New XP cap limit?

So it's been mentioned that the XP cap will raise from the TotSC (which I think was 161K) in order to allow a bit more progression with the new content.
What do you reckon the new cap will be - and why do you think that?
I'm guessing it will be 251K - enough to give most classes at least one more level - but not too much to overpower the game. In actuality I think it will range between 251K-301K but I'm staking my bet on the lower end of the scale.
What do you reckon the new cap will be - and why do you think that?
I'm guessing it will be 251K - enough to give most classes at least one more level - but not too much to overpower the game. In actuality I think it will range between 251K-301K but I'm staking my bet on the lower end of the scale.
Sorry if I didn't join in the conversation, I do believe they should just let it go to 3/4ths of a million to a million and call it a day. There are people asking for the cap plain just removed, but I think that'd just be silly, considering that it would take forever for those high levels to be achieved, and would make the final fight in BG1 all too easy.
With new content coming, I bet that the global XP gains will be around 2 million, meaning that the XP cap should be, theoretically, raised to 250,000 - 300,000 XP. I don't think it's going to be anything more than that (unless they intend to make some major rework to early areas of BG2EE, especially Irenicus' dungeon, the Circus tent and the Slaver Compound.
Cheesebellys predicts match my own - BG2-EE needs to be considered and allow much higher levels will require unnecessary rework for when BG2-EE rolls around.
Remember I asked "what do you think it will be?", not "what do you hope it will be?". Big difference.
I'm going from memory on this, but:
Demon Knight (only one): 15000xp?
Greater Basilisk: 7000 xp
Helmed Horror: 4000 xp
Greater Doppleganger: 4000 xp
If they raise the cap, we're gonna need some high xp enemies to grind on.
Going with what you're saying, I think Aec'Letec was worth a hefty 15,000 XP or so as well. Drizzt is worth like 12,000 XP, too.
Shoal the Nereid - 5,000 XP (VERY EASILY on level 1)
Sleeping on segment 2 of werewolf island - 7,000-14,000 XP each time you get interrupted.
Fake Durlag's Tower stairs on underground floor 2 - 12,000 XP each time you attempt them.
Killing Noober - Priceless.
There are some things that don't earn you any XP... For everything else, there's the XP Cap
Depending on values found in XPLEVEL.2DA, CLAB****.2DA and other files you may not be able to level past a certain point or gain any bonus from new levels.
I always removed the XP-cap. It seems nonsense to me that there should be a point where performing your job (be it whacking Xvarts, hurling Fireballs, Draw(ing) upon Holy Might or nicking purses) would stop meaning getting better at it. It's not cheating, it's just making the world more realistic.
In my first time in BG1 I only noticed that the XP stopped at 89000 when the party gets poisoned by Marek and Lothander. I assumed they were connected lol.
The other side is that you want to reward the players who do spend the time grinding and gaining levels, or they spend the last two or three chapters of the game not seeing any growth in their characters.
It's the same reason why the Final Fantasy games (pre-XIII, anyway) had the cap at Level 99. Normally you finish the game at level 50-60, but if you really want to, you can get all the way up to 99. The final battle becomes really easy, but if you want it, it's there.
It throws off the balance for BG2 a little bit, but I see no reason not to let a player start with that kind of advantage, if he's put in the effort.
In BG2 with SCS II installed the game remains very challenging even starting a few levels higher.
You can also increase difficulty by assembling parties that aren't filled with the strongest NPCs. Instead of Kagain try Garrick. Use Cernd instead of Keldorn. Etc.
I don't think I will be playing BG:EE without SCS because the game would just be too easy then (the vanilla AI is just way too dumb), and the developers most likely haven't done much to rectify that. But we'll see. If the XP cap is raised a lot, this will make everything even more easier. And then the problem will be there at the start of BG 2, too.
And yes, I am aware of the fact that Baldur's Gate IS a hard game for beginners (which is part of the reason the devs certainly will avoid trying to make it even harder than how it was back in the day). But there's always mods! Go ahead and remove the XP cap if you want to.
The amount of XP that seems like sooo much in BG1 terms is really just a minor starting bonus in BG2.
Or are you scared of the possibility of importing into ToB not with 3 500 000 XP but with 3 650 000 XP?