Favorite player character (Charname)?

To preface this, apologies if this type of discussion has been done before (or to death, rather).
I was just wondering, what is everyone's favorite main character? This favoritism can stem from any number of reasons; I just want to know who they were, and why they were your favorite. From what I can gather, a lot of people have completed these games many, many times, and I just want to know which character stands above the rest.
To start off, my favorite character that I've created is Zaine, my human Shapeshifter. I've crafted a bit of a story for him (my own interpretation of the events leading up to and of BG1), and it's this extra aspect that makes him "jump" out of the game and into my mind, even when I'm not playing. He does not have excellent stats, and I definitely do not consider him a druid at all, but it's this uniqueness and that it's *his* story that really makes me care about him.
Anyway, that's (briefly) why Zaine is special to me, and I'd love to hear your stories, as well.
I was just wondering, what is everyone's favorite main character? This favoritism can stem from any number of reasons; I just want to know who they were, and why they were your favorite. From what I can gather, a lot of people have completed these games many, many times, and I just want to know which character stands above the rest.
To start off, my favorite character that I've created is Zaine, my human Shapeshifter. I've crafted a bit of a story for him (my own interpretation of the events leading up to and of BG1), and it's this extra aspect that makes him "jump" out of the game and into my mind, even when I'm not playing. He does not have excellent stats, and I definitely do not consider him a druid at all, but it's this uniqueness and that it's *his* story that really makes me care about him.
Anyway, that's (briefly) why Zaine is special to me, and I'd love to hear your stories, as well.
I'm also quite fond of paladins, spesifically D&D's, so my second-most-favourite character in the infinity games is Sir Marius (still me), Human Cavalier.
@Trianglehead , I'm sure that shapshifters must be quite exotic and interesting to roleplay. I've always wanted to play an enviromentalist neo-druid type.
@Silverstar , you mentioned being fond of Paladins, I gotta say that playing Lawful Good characters is very difficult for me!
So yeah, in my mind, they're my two quintessential Charnames that I think of when i think of BG. The characters in question? A Chaotic Neutral Female Half-Elf Wild Mage and a Lawful Good Male Human Monk.
So yeah, thanks for that, Beamdog, in making my only two successful Bhaalspawn effectively disposable. ;-)
She's a half elf ranger, good neutral, named Nadriel. She's based on a character from a story I'm writing, but she quickly became my favourite Charname to use in multiple games purely because she was the first Charname to complete BG1. Add that to the fact she made the ending awesome! (She dived in when still half injured to save Imoen from Sarevok, that diving swipe killing him.)
I have recently created a second favourite though. This one originate from Skyrim, she's Evil Neutral who I like because I've fleshed her character out more than any other video game RPG character I've made before. She's not necessarily evil, but lusts for power and will do anything for it. Therefore her party can only contain those she believes (if maybe wrongly) that she can control.
I completed he trilogy multiple times with slight variances to this build. The first time as a swashbuckling cleric dual wielding flails (I'll let you guess which ones) to my new 1.3 build a shadowdancer cleric of Shar.
"Time for a bit of a rough and tumble!"
Awesome. I laughed.
(I haven't used any Manual in BG1, because I like the idea of settled vallues of AD&D 2nd Edition. And, as you can see, he was already an outstanding talented character. I really tried to make a younger brother of Sarevok that would be at his same landing place. But I never wanted to surpass his Strength of 18/00, for example).
Without another reason to live, Oberon roamed the Sword Coast for some time, so one day he was captured by the mad mage Jon Irenicus, interested in his cursed bloodline. After escaping his captivity, he wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he had the chance, but he would not seek it as it was in the case of Sarevok. He just wanted Imoen, his beloved childhood friend back. He needed powerful allies to retrieve her from the Cowled Wizards, so he aligned with Aran Linvail. He judged that, as an older and more solid organization, the Shadow Thieves was more powerful than the new and creepier band led by Bodhi. It was not a choice based on principles.
In the midst of all this relentless pursuit for Imoen back, a feeling bloom between Oberon and Jaheira. They strengthen themselfs from their losses. He also helped his friend Nalia and became a benevolent and proud Lord of the De'Arnise Keep. With gold and power enough to face his quest, he went to Spellhold to rescue Imoen. He fell in the web of tricks of Irenicus, and was captured again just before seeing what that rascal did with Imoen. He twisted her mind so much that Oberon wanted his head on a pike. The avenger was alive again.
He had to face his inner demons to survive the nasty experiments of Irenicus. He chose to sacrifice youth to achieve knowledge. But what is the passing of time for an elf? He just got more dangerous, because he still had rage, but now he had wisdom as well (*In this momment I edited him in EE Keeper, and gave him the improvements in Wisdom and Intelligence of aging stated in the PHB).
Well... It's been a long post and you know the rest of the story (It's enough to say that he failed the test of greed in the Nine Hells, and now wields Blackrazor).
Now I'm playing Throne of Bhaal with BP Ascension installed. Oberon recruited Sarevok, because he could be a powerful weapon. He indeed made Sarevok swear a loyalty oath to ensure that he would never betray him. Oberon will never like Sarevok, because he killed Gorion. But he doesn't hate him anymore. He's not either a menace anymore, so should his services would not be required anymore, he would be free to go as he will.
More recently my favorites have been Sarah, a half-elven neutral-good fighter/cleric. I've finished the whole EE saga with her, and dang was she awesome!
I'm also thoroughly enjoying Jenny, a neutral-good half elven (hmmm, rut maybe? nawwww...) fighter/cleric/mage. I'm late in BGEE with her now. Fun character with a full party; she's behind in levels but versatile. Its just a whole different balance than some of my other favorites.
Honorable mention goes to a husband/wife team of paladins I played. Amyntor and Brademante. No kits. Only score bonuses as rolled were a 17 constitution for him and a 16 dexterity for her. Now THAT was a challenge!
That page has him killing Sarevok though.
Edit: His name was Firecam. He died while escaping Ust Natha through the Drow Horde.
Edit2: Turns out it was only 2 years ago. :O
I also talked about Veraka and her party in a bit more depth in this thread: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/22442/poetic-parties-a-discussion-for-those-intense-rpers#latest
Of course, this is back in the days before auto rollers, or me having a complete understanding of D&D rules (though it wasnt the first D&D computer game I played, that was the Eye of the Beholder series. I had also played, ick, Descent to Undermountain). I just saw that 18/00 strength and went with it.
There is one up side to having bad con: Claw of Kazgaroth!
Anyways, beat BG1 with him, I dont quite remember my party, but Im almost positive I had Garrick (a paladin needs a bard to sing of his deeds!) and Xan (wow this guy has a moonblade! He must be special).
BG2 comes along a few months later, imported him, made him a Cavalier. Romanced Aerie. Left Jan stuck in the bowels of Spellhold to take Imoen. Dual wielded bastard swords, Jhor the Bleeder and the Searing Blade. Had Keldorn in the group, got him to throw his wife in jail (well it was the LAWFUL thing to do).
Eventually, ToB came out, didn't become a god.
Aaaaaand thats all the details I can remember about my first/favorite playthrough.