Multiplayer - Bug? Following host character...

after a save or area transitions I have to reselect my characters and click the hosts portrait to continue following them. Just a minor inconvience really, but I was wondering if this is normal and if there is a work-around?
It might be possible to assign an AI script to do this (maybe ask in the modding area) or ask for this as a feature request - not sure if you can move this there yourself but it you want to do so a moderator or team member can move it for you.
Edit, & same for save I guess - didn't realise "Follow" was cancelled after that.
I understand the area transition part. It's mainly the saving that gets tedious at times b/c my wife saves every couple of mintues lol. About the feature request, that would be great. If a mod sees this and they believe it's relevant, by all means move it to feature request. Or if need be I can just repost there.
Thanks a ton for the reply. Even without a resolution it puts my mind at ease knowing it's just part of the mechanics and not something wrong with my installation or something.