It works too slow on Bq Edison 2

Hi!, My tablet is a BQ Edison 2 and the game works really slow (I can't play), and the graphics options are disabled. Is there anything I can do to fix this problem? Thank you
If you have used most of the storage you might be able to do something about that, if the game & screen size are too much for the device to handle probably not. There might be some sort of Android performance monitor that can narrow it down but I'm not too familiar with the platform.
Is it slow from the start or does it get slower as you play.
- How many other apps are open in the background.
- Does the game remain open in the background
i.e. do you shut it down or just switch from it and assume it has closed. As I said, I'm not very familiar with Android but basing this on comments such as provided in this link.
The 1.3 patch will have some improvements around memory leaks and so on, you might find that helps when released.