W is for WeiDU D is for uncompiled dialog files C is for uncompiled C source code J is for uncompiled Java sou… A is for @Anduin rule supreme! 7C is my modding signature F is for… My profile pic is pretty…? G is for gravitation x is for Grid Bugs ... F1 - Talk F2 - Weapon slot 1 F3 - Weapon Slot 2 F4 - Search Traps F5 - Thieving Abilities F6 - Stealth F7 - Spells F8 - Usable Items F9 - Quickslot 1 F10 - Quickslot 2 F11 - Quickslot 3 F12 - Special Abilities … Z is for resting M is for Map R is for Record screen Q is to quicksave etc.
Blackraven joins the party a tad bit late, after he spilled wáter over his laptop a few days ago, not much but sufficient to keep its keybpard from functioning. Now he's working with Windows 8, which is said to be the cause of his internet connection failing all the time.
Wonderful stuff here anyway. @Montresor_SP, hats off! Btw, interestingly, most entries seem to be from the first game, which means that I have little to add, except that B imo would have to be Bhaal!
For now nothing but humble thanks, especially to my friend Elrandir, for my belated inclusion in the Forums' Hallf of Fame Am going to check a few other threads now.
A is for Ankheg: Farmers dream (the question is: is it bad or good?) B is for Basilisk: Xp cream (or first goes here too. Or in BG2: Beholder: run and scream)
C is for Clay golem: Crush you'll need (who don't like pottery?) D is for Doggies: War-, wild breed (yes @Pibaro?)
E is for Ettercap: They aren't a droll (ok, actually they are funny a little.) F is for Flind: A stronger gnoll (or flesh golem: a weird doll?)
G is for Gibberling: The Gibberling Three (respect for them!) H is for Hobgoblin: Chill out, no flee (however elite can be deadly with low AC.)
I is for Imp: Their voice is tragic (just one word: Cespenar.) J is for Jellies: Mustard like magic (better don't eat it!)
M is for Myconid I confused you? (sorry @Anduin and @Southpaw.) N is for Nishruu Your spells will chew (oh, good old times, when you could make really pricy items with them!)
O is for Ogre And belt fetish (now that i'm thinking, ogres play pretty big role in the game.) P is for Pit fiend Make me pettish (confession:i don't use protection from evil.)
Q is for Quasit They have their own room (odd things happened there.) R is for Rakshasa Cat lovers big doom ( kaguana said:Cats lover everywhere)
S is for Skeleton Priest's best friends (mostly.) T is for Troll Burn their dens! (and their corpse too.)
U is for Umberhulk They like dog stew (i never truly understand that quest.) V is for vampire NPC too (i mean: now officially joinable.)
W is for Wyvern The best cutscene (maybe in a patch they'll enhance this. They should!) X is for Xvart with azure sheen (smurfs? Or twisted Na'vis? Where are they come from?)
Y is for Yuan-ti Sneaky scale (no much love for yuan-tis, eh?) Z is for Zombie Slow like snail (now i said my abc.)
Wonderful stuff here anyway. @Montresor_SP, hats off!
Btw, interestingly, most entries seem to be from the first game, which means that I have little to add, except that B imo would have to be Bhaal!
For now nothing but humble thanks, especially to my friend Elrandir, for my belated inclusion in the Forums' Hallf of Fame Am going to check a few other threads now.