Cannot install update 1.3 and Viconia lungauage loop

do not know how to install update 1.3 as it does not pop up when i start the the game. Build log says i have V. .I already tried to repair the installation and deleted the beam and status file. No luck there. Very disappointing...
Another bug i encountered is about Viconias reselect voice loop. Said to be a known bug. But i dont know where start debug mode aka where put the debug 1 option.
Any help woud be welcome!
do not know how to install update 1.3 as it does not pop up when i start the the game. Build log says i have V. .I already tried to repair the installation and deleted the beam and status file. No luck there. Very disappointing...
Another bug i encountered is about Viconias reselect voice loop. Said to be a known bug. But i dont know where start debug mode aka where put the debug 1 option.
Any help woud be welcome!
My Baldur.ini is in my documents folder and wont save my debugg settings:(
this realy sucks....
As soon as we have a build ready for testing I recommend signing up for beta access. It's going to take some thorough testing to get this patch ready for release (more than 400 fixes and gameplay enhancements, on top of the engine improvements from BG:EE's 1.3 patch), so if you want to get in early then I recommend signing up for the beta when it's available.
(The version number doesn't appear on the starting screen, but you can see it on the Options menu when you're in game)
Once we enter beta for this patch, I'll post a change log so you can review the full list. There's a lot to be excited for, not just in bug fixes.