Spoiler tags, pretty please?

It's nice to see people being excited about ID:EE and its forum sub-section being put to good use. Truth be told I hang out more here than the BG sections the last few days. There is a rather large amount of late/end-game spoilers popping up all over the place though and I'm not quite as fond of those. The "General Discussion" section of the forum has (Spoiler Warning) as part of the name, so I've always assumed anything goes there but we're supposed to be a bit more tight-lipped elsewhere.
Not trying to stifle conversation or being a backseat moderator here, but could we all use the spoiler tags a bit more in this section (probably haven't been too good at it myself either), at least in threads that aren't directly about the story or bosses? Surely I can't be the only one who never got far in ID and would like everything to be new and shiny and unknown.
Not trying to stifle conversation or being a backseat moderator here, but could we all use the spoiler tags a bit more in this section (probably haven't been too good at it myself either), at least in threads that aren't directly about the story or bosses? Surely I can't be the only one who never got far in ID and would like everything to be new and shiny and unknown.
Anyway, I agree. I've generally been avoiding the threads intended for people who have already played, but still.