Saving te Duke eltan

I think I did something backwards. When I returned to Baldur's gate after doing the tales of the sword coast. I am arrested, got out of that but I can't get back into Flaming fist to save the Duke. Every time I try 1/2 my party gets killed. I do not know how far to go back or if I should just stat over. I really do not want to do Durlags tower again. I also killed the assassins in the under cellar because they attacked me. What do I do now. Just let the Duke die?
Whats your party?
Edit: Hmm...looks like they are likely level 6.
The trouble is, I'm a goody-goody to the core, and if you go into the Flaming Fist compound and kill those guards on the bottom floor after being framed, your reputation will go down to three or lower after 2-3 kills, and your whole party will break if you're not playing an evil run.
That's rather ironic, isn't it? You would only care about Duke Eltan if you were good, but you have to be evil to fight your way to him without breaking your party down to Imoen and you alone.
I'm quite certain that once, I did complete the "save Duke Eltan" quest as a good character, but I'll be darned if I remember how I did it!
Can anyone shed some light here? It's not winning the fight that's an issue, it's getting to the Duke without sacrificing any reputation.
edit: or invisibility spells or rings now I think about it.
Hmm, there's the spell Invisibility 10', but I don't know if there's a scroll for that anywhere, and I've never wanted to waste a sorcerer spell slot on it. Other than that, one would need to horde six potions of invisibility throughout the game with this particular side quest in mind.
Does anyone know an easier way?
EDIT: Can you split the party down to two or so strong members, and leave the rest outside the doors of the Flaming Fist compound, while taking the two up to the top floor to complete the quest?
As for the fight itself, I've never had huge issues with it, even when I rush Chapter 6. Hold Person is annoying since you can't easily spread out, but have you got Spider's Bane? Skeleton Warriors? Potions of Freedom? Tiax's Ghast? A couple AoE disables should also sort them out. If all else fails, buy a Chaos scroll from Sorcerous Sundries and blast them with it.
...but my favorite, that I use all the time, is to beat someone down to near death and then de-equip your weapon. They will then be knocked unconscious, and you can liberate anything that isn't nailed down, without anyone snitching and sending the pigs on you. If they wake up, knock them out again.
If they do snitch anyway, just cast invisibility on yourself (for quick getaways, thiefiery is best done solo, or mayhaps also with one strongarm mage/fighter, to assist with invisibility and persuading the otherwise recalcitrant to mind their own business).
Also there is a magical sword or shield (cant remember exactly) and some potions in the basement - just knock the officer out and help yourself to these generous gifts from the Duke. Consider them an extra, non-disclosed, reward
In fact, with a spell to get you in and if you have bought the sandthief ring, you don't need a potion.
The only thing you have to do is fight the doppleganger (healer) in the bedroom. Even the FF guard upstairs just wants to go.
All these years I have always assumed that was the way you were meant to do the quest because otherwise you have to kill FF which is not a good thing.
The lesson, as always, is that I need to remember to use my items (or spells) & not just beat everything to death with pointy (or blunt) sticks. No matter how often I relearn this lesson, it always comes as a revelation on a later playthrough.