BG Tweak Pack. How far do you take it?

Hey guys, I have finally decided to start modding the game a little bit and I really had no idea how deep the changes could go. I want to have a legit BG experience and I don't want to add any cheese to the game as I already find it easy enough without SCS. I am trying to figure out what the standard is for a normal game of BG. I will list a few things below to see what you guys think about them and how they effect the game.
1. Un-Nerfed Thac0 Table
2. Multi-Class Grand Mastery
3. Removing Racial Restrictions for Classes
4. Human or Any Race Multi-Classing
Those are the main four that I am curious about, and want to know if any of you guys play with these modifications to your game.
Is there anyone out there that thinks that allowing Human Multi-Class is true to the BG version of AD&D 2nd Ed.?
Will Un-Nerfed Thac0 and Multi-Class Grand Mastery make the game too easy at the ToB level?
I appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment on this topic. It really means a lot to me as I truly value the opinions of all of you on this forum. If there are some taboo changes in the BG Tweak Pack that I need to be staying away from, I would really like to know about it. Also I know some of you are going to say, "Play the game the way that you want to play it.". I understand that and respect that, but I have more of a desire to play the game the way the community at large believes is the correct way to play the game to get maximum enjoyment out of it while also getting the authentic BG AD&D 2nd Ed. experience.
Thanks guys. Have fun and as always, have an awesome day.
1. Un-Nerfed Thac0 Table
2. Multi-Class Grand Mastery
3. Removing Racial Restrictions for Classes
4. Human or Any Race Multi-Classing
Those are the main four that I am curious about, and want to know if any of you guys play with these modifications to your game.
Is there anyone out there that thinks that allowing Human Multi-Class is true to the BG version of AD&D 2nd Ed.?
Will Un-Nerfed Thac0 and Multi-Class Grand Mastery make the game too easy at the ToB level?
I appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment on this topic. It really means a lot to me as I truly value the opinions of all of you on this forum. If there are some taboo changes in the BG Tweak Pack that I need to be staying away from, I would really like to know about it. Also I know some of you are going to say, "Play the game the way that you want to play it.". I understand that and respect that, but I have more of a desire to play the game the way the community at large believes is the correct way to play the game to get maximum enjoyment out of it while also getting the authentic BG AD&D 2nd Ed. experience.
Thanks guys. Have fun and as always, have an awesome day.
@Meanbunny , un-nerfed thac0 and multi class grand mastery won't make ToB easier than it already is . After all , any of your fighters and spellcasters will be badasses after level 20.
I am going to tag a few others out there that I would like to hear their opinions. I just picked a handful of random names, so forgive me if you have helped me before and I missed your name. Have a great day guys.
@Blackraven @Gotural @jackjack @CrevsDaak @elminster @meagloth @the_spyder @CaloNord @Ravenslight @Elrandir @DreadKhan
By recommendation for the BG2 tweak pack, if you find the game easy, are:
-Potions and gems need identification.
-Spells give saving throws penalties when cast by very high level casters.
I don't use most of the "unlimited stack of X" or "un-nerf X". But I do remove the XP cap and allow non-humans tp dual-class, besides max HP for every creaturein the game and other stuff.
You can find a copu of my actual BGT install's weidu.log here.
I’m glad you are enjoying the game.
As for your question. I think there are others more qualified to give you an opinion on the 4 components of the Tweaks mod that you mentioned, as I have not used those. I will say I intend to try the removing racial restrictions and allowing multi classes for other races, at some point. I personally don’t see how that would be unbalancing in any way. One of my favorite things to use is the unlimited ammo stacking. I also usually remove the XP cap as I tend to play long, role played games and don’t like hitting a cap.
I also play with unnerfed Thac0 progression, your first point, and with multiclass grandmastery, your second point (which just makes more sense to me: why should a multiclassed character be barred from going beyond specialization while a dualclassed fighter may continue to grandmastery in their weapon even though they don't advance as a fighter anymore after dualclassing?).
I haven't removed the racial restrictions on classes and on human multiclassing, but I'm quite liberal with Shadowkeeper/EEKeeper. just this morning I was perusing the 2nd Edition Faiths and Pantheons Handbook, and I read that among many other deities the Gnomish God Baravar Cloakshadow has his own Paladin Order: the Knights of the Shadowy Cloak: "This order keeps a low profile in gnome communities and seeks to eliminate goblinoids, kobolds, and other evil humanoids, for these creatures cannot be redeemed. They work secretly so as to not attract attention or retaliation to local gnome communities." That's a pretty neat reason IMO to roll a Gnome Paladin.
All in all I'd say just try playing with a number of mods or mod components you find interesting, such as those you mentioned. You could also consider installing a few components of SCS that make the game a bit harder. Sooner or later you'll find a balance between boringly easy, frustratingly difficult, and a unique playing experience.
I believe very strongly in house rules. These rules are those that your DM has implemented in addition to/instead of the standard rules. As such, if he wanted to allow the creation of a Dwarven Wizard as a PC, he would be able to do that. Whatever those rules (or MODs in CRPGs) are "For you" in BG, if you can mod them or get them via the tweak pack? GREAT! Figure out what makes the game fun for you and play that way. The game is so infinitely variable that literally the sky's the limit.
For me personally, I like the more traditional race/class limitations. I think it adds distinction to playing an individual race if I am limited. What that means to me is, the dwarven wizard mentioned above just feels wrong "To me". Dwarves are fighters and Elves are wizards. That is the way I grew up playing PnP and that is what I feel comfortable with.
But again, if you feel that multi-class humans is what does it for you? Absolutely play that way. If you want "Non-standard" character race/class combinations? Have at it. Whatever is fun for you.
To be honest I didn't notice a massive amount of difference with the un-nerfed tables. I love the saving penalty against HL spellcasters. It seems to jive really well with SCS.
I do currently have the racial restrictions removed, although it can cause a few odd issues with the paperdolls from time to time. But I don't see any reason why an elf can't be a druid, or bard. Infact it makes more sense if they could play those classes.
I do however have a copy of BG with no mods installed, sometimes I just like to play the original. You're going to find opinions that vary greatly. A lot of people like their BG as close to 2nd as possible, some prefer the more 3.5 elements that mods can introduce. Personally I'm fairly flexible, I love my current modded version which I would call AD&D 2.25ed.
I look forward to seeing where this goes mate! Keep it up, thanks so much for the tag!!
1. Fighter/Thieves or Vanilla Thieves can wear studded armor with no penalty in the vanilla game, but if you install the thieving in heavy armor mod, studded armor is the first armor to give a penalty to thieving abilities. The penalties go up from there, but you would think that studded would have no penalty at all like in the vanilla game?
2. Fighter/Mages in the vanilla game cannot wear heavy armor and spell cast at the same time, but they can wear shields without any penalty at all to their spellcasting ability. If you install the spell casting in heavy armor mod, shields will give a hefty penalty to mis-casting magic.
So basically, if you want to wear heavy armor as a Fighter/Mage, you will now have to endure a 50% miscast magic penalty if you want to use that large shield that before incurred no penalties at all. Your Fighter/Thief will also have to endure a penalty to thieving abilities while wearing Studded Armor, which previously incurred no penalties either.
So at first I thought these were great changes, but now that I think about it, I am not sure if wearing heavy armor on a F/M is worth now having a huge 50% mis-cast penalty if I want to wear my large shield. I am not a seasoned enough D&D player to know if wearing heavy armor with a penalty is worth having that huge penalty to wearing shields.
I know that I could probably just take off my shield every time that I want to cast a spell, but that just seems a bit tedious and would probably get annoying after while.
Anyway, just a few observations I have made so far. Thanks a bunch everyone for the awesome comments. Your input as always, is greatly appreciated. Take it easy guys and keep BG'ing it up.
If it weren't for how easy it is to make a mistake with a Dual-Class character, I would just take that route, but also I realize that if you want to do it optimally, then that would mean playing Single-Class for almost the entirety of BG1. I don't have anything against Elves and Half-Elves, I just have always had a soft spot for Humans.
@CrevsDaak I just now realized that SCS is compatible with BG:EE! Now I am excited. I wonder if I will have the skills to take on such a challenge? Either way, I am definitely going to try. For some reason I was under the impression SCS was not compatible with BG:EE, I am glad that I know otherwise now.
Also, does anyone know if patch 1.3 is the only thing that requires the Beamdog version of the game? I think that I read that only those who purchased from Beamdog can download the Beta. Are there any mods that share this same requirements?
Most mods should work fine on all the PC/Mac versions since they use WeiDU. I don't know about iPad/android though.
Concerning the BG Tweak Packs, I can probably give you some insights as I now always play with it.
-The Unnerfed Thac0 table allows every characters to catch up with Fighters and to reach a base 0 THAC0 (I think it is PnP friendly but I'm not sure). It is a pretty cool tweak but it won't probably makes an impact in most of your games, you need to go higher than level 21 to start to feel the change. For example a Mage will reach 0 Thac0 at level 40, and he will still avoid melee.
Overall this tweak is very good, because it is a small buff to single class Thieves (and Bards) aswell as Clerics (and Druids) which are all very bad at fighting if they aren't multi/dual classed. So I always install this one. Your Thief will still be far inferior to your Fighter/Thief and your Blade will still be nowhere as good as your Fighter/Mage, but the gap will be closer, and that's a very good thing !
-The Multi-Class Grand Mastery is another tweak I always use, as it is PnP friendly. Unfortunately this one is a significant buff to the already most powerful characters (F/M, F/C, F/M/T, etc). What I really like about this one is that it differenciates more the Fighter/Cleric and the Ranger/Cleric, instead of giving a straight advantage to the latter. To compensate, I use a house rule to buff the fighting abilities of singleclass Thieves and Clerics (and the like).
-As for your third and fourth points, I always install them both. In my game, anyone can become anything ! Here goes your Mage dualled into a Cleric Half-Orc and your Fighter/Druid multiclass Human ! The problem I have with this one is that now every combos is pretty much better if you are a Dwarf for the bonus Con and more importantly for the Shorty Saves.
Another tweak I find very important in this mod is the one that maximises the HP of every creatures in the game, this way I don't have to feel bad about dropping the difficulty to normal before leveling.
I never use the stealth and magic penalty with armors. I also like the all or nothing feeling of the original game
But I also play with SCS, Atweaks and some others mods to increase the difficulty. In conclusion I would like to quote my friend @Blackraven when he says that "Sooner or later you'll find a balance between boringly easy, frustratingly difficult, and a unique playing experience." because this, is, totally true !
@Gotural - Excellent post. Loads of really good information there. Kudos.
@Gotural That was a very comprehensive post there. Thanks for hitting each point I was inferring about.
I am glad that the decisions I have made about the Tweak Pack somewhat coincide with the rest of you guys. I just wanted to make sure if I came on the forum and said I played a multi-class human that I wouldn't get trolled or laughed at.
I am going to install SCS today. Wish me luck guys! >.<
@CrevsDaak Omg! I was just browsing the G3 forums and realized that you recently made the "Keeping Yoshimo" mod EE compatible! That is amazing Crevs! I can't believe I can actually keep Yoshimo when I next play BG2:EE! In the words of Yoshimo, "It is up to us to party.", "We must party.".
Party we shall my friend!
What I mean by this, is I would assume after beating SCS, wouldn't the normal un-modded game feel elementary and just not much of a challenge? Are there any of you out there that after using this mod cannot enjoy playing the un-modded game afterward?
It is just a fear I have because I don't want to feel dependant on the mod to enjoy the game. I definitely want to try it out, but I didn't want it to be SCS or nothing from here on out because after getting used it it the vanilla game just feels too easy.
Any of you feel this way about SCS or modding in general? Let me know guys. Thanks.
I can also recommend spell revisions and item revisions (both are in the final testing phases before bing released in version 4).
I even tried to solo no-reload the vanilla game and I created a thread for it but I gave up in Chapter 2 a few hours after the start. The game was feeling so empty, it was embarrassing.
Hopefully I will start to look at these mod as "continued development" of the game we love.