[BGEE MOD] Oriental Adventures - Rise of the Samurai v1.03 BETA

Dishonored and shamed, Ginawa was was cut loose from the system of honour and loyalty. He is no longer a samurai; he is a ronin with no honor and no standing in society. He retains the abilities of a samurai, and can still advance in level as a samurai, but at double the normal experience. Now he roams the countryside, earning money however he can, in search of honor…
Recruitable: Early
Max Hit points per Level: 10
Male, Human, Ronin Lawful Neutral
Str 17, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 11
Ginawa 2
Experience: 2262
Hit Points: 17
Katana ++
Single-Weapon Style ++
Katana of Quality
Ashigaru Armor
Potion of Healing x1
Potion of Heroism x1
Ginawa 4
Experience: 9012
Hit Points: 34
Katana ++
Longbow +
Single-Weapon Style ++
Katana of Quality
Partial Armor
Potion of Healing x3
Potion of Heroism x1
Ginawa 6
Experience: 36120
Hit Points: 57
Katana +++
Longbow +
Single-Weapon Style ++
Katana of Quality
Partial Armor
Potion of Extra Healing x2
Potion of Heroism x1
How to Use Ginawa Effectively:
Ginawa is good enough that he can be a great melee character as he starts out Specialized in Katanas and Single-Weapon Style, but his light armor means that he should always be attacking from behind another character. Aim to rehonor him quickly, thus eliminate the crippling experience point penalty he suffers as a ronin.
Recruiting Ginawa:
You'll initially find Ginawa milling about the northern side of Friendly Arm Inn (AR2300), at (x=1122, y=722). Ginawa will join your party if you are honourable (reputation greater than 8, and you allow him). If you dismiss his or don’t allow him to join he will move inside the walls of the Friendly Arm Inn (AR2300), to (x=3326, y=2528).
RONIN: Ronin are masterless samurai, members of the noble class who have been cut loose from this system of honour and loyalty. He is no longer a samurai; he is a ronin with no honor and no standing in society. He retains the abilities of a samurai, and can still advance in level as a samurai, but at double the normal experience. A ronin can return to full samurai status with his old daimyo or a different one.
- May achieve Grandmastery (five slots) in Katanas/Wakizashis, and Longbows
- May use Kai ability once per day per level (start at 1st level with one use)
KAI: The samurai increases his strength score to 18/00 for one round
- 2nd level: Gains a +1 to damage rolls every 3 levels
- 5th level: Becomes immune to fear and morale failure
- 6th level: May use the Fear ability once per day
FEAR: All characters and creatures within a 10-ft radius must save vs. Breath Weapon or run away in panic for 4 rounds.
- 9th level: May use the Great Kai ability once per day
GREAT KAI: The samurai increases his strength score to 18/00 for two rounds and all enemies within 10 feet must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for one round
- 12th level: +2 THAC0 bonus with off hand
- Race restricted to human
- Alignment restricted to lawful
- May not dual class
- May not wear armour heavier than splint mail
- May not exceed Specialization (two slots) in all other weapons
- Earns experience points at half the normal rate
SAMURAI: Samurai are professional warriors, members of the noble class who are trained in the arts of warfare. They are not only trained for their role in society, they are born into a system of allegiance, loyalty, and honor that influences every stage of their lives. A samurai cut loose from this system is no longer a samurai; he is an ordinary fighter, a ronin with no honor and no standing in society.
- May achieve Grandmastery (five slots) in Katanas/Wakizashis, and Longbows
- May use Kai ability once per day per level (start at 1st level with one use)
KAI: The samurai increases his strength score to 18/00 for one round
- 2nd level: Gains a +1 to damage rolls every 3 levels
- 5th level: Becomes immune to fear and morale failure
- 6th level: May use the Fear ability once per day
FEAR: All characters and creatures within a 10-ft radius must save vs. Breath Weapon or run away in panic for 4 rounds.
- 9th level: May use the Great Kai ability once per day
GREAT KAI: The samurai increases his strength score to 18/00 for two rounds and all enemies within 30-ft must save vs. Paralyzation or be stunned for one round
- 12th level: +2 THAC0 bonus with off hand
- Race restricted to human
- Alignment restricted to lawful
- May not dual class
- May not wear armour heavier than splint mail
- May not exceed Specialization (two slots) in all other weapons
Katana of Quality
The Katana of Quality is a family heirloom with which Ginawa will not part, but will wear proudly. It is said that the soul of a samurai is contained within his blade, and the eldest of each generation is blessed to carry the katana of his grandfather. It is an honor, and a burden.
THAC0 +1
Damage: 1d10 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Katana/Wakizashi
Type: One-handed
6 Strength
Weight: 6
Usable by:
Forged by Asahina Yajinden in 508 on the Anvil of Despair. It was the first of four bloodswords forged by Yakinden. Revenge possessed all of the abilities of any Bloodsword, and like its sister Yashin, it bore and additional mixed blessing. It reduced the damage taken by the wielder, at the risk of becoming berserk. While in such a state, the wielder would not sheathe Revenge until every visible enemy was dead. After all the enemies were killed or escape, the rage faded, and the wielder remembered nothing of the time in which he lost control.
Equipped abilities:
- Gains 10% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage
- Causes the wielder to go berserk
- May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell
THAC0 +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: One-handed
6 Strength
Weight: 4
Ashigaru Armor
Ashigaru armor is a light and inexpensive armor worn by farmers conscripted into a daimyo’s army. It consists of a light breastplate and thigh protectors made of laced metal plates, shin guards, and a light helmet resembling a round straw hat.
Armor Class: 7 (5 vs. slashing, 6 vs. piercing and missile)
12 Strength
Weight: 20
Kote are a pair of armored sleeves connected by a band of leather or cloth across the shoulders. The sleeves extend from the shoulders to the backs of the hands. They are normally made of mail and some have small metal places sewn into them. They range from very plain to highly decorative in style. Kote can be worn inconspicuously under robes or in combinations with other pieces of armor
Equipped abilities:
- Armor Class: +1
- No protection against missile and piercing attacks
Weight: 2
The daikyu or great bow is favoured by samurai . It stands 7' tall and its hand-grip is not in the center of the weapon; it's located closer to the bottom, so the daikyu can be fired from horseback and from kneeling positions.
THAC0: +1
Damage: +1 (missile)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: Two-handed
14 Strength
Weight: 3
BUSHI: Bushi are masterless warriors, men without ties to a lord, temple, or monastery. They are commonly mercenaries, bandits highwaymen, or wanderers, earning their money however then can. They can be found serving samurai, protecting the court, or swelling the ranks of armies. A few may be kensai who have fallen by the way. Most, however are men of low birth who have chosen the way of the warrior to advance in the world.
- +1 bonus to Armor Class every 5 levels
- May use Kai ability once per every 4 levels (starts at 1st level with one use).
KAI: The bushi temporarily raises his effective level by two for one turn. He temporarily gains +10 HP, +2 THAC0 and -2 to all saving throws.
- May not wear armour heavier than splint mail
- May not exceed Specialization (two slots) in any weapon class
- Reputation penalty -2
Rebalanced Weapon Proficiencies (CamDawg and Idobek)
Rebalanced Weapon Proficiencies, attempts to rebalance the groupings of weapons proficiencies. There are three main changes:
- Wakizashis move from Wakizashi/Scimitar/Ninja-to to Katana proficiency
- Ninja-tos move from Wakizashi/Scimitar/Ninja-to to Short Sword proficiency
- Morningstars move from Flail/Morningstar to Mace proficiency
Wakizashis are very similar to katanas in usage, and ninja-tos are straight, short blades. Morningstars, while there are several variations in definition, are essentially spiked maces in the game, and have been moved out of the flail category and grouped with maces. The proficiencies themselves get renamed to reflect these changes. Weapon descriptions also get updated
Rehonoring Ginawa allows him to return to full samurai status, thus negating the crippling experience point penalty
1. Quest to find and destroy the Egg of P’an Ku (Tamoko)
The Egg of P'an Ku was a powerful artifact, the last surviving part of the mad dragon P'an Ku, who unmade itself rather than become corrupted by the power of the Taint and the Nothing. It was said to have the power to create a shadow replicate of anyone and anything. It beared P'an Ku's madness curse and using it risked destruction.
The Egg of P’an Ku creates a duplicate of a target character. The duplicate is created at 60% of the level of the character being copied, and possess all the skills, abilities and hit points of the original.
Tamoko posses the egg, defeating her and gaining possession of the egg will offer the PC a choice, allow Ginawa to destroy the egg for 20,000 quest experience per character and retain his services or choose to keep and use the egg but face Ginawa in a fight to the death
2. Ongoing dialog enhancements and NPC interactions
Dishonored and shamed, Ginawa was was cut loose from the system of honour and loyalty. He is no longer a samurai; he is a ronin with no honor and no standing in society. He retains the abilities of a samurai, and can still advance in level as a samurai, but at double the normal experience. Now he roams the countryside, earning money however he can, in search of honor…
Recruitable: Early
Max Hit points per Level: 10
Male, Human, Ronin Lawful Neutral
Str 17, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 11
Ginawa 2
Experience: 2262
Hit Points: 17
Katana ++
Single-Weapon Style ++
Katana of Quality
Ashigaru Armor
Potion of Healing x1
Potion of Heroism x1
Ginawa 4
Experience: 9012
Hit Points: 34
Katana ++
Longbow +
Single-Weapon Style ++
Katana of Quality
Partial Armor
Potion of Healing x3
Potion of Heroism x1
Ginawa 6
Experience: 36120
Hit Points: 57
Katana +++
Longbow +
Single-Weapon Style ++
Katana of Quality
Partial Armor
Potion of Extra Healing x2
Potion of Heroism x1
How to Use Ginawa Effectively:
Ginawa is good enough that he can be a great melee character as he starts out Specialized in Katanas and Single-Weapon Style, but his light armor means that he should always be attacking from behind another character. Aim to rehonor him quickly, thus eliminate the crippling experience point penalty he suffers as a ronin.
Recruiting Ginawa:
You'll initially find Ginawa milling about the northern side of Friendly Arm Inn (AR2300), at (x=1122, y=722). Ginawa will join your party if you are honourable (reputation greater than 8, and you allow him). If you dismiss his or don’t allow him to join he will move inside the walls of the Friendly Arm Inn (AR2300), to (x=3326, y=2528).
RONIN: Ronin are masterless samurai, members of the noble class who have been cut loose from this system of honour and loyalty. He is no longer a samurai; he is a ronin with no honor and no standing in society. He retains the abilities of a samurai, and can still advance in level as a samurai, but at double the normal experience. A ronin can return to full samurai status with his old daimyo or a different one.
- May achieve Grandmastery (five slots) in Katanas/Wakizashis, and Longbows
- May use Kai ability once per day per level (start at 1st level with one use)
KAI: The samurai increases his strength score to 18/00 for one round
- 2nd level: Gains a +1 to damage rolls every 3 levels
- 5th level: Becomes immune to fear and morale failure
- 6th level: May use the Fear ability once per day
FEAR: All characters and creatures within a 10-ft radius must save vs. Breath Weapon or run away in panic for 4 rounds.
- 9th level: May use the Great Kai ability once per day
GREAT KAI: The samurai increases his strength score to 18/00 for two rounds and all enemies within 10 feet must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for one round
- 12th level: +2 THAC0 bonus with off hand
- Race restricted to human
- Alignment restricted to lawful
- May not dual class
- May not wear armour heavier than splint mail
- May not exceed Specialization (two slots) in all other weapons
- Earns experience points at half the normal rate
SAMURAI: Samurai are professional warriors, members of the noble class who are trained in the arts of warfare. They are not only trained for their role in society, they are born into a system of allegiance, loyalty, and honor that influences every stage of their lives. A samurai cut loose from this system is no longer a samurai; he is an ordinary fighter, a ronin with no honor and no standing in society.
- May achieve Grandmastery (five slots) in Katanas/Wakizashis, and Longbows
- May use Kai ability once per day per level (start at 1st level with one use)
KAI: The samurai increases his strength score to 18/00 for one round
- 2nd level: Gains a +1 to damage rolls every 3 levels
- 5th level: Becomes immune to fear and morale failure
- 6th level: May use the Fear ability once per day
FEAR: All characters and creatures within a 10-ft radius must save vs. Breath Weapon or run away in panic for 4 rounds.
- 9th level: May use the Great Kai ability once per day
GREAT KAI: The samurai increases his strength score to 18/00 for two rounds and all enemies within 30-ft must save vs. Paralyzation or be stunned for one round
- 12th level: +2 THAC0 bonus with off hand
- Race restricted to human
- Alignment restricted to lawful
- May not dual class
- May not wear armour heavier than splint mail
- May not exceed Specialization (two slots) in all other weapons
Katana of Quality
The Katana of Quality is a family heirloom with which Ginawa will not part, but will wear proudly. It is said that the soul of a samurai is contained within his blade, and the eldest of each generation is blessed to carry the katana of his grandfather. It is an honor, and a burden.
THAC0 +1
Damage: 1d10 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Katana/Wakizashi
Type: One-handed
6 Strength
Weight: 6
Usable by:
Forged by Asahina Yajinden in 508 on the Anvil of Despair. It was the first of four bloodswords forged by Yakinden. Revenge possessed all of the abilities of any Bloodsword, and like its sister Yashin, it bore and additional mixed blessing. It reduced the damage taken by the wielder, at the risk of becoming berserk. While in such a state, the wielder would not sheathe Revenge until every visible enemy was dead. After all the enemies were killed or escape, the rage faded, and the wielder remembered nothing of the time in which he lost control.
Equipped abilities:
- Gains 10% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage
- Causes the wielder to go berserk
- May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell
THAC0 +2
Damage: 1d10+2 (slashing)
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: One-handed
6 Strength
Weight: 4
Ashigaru Armor
Ashigaru armor is a light and inexpensive armor worn by farmers conscripted into a daimyo’s army. It consists of a light breastplate and thigh protectors made of laced metal plates, shin guards, and a light helmet resembling a round straw hat.
Armor Class: 7 (5 vs. slashing, 6 vs. piercing and missile)
12 Strength
Weight: 20
Kote are a pair of armored sleeves connected by a band of leather or cloth across the shoulders. The sleeves extend from the shoulders to the backs of the hands. They are normally made of mail and some have small metal places sewn into them. They range from very plain to highly decorative in style. Kote can be worn inconspicuously under robes or in combinations with other pieces of armor
Equipped abilities:
- Armor Class: +1
- No protection against missile and piercing attacks
Weight: 2
The daikyu or great bow is favoured by samurai . It stands 7' tall and its hand-grip is not in the center of the weapon; it's located closer to the bottom, so the daikyu can be fired from horseback and from kneeling positions.
THAC0: +1
Damage: +1 (missile)
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: Two-handed
14 Strength
Weight: 3
BUSHI: Bushi are masterless warriors, men without ties to a lord, temple, or monastery. They are commonly mercenaries, bandits highwaymen, or wanderers, earning their money however then can. They can be found serving samurai, protecting the court, or swelling the ranks of armies. A few may be kensai who have fallen by the way. Most, however are men of low birth who have chosen the way of the warrior to advance in the world.
- +1 bonus to Armor Class every 5 levels
- May use Kai ability once per every 4 levels (starts at 1st level with one use).
KAI: The bushi temporarily raises his effective level by two for one turn. He temporarily gains +10 HP, +2 THAC0 and -2 to all saving throws.
- May not wear armour heavier than splint mail
- May not exceed Specialization (two slots) in any weapon class
- Reputation penalty -2
Rebalanced Weapon Proficiencies (CamDawg and Idobek)
Rebalanced Weapon Proficiencies, attempts to rebalance the groupings of weapons proficiencies. There are three main changes:
- Wakizashis move from Wakizashi/Scimitar/Ninja-to to Katana proficiency
- Ninja-tos move from Wakizashi/Scimitar/Ninja-to to Short Sword proficiency
- Morningstars move from Flail/Morningstar to Mace proficiency
Wakizashis are very similar to katanas in usage, and ninja-tos are straight, short blades. Morningstars, while there are several variations in definition, are essentially spiked maces in the game, and have been moved out of the flail category and grouped with maces. The proficiencies themselves get renamed to reflect these changes. Weapon descriptions also get updated
Rehonoring Ginawa allows him to return to full samurai status, thus negating the crippling experience point penalty
1. Quest to find and destroy the Egg of P’an Ku (Tamoko)
The Egg of P'an Ku was a powerful artifact, the last surviving part of the mad dragon P'an Ku, who unmade itself rather than become corrupted by the power of the Taint and the Nothing. It was said to have the power to create a shadow replicate of anyone and anything. It beared P'an Ku's madness curse and using it risked destruction.
The Egg of P’an Ku creates a duplicate of a target character. The duplicate is created at 60% of the level of the character being copied, and possess all the skills, abilities and hit points of the original.
Tamoko posses the egg, defeating her and gaining possession of the egg will offer the PC a choice, allow Ginawa to destroy the egg for 20,000 quest experience per character and retain his services or choose to keep and use the egg but face Ginawa in a fight to the death
2. Ongoing dialog enhancements and NPC interactions
Post edited by Greener on
The second quest is... interesting, but I see a couple of issues. Do you get the egg in the last encounter with Tamoko? Because if so, I don't see any reason for not destroying the egg, seeing as there's probably only one battle left and the experience will be more lasting, and you'd lose a party member otherwise. I suggest lowering the quest xp (seriously, 20,000 per character is insane) to about 5,000 and giving a similar boost by duelling him, and making the duplicate stronger to 'emulate' a sixth party member. Also, I rarely fight Tamoko, so it would be nice to have a more peaceful way to acquire it, but not necessary.
Btw, did you base the Egg of P'an Ku off anything? I only ask because of a Chinese legend on a giant called Pan Gu, who was born from an egg and separated the the sky from the land with his body. I saw a resemblance and wondered whether it was a coincidence.
The Ronin NPC is ready to be released, I'm still working on the quest portions, I'm debating releasing an alpha version of the NPC for evaluation
Retrospectively I agree 20,000 quest experience per character is excessive, I will adjust accordingly most likely to 5,000 per character.
As of now, the only way to acquire the egg will be defeating Tamoko, but future releases may address this
The Egg of P'an Ku is based on the Legends of Five Rings (L5R) version http://l5r.wikia.com/wiki/Egg_of_P'an_Ku
in "the complete fighters handbook" it is described that the samurai does a kiai shout in order to increase strength so that's what the ability would best be called ("kiai shout" or in 3e - "kiai smite")
also your samurai kit is not balanced at all. there are basically no penalties except the very small armor penalty.
you should add something to emulate the p&p proficiency restrictions. i propose that the samurai should only be able to achieve grandmastery in katana, wakizashi, dagger, spear and longbow and in all other weapons - max 1 pip.
also, not only should he be unable to wear armor heavier than splint mail - the *only* armors he should be able to wear in my opinion should be splint mail and dragon scale armors
and he should be forbidden from shields as well.
you could also add a more powerful fear ability at lvl20.
You pointed out an obvious omission with regards to the samurai/ronin kit's disadvantages. Specifically the inability to exceed specialization in any weapon other than katana and longbow
- Race restricted to human
- Alignment restricted to lawful
- May not dual class
- May not wear armour heavier than splint mail
- May not exceed Specialization (two slots) in all other weapons
- Earns experience points at half the normal rate
I would be curious for some more information regarding "add a more powerful fear ability at lvl20"
With regards to your other comments, I understand what you are saying, I simply may not agree.
Glad to have been of help with the obvious but i have to comment on the proficiencies some more because it doesn't make sense that samurais can't have grandmastery in an essential samurai weapon such as the wakizashi
Samurai also should have grandmastery in spears because it's a very important samurai weapon, but i don't insist on this point. Dagger grandmastery would also make sense but make the least of a point on that.
Also please consider again that shields and samurai do not go together aesthetically. In our history samurai didn't use shields and it makes them a lot less fearless and samurai-like for me.
When it comes to the better fear ability, in Complete Warior (3E) a level 20 ability is discussed for the samurai. The kit should have something for past the 12th level after all (AD&D wasn't envisaged for such high levels anyway). This is copy-paste from the book (suppose it's forbidden but hope you get it):
honor, and fi ghting prowess have become legendary. When
the samurai draws his blade, opponents within 30 feet must
succeed on a Will save (DC 20 + samurai’s Cha modifi er) or
become panicked for 4d6 rounds (if they have 4 or fewer Hit
Dice) or shaken for 4d6 rounds (if they have from 5 to 19 Hit
Dice). Creatures with 20 or more Hit Dice are not affected.
Any foe that successfully resists the effect cannot be affected
again by the same samurai’s frightful presence for 24 hours.
The wakizashi is an interesting subject, originally I had built the kit utilizing the rebalanced weapon proficiency system from BG2 Tweaks, thus merging the Katana and Wakizashi into one proficiency slot.
I'm unsure how to make shields unusable by a specific class, if you have some idea's I'm all ears, as I completely agree, so far I've only been able to excluded sword and shield style
I'll consider the the greater fear ability, I originally built the kit based on Oriental Adventures 1st ed. rules, though I agree they never envisioned characters surpassing the 12th level. Of note the damage modification continues to accumulate at higher levels
Based on all the samurai weapons
Tetsubo (club/mace)
Naginata (halberd)
Daikyu (longbow)
I'm sure I've forgotten one or more...
One could make are argument for grandmastery in any of those. I welcome any and all constructive feedback, this mod is a work in progress
you're right that a naginata is much better abstracted as a halberd than a spear.
the lvl20 fear ability could work exactly like spell lvl1 symbol: fear, just centered on the warrior and renamed into something appropriate - the above quoted 3E ability is called 'Frightful Presence', and other lesser fear abilities are called 'Staredown' (-/Mass-/Improved-)
do you agree on dumping 'kai' for 'kiai shout/smite'?
Perhaps allowing GM for all isn't strictly necessary? Tossing that out.
Regardless, it looks really good!
Edit: Also, any instructions for installing this mod?
In addition the mod adds both the ronin and samurai kits for the PC to play as if they choose
The mod is weidu compatible thus is installed the same way any other weidu mod is installed (see readme)
I will caution you the mod is very much an ALPHA release, and is a work in progress
A BETA release should follow in the coming weeks (by years end)