Random thoughts on the Randomizer

So in my next play-through of BG1 I'm nervously taking the dive into SCS (we'll see what kind of disaster this turns out to be lol). I'm skeptical but I'm sold on the quality of it just from studying the readme file. What I'm not so sold on is the Randomizer. I LOVE the idea in principle. What could give the game more longevity than randomizing the loot?? But then as I was crafting the Flail of the Ages in BG2 this morning, I thought to myself, "What happens to this in a randomized game??" It seems like many situations in the BG Saga are set up half expecting you to have certain items at your disposal. It's meant to add challenge and surprise, but I have to wonder....is the Randomizer simply a good idea in theory, or does it actually live up to it's potential when actually used??
Edit: Slightly off topic, but if anyone has a quick answer....I've been reading about the massive number of scripts required in SCS....does this slow the game down substantially??
As far as I can tell, BG(2)EE does not suffer as much from too many files in your override folder, so you can safely skip GB.