Monster Party Members

Now that there's a vampire on the roster, let's talk about other non-PC-races you'd like to see as recruitable party members!
I'm going with Duergar simply because Magda was easily the best thing about the first Black Pits and I would have loved to have her join up in BG2:EE...
I'm going with Duergar simply because Magda was easily the best thing about the first Black Pits and I would have loved to have her join up in BG2:EE...
- Monster Party Members91 votes
- Duergar (MAGDAAAAA!)  9.89%
- Sahuagin (Swashbuckler? Cleric?)  4.40%
- Doppleganger (Shapeshifter?)  5.49%
- Githyanki (You *know* you want one)13.19%
- Lycanthrope (*sigh* Delainy...)  7.69%
- Kobold (DEEKIN NO LIKES YOU!)  6.59%
- Yuan-Ti  5.49%
- Illithid  7.69%
- Gnoll  8.79%
- Other (please specify)30.77%
I was going to go for a Druegar, because I also want another Dwarven NPC, but I'd stick with an extra-planar companion from Limbo!
A gnoll Cleric/Ranger would outdo a Half-Elf since Gnolls resist disease, have higher base con, and I believe have +1 base AC.
According to The Planewalker's Handbookk Githzerai can be: Fighter, Fighter/Mage, Mage, or Thief.
Githyanki are in the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I and can be Fighter, Figher/Mage, Illusionist and Knight.
The Complete Book of Humanoids on the other hand lists most of the monstrous humanoid races as player characters:
Gnolls can be Fighter, Cleric, Shaman, Witch Doctor and Thief. Figher/Cleric, Figher/Thief and/or Thief/Cleric could be accessible for them.
Half-Ogres can be Fighter, Cleric, Shaman and Witch Doctor. Fighter/Cleric could be accessible for them.
Though we'd all probably die.
(Now I just have to have somebody mod me one of those really quickly!)