Slaver stockade bug?

I've finished the slaver stockade quest, returned to Hendak at Copper Coronet with the key etc, but all the dialogue options are the same as if I hadn't finished yet ("is there more you can tell me about the slaver stockade?") and it's still in my list of active quests. Is this a known bug?
Once you get teleport field that should work as well.
Or if you still have a save prior to opening the door the first time, go back to that and instead of rushing into the room, take a few steps back and let both trolls come out to you.
Just thinking all the items/spells that might work.
Ring of the Ram to push the troll back into the room?
Area effect fire spells and judge the distance so the child doesn't get caught as well, they are well back.
I dunno, just interested to know if there was a solution.