Shar-Teel F/T build?

Shar-Teel just reached Fighter 3/Thief 4 and I'm not sure where I should invest her two last pips. Are 3 points in Two-Weapon Style better then +1 hit/+1 dmg of mastery, or they are even?
OPTION #1: Dagger of Venom and Longtooth
Longsword +
Dagger ++++
Two-Weapon ++
OPTION #2: Dagger of Venom and Varscona #1 (last pip in dagger mastery)
Longsword ++
Dagger +++
Two-Weapon ++
OPTION #3: Dagger of Venom and Varscona #2 (last pip in TWF)
Longsword ++
Dagger ++
Two-Weapon +++
OPTION #1: Dagger of Venom and Longtooth
Longsword +
Dagger ++++
Two-Weapon ++
OPTION #2: Dagger of Venom and Varscona #1 (last pip in dagger mastery)
Longsword ++
Dagger +++
Two-Weapon ++
OPTION #3: Dagger of Venom and Varscona #2 (last pip in TWF)
Longsword ++
Dagger ++
Two-Weapon +++
Real question, does anyone else need or benefit from either Longtooth or Varscona? Overall, I would take 4 pip for daggers, and let someone else handle varscona. Thats +4 damage from proficiency iirc. She'll be grest with throwing daggers too remember.
I usually go for
Longsword +
Dagger +++
Two-Weapon ++
One-Weapon +
The main purpose is that when you attack from the shadows the added chance for a critical hit (that is provided by a pip in the One Weapon Style) is very handy. So, for backstabbing I equip Shar-Teel with only one weapon - the Dagger of Venom.
When I need Shar-Teel to fight like a fighter, I give her Varscona to the off-hand and one pip in longswords is enough here: you attack with an off-hand weapon only once per round. To me, getting a critical hit with a backstab is much more useful and I use it much more frequently than using Shar-Teel who dualled into a thief as a plain fighter.
But DreadKhan makes a good point that you should consider whether anyone else might make better use of the Varscona.