Most Challenging Battle

I haven't played Throne of Bhaal in ages, so I've forgotten the Mellisan lines (most of them anyway). So here is a poll to replace it. Who do you feel in the most challenging major battle in BG2?
Major Battle= Battle with a Boss. I understand other fights (Like the Final Seal battle) are challenging, but I would still consider them a Moderate Battle, because they are not, in fact, bosses.
Major Battle= Battle with a Boss. I understand other fights (Like the Final Seal battle) are challenging, but I would still consider them a Moderate Battle, because they are not, in fact, bosses.
- Most Challenging Battle38 votes
- Irenicus at the Tree of Life  2.63%
- Irenicus in Hell  2.63%
- Bodhi  2.63%
- Kangaxx21.05%
- Demogorgon26.32%
- Yaga-Shura  7.89%
- Abazigal  7.89%
- Sendai  0.00%
- Balthazar  2.63%
- Amelyssan The Blackhearted (Mellisan)26.32%
A close runner up to the Ravager would be that party of creatures down by the final seal at the bottom of Watcher's Keep.
On the other hand, the final battle with Amelyssan was pretty tough for me. I had to set the difficulty slider to easy to beat it, because on any higher setting I kept getting overwhelmed by elder orbs. I had to use trap cheese to soften up Big Amy, too.
I just beat him to death, it was more time consuming than hard.
Amelyssan on the other hand, was levels more difficult, and I've never been able to kill Demogorgon without cheating.
Also let's not forget Balthazar, Demogorgon, and Amelyssan are all immune to Time Stop
In my opinion, Kangaxx shouldn't be here. He's not a boss, he's just a cheap opponent. As a Demilitch he's weaker than generic demilitch in ToB. That's two. Finally, he's so cheap its "either you can own him without problem, or he can you" due to the fact that he can Imprison you.
Any way, under that criterion, it was definitely Amelyssan for me.
@ZelgadisGW I can understand that, but from the game's perspective. Kangaxx is intended to be a boss
Amellysan and her lackeys are cheap fodder, especially if you equip the gnome's inventions, you get in return for trading the 3 pantaloons with him...
I would say Balthazar is the most difficult of the ones in this poll, since he's the cheesiest opponent (after Illasera from Ascesion) in the vanilla game (a Monk casting Greater Malisson and Magic Missile? Plus being immune to Timestop because of his training? Daheck?). Anyway you can suck out his brains with a Fighter/Mage using Shapechange: Mind Flayer form, Improved Haste and Critical Strike in just ine round.
WOO-HOO! Using what little lore I actually know ftw!
@Abi_Dalzim I don't considere Draconis a boss, but I agree that he IS harder than Abazigal.
In BG, probably Aec. But in BG2, I'd go with Draconis. Bosses only you say?! Hmmm... Vanilla Yaga gave me grief my first play through, via his swarms and my not dealing with them well. None of the others were too bad. The others werent too bad, nothing Sarevok couldnt manhandle.
I am releasing a Poll for that in a few weeks, I've been warned not to "spam" the Discussion Box with constant polls, so I cannot make a poll for a few more weeks, you shall have to wait until then to vote, or make your own poll :P
I felt bad about it though, so that makes it better...
(In Ascension, instead of fighting elemental princes and a Fallen Solar, you fight Irenicus and Bodhi, and the other Bhaalspawn as her summons I think. Anyway, it's a lot more painstakingly hard
Demogorgon appears as an 18-foot-tall (5.5 m), reptilian (or amphibious) hermaphroditic tanar'ri with a somewhat humanoid form.
What usually kills me is that damn mercenary band in the Athkalta sewers.. >.<
That's a joke right?