The "what I'd have liked to see" thread (SPOILERS)

Everyone has his own list of things that "well, imho it would work better like this" or "damn, this is silly, it should be different" or "I'd like to see this feature". Perhaps the most common wish is to have a larger party in order to avoid dropping valuable characters during the way, but unfortunately this is hardcoded.
Other things are editable and both mods and the EE tried to add new features: for those who want to romance Nalia to those who want to bring Yoshimo to level 40 agaist Amelyssan while meeting new NPCs or locations meanwhile.
Which features did you want to see the first time you played the games? Even those that were later fixed by a mod or the EE, but you absolutely wanted to see during your first playthroughs.
Other things are editable and both mods and the EE tried to add new features: for those who want to romance Nalia to those who want to bring Yoshimo to level 40 agaist Amelyssan while meeting new NPCs or locations meanwhile.
Which features did you want to see the first time you played the games? Even those that were later fixed by a mod or the EE, but you absolutely wanted to see during your first playthroughs.
Post edited by _Connacht_ on
The party has gained an item.
The party has lost an item.
And have it changed to:
The party has gained Battleaxe +2, Frostbane.
The party has lost Battleaxe +2, Frostbane.
- the war hammer should come in two versions, single handed and two handed, and with all the other blunt weapons should have a bonus against armors that swords don't have;
- the katana should be two-handed as in reality;
- eastern weapons should be equivalent in damage to western weapons except for being single-edge and not double-edged (I don't know how to represent this, maybe the katana might be 1d10 and the THS 2d5);
- the bastard sword should be used either single handed (with penalties if you use a shield because of its weight and dimensions, forcing you to prefer a long sword or a short sword) or two handed (thus being swifter than a THS but doing less damage);
- short swords should be better if you play with a shield.
Besides, every class should be able to grab any weapon, although not all of them can improve their skills.
There is no reason for a pure mage to not handle a sword; simply he will suck hard in sword fighting. This can be done by giving a lot of penalties when you use a weapon without the required proficiencies.
Oh, I'd also like to see metal chakras, just for the fun of making a Xena character.
Half-Orcs possessing infravision, as they're supposed to have per AD&D rules.
The restoration of the quite charming, muscular Half-Orc paperdoll from BG2:SoA. The 1PP one just doesn't do it for me.
Schlumpsha the Sewer King as recruitable NPC.
On a serious note, all of the threads I made in the Feature Request forum, did anything from that forum get put into the game?
- Modular user-interface similar to IWD2. I think they wasted a lot of time on the aesthetic to little effect.
- +3/4 Ammo in SoA and +5 in ToB.
- Ability to equip more than one bow at the same time.
- Change the nerfs they made to ranged weapons in BG2.
- Change the clunky troll death mechanics.
- Change stealth so that Hide in the Shadows and Move Silenty actually do what they say or change their descriptions to say what they do.
When you start chapter 2 in BG2 you are literally bombed by new quests all at once only because you are... there. Nalia walks right towards you in the Copper Coronet and so the guy from Trademeet once you go to the gates. Delon from Umar usually spawns very soon. Then the first time you go outside Athkatla (usually for Nalia) you trigger the Harpers quest for the docks (which also can trigger Yoshimo to tell you to go to Renal).
Ok, you can choose the order you prefer, but it's strange to have an agenda already filled with tons of mustdo-things from the very first moment. You are trying to find quests after all.
Besides, with the Harpers you then have either to go for your quest bringing with you a corpse in the bag (which is silly) or to go back to the docks which means to put aside the quest you were going to do (reasonable with Firkraag, silly with Nalia and her rush). IMHO the Harpers should come in AFTER you complete your quest and return to Athkatla, not before.
What I'd like to have seen in TOB was the Five actually doing things besides sitting around in heavily guarded fortresses in the middle of nowhere waiting for you to come kill them. Have them plot around and against each other! Maybe Sendai or Balthazar realize that Yaga Shura is a major threat to them with his invulnerability, and send an agent or two to help you at the Temple to make sure that that mission gets done. Maybe Abazigal could have more than two dragons working for him. Maybe Sendai could have some forces that aren't just scaled-up versions of the same Underdark beasties you hacked and slashed your way through in SOA. I think the main problem with TOB gameplay is that it just feels like a Shadows of Amn campaign with the enemies leveled up some. It lacks the feel of an epic adventure. Some more freedom to go off and pursue other goals would have been nice to break up the monotonous dungeon crawls.
I realize that this is a lot more extensive than just "more features", but I felt like I had to get that off my chest.
Re: ToB, I feel like "Ascension" helped a lot with adding an epic dimension to the finale: old villains make a comeback, there's betrayal and surprise, and with "Turnabout" you could even bring back some old friends to make the final battle all the more explosive.
But yes probably like 99% of requests weren't implemented. If its a little change (like some of the ones I listed above) it probably also has a better chance than others.
You're in a race to get to Imonen in time before some dastardly thing happens to her and you take your sweet time paying off the thieves so you can round up the best gear.
If you don't get there in time she should die, party should get a large rep hit and other penalties for taking months to get there.
Also, the rep hit is unrealistic considering that the public doesn't know about Spellhold to begin with, and players will just pay off a temple to make up the difference, so the measures you seem to be advocating would just annoy people.
And if having negative effects happen for taking your time getting there is annoying, have a positive thing (besides saving her) happen as well.
Besides I'd like to have even more ways for going to Spellhold. But they should be harder to find than the canon ones and should still give room for some interventions by Bodhi (maybe also Aran) for the plot. Who knows, maybe one with the aid of the crowled wizards, if you help them with the planar sphere and prove valuable and loyal; one with the radiant heart if you are a paladin (since IMHO a paladin should not be forced to either ally with the thieves or the vampires); another one with the Harpers if you meet particular conditions. Obviously you won't get Aran's help in chapter 6 if you don't side with him. You might also be able to infiltrate and make reports, or do the double agent. I think there is a good mod around but I don't remember the name.
more cleric kits, I love playing clerics but I cant do it in bg2 thanks to the terrible choices.
a playable thief why is there not a proper thief I can use in this game?
certain characters should have been given more screen time and depth particularly the first two of the five and bhodi
1. The Umar Hills Invasion - help the Ettins and Orcs kill Sir Alynar and Squire Elotte.
2. The Baron and the Squatters - Kill the Squatters and the Baron's men so that the land falls into disorder.
3. The Last of the Morninggales - Give Tyrianna to the Temple of Talos.
4. Retrieve The Holy Avenger - This quest should stay the same (ie: kill Firkraag), the patron just needs to make it clear that he wants you to retrieve Carsomyr so the Order won't be able to use it.