Convince me to play a ...

So I have debilitating rerollitus. Its so bad I can't bring myself to even get to BGEE2.
I would really appreciate if you guys could take a class you've enjoyed and try to convince me to play it. I really need to lock a character in and stick with it and I could truly use your help.
I will RP as much as possible so please include any back story/ motivations you have.
Right now I don't have a preference for fighter, caster, divine, arcane, whatever. I'm open to anything.
The only class I'm not interested in would be any form of Bard as my only complete play through was with a Blade.
Thank you in advance!!
I would really appreciate if you guys could take a class you've enjoyed and try to convince me to play it. I really need to lock a character in and stick with it and I could truly use your help.
I will RP as much as possible so please include any back story/ motivations you have.
Right now I don't have a preference for fighter, caster, divine, arcane, whatever. I'm open to anything.
The only class I'm not interested in would be any form of Bard as my only complete play through was with a Blade.
Thank you in advance!!
Venom - a slightly sociopathic Assassin with a napoleon's complex and a penchance for jokes. He starts BGEE as a not-really-successful Thief and gets into trouble after poisoning most of the cows in Candlekeep. And the worst thing is, he/she did it accidentally, because he/she actually wanted to poison the cats in Reevor's house and let the rats win. (Reevor called the CHARNAME'S mother a hairless wombat. Yea...Reevor is a bitch, when drunk. As is the CHARNAME.)
After leaving the Candlekeep and the unpleasant encounter with some chap in spiky armour, he/she will try to let the world know, who is the best Thief all around.
(And that's a challenge for you, as Assassins have the least points per level and are next to unusable as a Thief in BGEE. Which might be a good motivation to continue into BG2EE, where it starts getting better.)
The second game requires much more strategy. Your first form is fine through the beginning of SOA. As you progress in chapters you'll find yourself having to switch out and play as a vanilla druid. The lack of armor requires care, but you should have plenty of loot in bracers, rings, etc to have a fine AC, and then cast iron skin. When you get your greater form you'll use it for most of the rest of SOA, and through most mundane mobs in ToB. For the fights in which that won't suffice, you shift out to a plenty powerful HLA'd druid.
It is an immensely fun class to play, for me. I like to go spears and slings with it. When you are shifting, don't forget to stick your clubs back in first. It'll give you 3 apr in normal, and 4 apr in greater form. Your shifted ac will be competitive with what your fighter tanks are running, as will the damage per hit of your claws. You'll have built in 50% mr! and you'll be solid. Something different and much more enjoyable than you've heard.
Although, someday I'm just dying to do a human kensai>cleric, grand mastered with staves. Like a medieval Christian monk (ala Friar Tuck).
Also a lack of hotkey ready thieving skills is not EE specific.
That said, the class is good at all levels, and deceptively so. Early on, it's more of a utility class with buffs and dungeon clearing powers. As the game goes on, Kensai/Thieves will wish they were as lethal as you: the ability to do full damage backstabs with stat boosting and power boosting spells makes them practically a triple class, and they can use Sanctuary which should never be underestimated... and better yet, they can even use the Robe of Vecna with UAI to cast really fast.
Another to try is a dart wielding archer: you'll want to raid Watcher's Keep F1 asap, but once you do, you'll be making called shots not only with unlimited ammo, but faster than a bow. The fact that you roll 1d3 vs 1d6 becomes less relevant the more the +1 to hit/dmg comes up. After all, 1d3+8 damage*4.5 is stronger than 1d6+8*3.5.
Even with the benefits of bow grandmastery, darts are not to be underestimated.
Would a half-orc C/T who worshipped Selune make any sense?
How about suggestions for a Shapeshifter deity? Nobanion maybe?
I would definitely appreciate any more advice on suggested classes and especially these two.
You can replace someone of them with Sarevok in TOB .
Have fun...
I'd heartily recommend one. And if I were going to take a caster through 2, it would be this. Only an unexpected reinstall (iPad) kept me from doing it before.
Also, my apologies on taking over the thread. Had I realized I would be making so many consecutive comments, I would have made it 1 post
I find dualled characters heal rerollitus if played properly. Not only are you RPing the character, you are building him up in 3 completely different stages. You don't get bored of playing him because the tactics that you have to use change at critical times. You also have a second set of goals besides advancing the story when you dual as you are attempting to accumulate enough XP to be happy with resting your first choice, then attempting to get enough to unlock your first classes skill set.
RP wise, when I am playing the entire trilogy, if I am playing a cleric that I want to dual class, I usually dual after I reach Candlekeep and read Gorion's note. I believe the character would have an epiphany at that time and realize worshiping another God besides the one he shares an essence with is wrong. The character may also feel slightly used as his chosen deity must of known about his taint and was just using it to further the God's cause.
If I am thief, I would dual to a cleric so that the chosen deity could help me overcome this gift/burden/ curse/taint or however the PC feels about being a child of Bhaal. Dualling to a Cleric of Talos makes sense (with shadowkeeper) because of Talos' Choas sphere. But finding guidance in other Gods could make sense as well with the right mindset.
If I am only playing SoA, RP wise I would dual right after Irenicus took the PCs soul. How could you still be connected to your God with that piece missing from you? This however can be difficult (restarting with minimal power as you are entering the Underdark), so dualling as you are about to complete your second classes stronghold is also a viable option as your PC sees the potential of becoming that class.
Her interactions with Kivan were especially enjoyable. She considered herself asexual and had never felt attracted to another human being. Kivan, however caused her to feel numerous conflicting emotions. Despite her desire not to get involved in the problems of others, her confused feelings for Kivan often influenced her actions.
*Silent murmur of voices in the background*
(annoyed) I hear that was already done. Nevermind then.
Yup. Thankee.
Just for the irony.
Backstabbing, detect illusions and the odd trap make short work of most foes.
As someone mentioned before, blades are really fun to play as well, offensive and defensive spin really pack a punch.
The archer kit from rangers is really fun to try as well, focussing mainly on ranged combat was a real different approach for me, but it was really fun.