When does Hexat's questline start?

I really don't like her in my party, but I'd like to do her quest line. Can I safely drop her fpr a while and pick her up later? If so, when is a good time to reacquire her?
Now I'm having an issue in the tomb. After I talk to Ki Chin Sang, he tells me to go kill hos 6 lieutenants, but there are only four that I can find. Any ideas where the other two are?
There's no need to have Hexxat in your party during the wait between episodes.
On the other hand, it also doesn't seem to matter if you leave her out of the party for longer than the minimum waiting period - the next episode of her questline will just wait until the next time you recruit her, then it'll trigger by a messenger showing up after your next area transition (or sleep?)
However, when she's in the party and has received her quest orders, I think she might leave if you don't get on with her quest fairly soon. I'm not sure what happens if you drop her from the party after her next quest has triggered but before you've gone to do it. Perhaps someone else can tell us?