +5; bear can make five attacks per round.
– 32nd level: Additional +1 bonus to Strength; regeneration rate increases to 5 HP/turn.
– 40th level: Additional +1 bonus to Strength; regeneration rate increases to 6 HP/turn.
– Cannot use any equipment.
– Cannot speak Common.
The only reason I got him out of the party in the end was because I wanted sarevoc for a bit to use items. Only sad thing about him really, not able to use items (other than healthpots that is). Would love to see a collar or other specialised stuffs for him just make a bit more interesting.
Other than that its a great character to have in the group. I just got soooooo happy each time I realised I had an actual bear in my party. Never got old.