I did maths for you Beamdog...

If 1000 people have preordered, then,
1000 x 18 = $18,000! Thanks @calculator!
So they've made over 18k, plus the people who didn't preorder (waiting for Mac/iPad/Android/Hard copy).
How much do you think they need?
1000 x 18 = $18,000! Thanks @calculator!
So they've made over 18k, plus the people who didn't preorder (waiting for Mac/iPad/Android/Hard copy).
How much do you think they need?
But no worry, at least 1500 have preordered ^^ maybe more with gift and all. Ill pre order early september myself, i'm not impatient
This doesn't include what they had to pay to get ea to allow them to do it, but probably a cash amount as i'm sure they don't think the game will sell well, and i'm not sure about wotc, but they seem the type to require a smaller amount plus a percent of every game sold, say 10%. Also you have to factor in taxes (which was included in the price of the game), and that number of 22k isn't much.
i pray this game does well. But beamdog isn't a large company, they're in the hole at this point on the game, and the preorder was probably just a revenue boost. I plan to buy multiple copys (as many as my wife allows me to :P) just to support the company, but you have to realize that they're not going to get rich off of this game, and if they do, it will take a looooooong time. That's why we all need to tell as many people about the game as we can. I know alot more will buy it when it's released, but if no one knows about it, it won't sell well, and then our little dream here will be lost.
Sorry for the bleak outlook, but there's still hope, it's just a matter of getting the word out
Things aren't entirely grim though. I'm sure once IGN, Gamespot and others get a hold of the Enhanced Edition more sales will follow.
Look at it this way: over 2 million copies of BG 2 were sold over it's life time. If we assume that 1/1000th of those people will purchase BG: EE (a low estimate) that's still 20,000 people, or $360,000 in sales. Not to forget of course, duplicate purchases for multiple platforms, as donation, etc.
While I love it the way it is, I bet that putting the game on steam might also work (although Overhaul would get much less money that way). I'm afraid for things like : "Buy BGEE on Steam and get a Sarevok Team Fortress 2 hat!" to happen if it were on Steam though.
THAT aside, marketing from media and not. Positive reviews from big reviewing companies or positive reviews from personalities (youtube) would boost the game sales greatly.
Ultimately, I think that the biggest win-win side for BGEE is the tablet market. I mean, think of the commute people have in buses or trains nowadays. Hours upon hours. Can't bring your laptop or isn't practical enough? TAKE A TABLET, with BGEE on it!
Seriously, I'm considering buying a Tablet just for BGEE. And nothing else. I think it would be a deal! Now if I could give the Tablet price's money to Overhaul, that would be even better. Does any dev have tablets to be sold? I'm willing to pay... well, name the price first!
Cause the combined prize still goes lower than useless new RPG titles (no names mentioned) that usually ships at 59.99$
And BG:EE will yield much more enjoyable hours of genuine RPG gaming
I really do hope the game sells well. But also remember that Beamdog gets some of its revenue from people purchasing other games through their client. It's not necessarily a case of "BG:EE or Bust!"
If this game was on steam, i wouldn't have bought it.
*not really almost.