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[Feature Request] Dynaheir quest without Dynaheir

macu67macu67 Member Posts: 56
edited September 2014 in Feature Requests
1. Start a new game with Abdel.
2. Move to the Gnoll Fortress.
3. Speak to Dynaheir and let her go.
4. Recruit either Minsc or Edwin (or both) in Nashkel.

Minsc and Edwin give you the quest to save or kill Dynaheir, despite the fact that she was already rescued. Eventually they leave because it's impossible to finish the quest.

Minsc or Edwin shouldn't give you the quest to save or kill Dynaheir.

Possible solution: Remove Minsc and Edwin from Nashkel when Dynaheir is not in the game anymore. She propably would take Minsc with her and Edwin will continue to chase her wherever she goes. :)
Post edited by Gate70 on


  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Not possible to feasibly reproduce without the console since the Stronghold isn't marked on the Map unless you talk to Minsc/Edwin, but I can confirm the existence of the bug anyway (e.g. by kicking Edwin before talking to Minsc).
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    edited September 2014
    You can travel to the stronghold without speaking to Minsc or Edwin so it is possible @CrevsDaak‌ :) and it was also possible in the original game if I recall correctly.

    The repro case is easier to summon characters than using a save > console move between areas > console explore > console jumping to a defined spot.
    (I'm having to think about simplest cases instead of the most obvious ones)

    What I'm struggling with here is the expected result.
    - Should Minsc and Edwin still be present.
    - Should they join without the quest. What impact on their later timers.
    - Should they refuse to join if Dynaheir has left.


    1. Start a new game with Abdel.
    2. C:CreateCreature("Dynahe")
    3. Speak to Dynaheir and dismiss her (3).
    4. C:CreateCreature("Minsc") / C:CreateCreature("Edwin")
    5. Speak to him and recruit him (1).
    6. Open the journal (J).

    Active quest involving Dynaheir has been added to the journal.

  • macu67macu67 Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2014
    The active quest in journal is a minor issue imo. The big one is that Edwin or Minsc will leave eventually, because the player won't be able to finish the quest. This might be especially annoying for the new players, who don't know the game and are not planning their whole team setup from the begining.
    If you'll just remove the Dynaheir-related quests and leave the option to recruit Minsc and Edwin, well, they'll kinda lose their purpose in game. You'll have to add a whole new dialogue with them (for eg. they will just join you for gain or glory) to make it sensible.
    Keep up the good work guys!:)
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Interesting. And yes, now that we're reminded, this was never fixed in original BG1.

    I reckon that if Dynaheir has been freed independently of Minsc's and Edwin's quests and if she has subsequently walked out of the game, then Minsc and Edwin should both remain standing in Nashkel, but if the party speaks to either of them then he should refuse recruitment and walk out of the game.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Minsc looks as though he will stay. Edwin clears off.
  • macu67macu67 Member Posts: 56
    Yup, I've also noticed that Minsc is not leaving or reminding you about his mission... I don't know if it's better or worse than Edwin's behaviour, since he joined you for certain purpose.:P He still needs fixing in my opinion.
  • Gate70Gate70 Member, Developer Posts: 3,883
    Going to mark this one as not an issue, since it is doing what the original game does and you could argue that Edwin might reasonably travel for a while before giving up.

    If you want the behaviour changed or improved you could raise in the feature request area

  • macu67macu67 Member Posts: 56
    So... If something is an original Baldur's Gate bug it's not a bug anymore? Minsc who joins you to rescue Dynaheir, suddenly has no interest in it - it's an issue imo. I won't spam here anymore but I can't say that I'm satisfied.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It's more that the original game had no dialogue written to account for it. The ideal solution would be an encounter where Edwin/Minsc thanks you for saving Dynaheir/berates you for letting her go and then either joining your party or leaving. But there's no text written yet, meaning that accounting for it now would be a new feature, not a bug-fix.

    Simply removing them from the area might be acceptable as a stop-gap solution, but it's not the best-case scenario.
  • macu67macu67 Member Posts: 56
    Couldn't agree more and thank you for moving the thread to the request section. I hope you'll manage to handle this issue some day guys. :)
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    hrm....once Minsc joins the party his dialog switches to minscj.dlg, which contains a blank state 8 with an equally blank string reference 16724. That dialog could be referenced with


    and the response option for state 8 can be updated with string reference 27039 and the 'add solved quest' flag to note that Dynaheir was released and sent on her way. It will probably also have to have an action which overrides Minsc to EscapeArea() and leave the game and he runs off to catch up with her.

    Am checking on this possibility at this time; haven't looked at Edwin yet.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    An even better solution would be to have Dynaheir meet up with Minsc in Nashkel, so that you can meet up and recruit both of them later if you like. But that would also require additional writing.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    an even better solution would be have edwin/ and or minsc in your party when you meet with dynaheir, chances are if you get to dynaheir before you have edwin or minsc in your party, you probably weren't planning on having them in your party anyway, but thats just my opinion
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    Okay, it worked once I put a new global variable in Dynaheir's dialog, setting "DynaheirLeft" to a value of 1. After speaking with Minsc, getting him to join the party, then talking to him again he realizes that "HelpMinsc" is a 2 and "DynaheirLeft" is a 1 so he took off to catch up with her, leaving both the party and the game. A similar update to edwinj.dlg should fix his problem, as well.

    Now, that leaves the blank state 8 in minsj.dlg unresolved, but at least the dialog responses can correctly close the journal entry for the *extremely* unlikely event that you find Dynaheir before either Minsc or Edwin.
  • beobeo Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2016

    Okay, it worked once I put a new global variable in Dynaheir's dialog, setting "DynaheirLeft" to a value of 1. After speaking with Minsc, getting him to join the party, then talking to him again he realizes that "HelpMinsc" is a 2 and "DynaheirLeft" is a 1 so he took off to catch up with her, leaving both the party and the game. A similar update to edwinj.dlg should fix his problem, as well.

    Now, that leaves the blank state 8 in minsj.dlg unresolved, but at least the dialog responses can correctly close the journal entry for the *extremely* unlikely event that you find Dynaheir before either Minsc or Edwin.

    @Mathsorcerer, how can I do this, to stop Edwin from leaving party?

    I don't think it is so *extremely* unlikely to discover Gnoll Stronghold without talking to Minsc or Edwin.

    It just happened to me, I freed Dynaheir and now she is gone for good, later on I recruited Edwin and now he threatens to leave, which he eventually will.

    This is a bug for sure.

    What is console command to keep Edwin?
  • beobeo Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2016
    Never mind, since I let Dyna go initially, I just spawned her in a random location again and let those two (Edwin and Dyna) have their encounter/dialog after all. Incidentally I was at the same place where Baeloth spawned too :) Makes sense from RP standpoint that we could meet again anyway. Edwin killed her and then agreed to travel with me for another year. My original intention was to let her live and still got Edwin to travel with me.

    Obviously since original BG no one counted with this and Edwin/Dyna/Minsc quest is still flawed to this day..
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