Main page IWD?
Apologies if this is a redundant thread or old news, but a quick scan of the forums and twitter yielded no information.
The main site at is a blank page with the title Icewind Dale at the moment. Anyone know why?
The main site at is a blank page with the title Icewind Dale at the moment. Anyone know why?
Trent pwns this page:
Well, that'll do.
Edit: oh...
I'd like nothing more than an announcement for another Enhanced Edition of another IE game. That screen is nothing but a mock-up, and it wouldn't be fair to pass it off as anything otherwise, even though I tried to be sneaky with it. xD
With that said, I'd also want them to finish the patches for BG:EE and BG2:EE before announcing another project that will pull them away from Baldur's Gate importance.
Oh! To credit the picture. Someone made a mock up of Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition GUI, and I used that. I'm unable to find the original author, but they're a member of this community, and now I can't find the picture again.
No use in over speculating though. I'd rather get excited once I have some concrete information. It isn't much fun to start over hyping yourself for something that never comes. Regardless, the fan inside of me is pushing hard for another IWD game, either EE or new. We will just have to wait and see. ((;
The idea of IWDEE is further confirmed by comparing the cached version of and the current version of .
Obviously, the only thing that is missing on the current IWD site is the countdown. Remember what we all saw the very first time on ? It was a simple countdown timer. And we know Beamdog loves countdowns.
So I think we should expect a countdown timer for IWDEE. When? Well, maybe starting with PAX or even earlier, so that at PAX they will reveal what that countdown is all about.
P.S. by @elminster 's words:
Where is it from?