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[Known] Rasaad: "Flaming Fists" has no description on Record screen portrait

_Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,535
edited September 2014 in BG:EE Bugs (v1.3)
Gate70 said:

Flaming Fists should have a description on the record screen

1. Start a new game with Abdel.
2. C:CreateCreature("Rasaad")
3. CTRL/Q Rasaad into the party before he leaves.
4. Select Rasaad (2).
5. C:SetCurrentXP(13000).
6. Level Rasaad up.
7. Activate Flaming Fists (F12 then F2).
8. Open his record (R)

The Flaming Fists icon is present with no text description

Flaming Fists should have a description on the record screen

It seems that when Rasaad uses his flaming fists no description appears in the Record Page. I mean, in BG2:EE there is a red icon and the line :" Aura of Flaming Death", whereas here there is only the red icon.....
Post edited by Gate70 on
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