Pickpocket in BG2

Hi everyone
i have a problem.
My PC has 120 points in Pickpocket, but still always i fail to steal anything from Gaelan Bayle. He just says that i am a fool and goes away!!! I have the same problem with the merchant at upper level except he just goes hostile when i fail (like normal people).
My question is: How many points do i need in pickpocket to be able to pick every NPC's pocket in BG2EE?
i have a problem.
My PC has 120 points in Pickpocket, but still always i fail to steal anything from Gaelan Bayle. He just says that i am a fool and goes away!!! I have the same problem with the merchant at upper level except he just goes hostile when i fail (like normal people).
My question is: How many points do i need in pickpocket to be able to pick every NPC's pocket in BG2EE?
Renal is possible to kill (because boots!) after chapter 6, but prevents you from ever speaking to Aran again (whole place aggros).
You should be able to steal from Arledrian with 150-ish total (quick save on successes, though.
But, no one knows how many points do i need in pickpocket to be able to pick every NPC's pocket in BG2EE? (i don't want to waste my points)
At PP 125 I find he can PP all targets in BG2 outside of Athkatla. Not sure about ToB, nor do I know of any worthwhile targets in ToB.
100 + 2 thief juices (80) = 180 for most that are pickable
100 + 3 thief Juices (120) = 220 for the rest that are pickable
and I wouldn't argue if you went 225 per James_m's recommendation
You will still have 1% chance to fail, regardless.
I wouldn't be too concerned about wasting points - by the end of chapter 5, you will likely realize you get way more points per level up than you will need.
Where _I_ have typically messed up is not assigning the points in the right ORDER... i.e. assigning points unevenly to hide/move silently, respectively - which kind of is a waste of points. Or accidentally overallocating to H/MS _instead_ of getting pick pockets up first.
Allocate your points in the order of your priorities.
I am trying to steal some items from a merchant with 285 points in Pick Pocket but always i am getting caught!
It is a bug, and isn't entirely obvious. I assume it has something to do with the fact that 256 is a binary integer.
Edit: Ah yes, here we go: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/comment/514768/#Comment_514768
I did unequipped my pick pocket boosting items (which dropped my pick pocket score under 255) and now i am fine.
If having above 255 still causes an issue (which based on the fact that you had to remove items in order to get it to work I assume it still is) it may be that the release version of BG2EE still has the issue. It hasn't been patched in almost a year so its going to be behind BGEE and IWDEE