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Do You Want A BG T-Shirt ?

HerrderGezeitenHerrderGezeiten Member Posts: 139
BG 1 and 2 Logo available ?
I want one or maybe a litte more ~10 pices,...

Say if you want one btw. the picture on it.
I hope we get a new one,..
I have only found a Minsc T-Shirt. (cool but i want morrrreee)


  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    I seaport. Photoshop me onto the shirt next to Sarevok and write under it "Bros b4 hoes (aka Bhaal)."
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I concurr, I would totally dork it up and wear it out to Olive Garden and Red Lobster!!

    I might even meet other fans out there and make new friends!! Shirt = CONVERSATION STARTER!!
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Still have my BG2 collector's edition t-shirt. But I think it's about time for some Noober underwear.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Not particularly, but I wouldn't mind some golden pantaloons
  • KlonoaKlonoa Member Posts: 93
    I can't imagine too much image stuff on them, but some of the classic quotes would make good shirts (and again, conversation starters!)
  • Callofthebeast34Callofthebeast34 Member Posts: 16
    A BG t-shirt would be amazing! I'd never take it off <3 you know just the standard BG1 or 2 logo would satisfy me. Perhaps one that has both logos front and back.
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    Golden pantaloons! :-D
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes! Rrrrraaaaaaagggghhh!
  • neokarnyneokarny Member Posts: 39
    A logo t-shirt or something would be nice.

    Or a shirt featuring Boo, perhaps munching on some eyes.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    The two t-shirts I suggested for the boxed edition (which won't happen) are still valid, as far as I'm concerned:

    I gathered my party before venturing forth and all I got was this lousy t-shirt

    First you try to ninja into the code, then you look around and know there is no way back.
    - So sayeth the wise Cameron Tofer
  • HerrderGezeitenHerrderGezeiten Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2012
    Black T-Shirt with,...

    Where are the Forum rules? (maybe i'am blind,..)
    I have found a picture

    And a nice quote at the back.
    (Option of ~10 different quote`s )
  • gfm50gfm50 Member Posts: 124
    I would totally get one. Still would favor my shirt more though =].
  • BhodarBhodar Member Posts: 21
    YES, someone who says no is NO REAL BG FAN

    damn, now I need to get some other t-shirts aswell...
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    Yeah I could use one of these, be nice if it were a nice quality. Also that logo on a Polo shirt would be awesome.
  • MoonsongMoonsong Member Posts: 36
    I would love this...especially with "You must gather your party before venturing forth", or Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes! lol I love the idea!
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    Would be nice to find a BG t-shirts selection at Jinx.
  • HerrderGezeitenHerrderGezeiten Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2012
    Back print's:

    You want to backstab me with a ballista?
    There must be a rule against this...
    No, we're not mercenaries.
    We just carry weapons and kill things for the joy of the experience.
    You know what I always say?
    "Always kill the mouthy one", that's what I always say.
    "You remind me of myself...before I was slaughtered and cast into the Abyss."
    Tiax rules all!!!
    Ha Ha! Smart guy dies! But Tiax goes on to RULE!
    I know dragons with feet like rabbits, 'tis true I swear!
    I wanted infravision like the elves... But 'tis more than just taking their eyes...
    You are amusing, in a "what the hell is wrong with you" kind of way.
    Everyone in town used to throw rocks at me and tell me I was annoying.
    I once knew this guy named Dilby. He threw rocks at me too.
    Are you gonna throw rocks at me?
    What about now?
    What about now?
    What about now?
    What about now?
    I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T.
    At last, someone who looks like they could be of some assistance!
    The assorted boobs and dimwits around here have been of very little help.

    I'm afraid you have mistaken us for someone else. I'm Dimwit, this is my good friend Boob, and behind me you'll find Brainless and Moron. How do you do?
    You wouldn't kill a man with a wife and ten children, would you?
    No way, you've got a fate worse than death already.
    Ha ha! Oh, come on, Aerie! Lighten up, willya?
    I'll tell ya what, if I have any desires to murder you in the middle of the night, you'll be the first to know, okay?
    My anger is under complete control !
    I'll control it as I rip limb from limb, I WILL control it as I pound head after head !
    Sometimes life has its little rewards. Even for the drow.
    You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking
    You stop your glaring!
    I saw you glare!
    I'll bite yer kneecaps off, I will!
    So what are you going to do now?

    Oh, you know. Find the nearest hive. Check out the ladies. The usual. You?

    Fighting for my life. The usual.
    Post edited by HerrderGezeiten on
  • BhodarBhodar Member Posts: 21

    Back print's:

    You want to backstab me with a ballista?
    There must be a rule against this...
    No, we're not mercenaries.
    We just carry weapons and kill things for the joy of the experience.
    You know what I always say?
    "Always kill the mouthy one", that's what I always say.
    "You remind me of myself...before I was slaughtered and cast into the Abyss."
    Tiax rules all!!!
    Ha Ha! Smart guy dies! But Tiax goes on to RULE!
    I know dragons with feet like rabbits, 'tis true I swear!
    I wanted infravision like the elves... But 'tis more than just taking their eyes...
    You are amusing, in a "what the hell is wrong with you" kind of way.
    Everyone in town used to throw rocks at me and tell me I was annoying.
    I once knew this guy named Dilby. He threw rocks at me too.
    Are you gonna throw rocks at me?
    What about now?
    What about now?
    What about now?
    What about now?
    I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T.
    At last, someone who looks like they could be of some assistance!
    The assorted boobs and dimwits around here have been of very little help.

    I'm afraid you have mistaken us for someone else. I'm Dimwit, this is my good friend Boob, and behind me you'll find Brainless and Moron. How do you do?
    You wouldn't kill a man with a wife and ten children, would you?
    No way, you've got a fate worse than death already.
    Ha ha! Oh, come on, Aerie! Lighten up, willya?
    I'll tell ya what, if I have any desires to murder you in the middle of the night, you'll be the first to know, okay?
    My anger is under complete control !
    I'll control it as I rip limb from limb, I WILL control it as I pound head after head !
    Sometimes life has its little rewards. Even for the drow.
    You are practically the Avatar of Buttkicking
    You stop your glaring!
    I saw you glare!
    I'll bite yer kneecaps off, I will!
    So what are you going to do now?

    Oh, you know. Find the nearest hive. Check out the ladies. The usual. You?

    Fighting for my life. The usual.

    yes it was usefull to fully quote the above poster as it made me laugh a lot :D
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  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    I might buy the "You must gather your party before venturing forth" one
  • CalmarCalmar Member Posts: 688
    I *have* a Baldur's Gate T-Shirt! It was in my Collector's Edition Box of Shadows of Amn. It is black and 100% cotton and has a golden BG II logo on it. :D

    Now it is in my wardrobe... Safe... Since 2001. :/
  • OzzyBotkinsOzzyBotkins Member Posts: 396
    A want a t shirt that says
    " Ah the child of Bhaal has awoken"
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