Hi friends.
Here's my version of the Hexblade kit (Bard kit).

HEXBLADE: Combining the dynamic powers of martial prowess and arcane might, the hexblade presents a deadly challenge to opponents unused to such a foe. The hexblade balances talents in combat and arcane spellcasting. Though a capable melee combatant, the hexblade relies on opportunistic use of her spells and special abilities to augment this role in the group. A hexblade with the proper skill selection can make a fine leader for a group comfortable with her style.
- The Hexblade's song does not help allies. Instead, it curses every opponent within 30 feet, they must save once per round to avoid falling under its effects:
- Hexblade's Curse at 1st level: Enemies must save vs. Spell with a +2 bonus or takes a -2 penalty on attacks, saves and armor class rolls.
- Greater Hexblade's Curse of Lethargy at 15th level: Enemies must save vs. Spell with a +2 bonus or takes a -4 penalty on attacks, saves and armor class rolls, and must save vs. Spell or be slowed.
- Dire Hexblade's Curse of Lethargy and Silence at 20th level: Enemies must save vs. Spell with a +2 bonus or takes a -6 penalty on attacks, saves and armor class rolls, must save vs. Spell at +2 or be silenced, and must save vs. Spell or be slowed.
- Gains +2 THAC0 bonus at 6th level, and an additional +2 bounus at 12th and 18th levels.
- May achieve Specialization (two slots) only with the following weapons: long sword, short sword, katana, scimitar, dagger.
- May allocate two slots only in Single-Weapon Style.
- Hit Die: d8
- May not scribe spells into their spellbooks as Bards do. Instead Hexblades learn a small amount of spell with levels. May not cast magic spells from scrolls.
- Alignment restricted to Neutral Evil.
- Only has one half the normal Lore value.
- May not Pick Pockets.
Link v1.2:
Here's my version of the Hexblade kit (Bard kit).

HEXBLADE: Combining the dynamic powers of martial prowess and arcane might, the hexblade presents a deadly challenge to opponents unused to such a foe. The hexblade balances talents in combat and arcane spellcasting. Though a capable melee combatant, the hexblade relies on opportunistic use of her spells and special abilities to augment this role in the group. A hexblade with the proper skill selection can make a fine leader for a group comfortable with her style.
- The Hexblade's song does not help allies. Instead, it curses every opponent within 30 feet, they must save once per round to avoid falling under its effects:
- Hexblade's Curse at 1st level: Enemies must save vs. Spell with a +2 bonus or takes a -2 penalty on attacks, saves and armor class rolls.
- Greater Hexblade's Curse of Lethargy at 15th level: Enemies must save vs. Spell with a +2 bonus or takes a -4 penalty on attacks, saves and armor class rolls, and must save vs. Spell or be slowed.
- Dire Hexblade's Curse of Lethargy and Silence at 20th level: Enemies must save vs. Spell with a +2 bonus or takes a -6 penalty on attacks, saves and armor class rolls, must save vs. Spell at +2 or be silenced, and must save vs. Spell or be slowed.
- Gains +2 THAC0 bonus at 6th level, and an additional +2 bounus at 12th and 18th levels.
- May achieve Specialization (two slots) only with the following weapons: long sword, short sword, katana, scimitar, dagger.
- May allocate two slots only in Single-Weapon Style.
- Hit Die: d8
- May not scribe spells into their spellbooks as Bards do. Instead Hexblades learn a small amount of spell with levels. May not cast magic spells from scrolls.
- Alignment restricted to Neutral Evil.
- Only has one half the normal Lore value.
- May not Pick Pockets.
Link v1.2:
Post edited by DarkDogg on
Try to download this file and place the unzipped "Backup" folder into the "Hexy" folder before installation.
Also check out my first BGEE NPC mod:
And my BGEE EVIL KITS mod:
If I figure out how to edit the spell progression table I'll definately make him a warrior class with a custom spell table + I'll edit my Palemaster too (less spells per day). I've already asked some experienced modders about that issue - it's quite impossible or complicated right now.
I have some ideas to add some fighter epic abilities to the hexblade, need some testing.
So +2 attack is compensation for the poorer THAC0? I can see that. But the +2 damage... Or is that compensation for lacking percentile strength?
I think the ideas with your mods are fantastic! Though I'm going to use this kit with scales of balance to give 1.5 attacks with 2 pips in weapon specialization too, can't stand one attack per round.
And the damage bonus is for his STR loss, a Bard can only reach 18- STR, like you've said.
I've seen this before and did it for my fighter kit, like 1 lvl spells, 2 lvl spells, 3 lvl spells etc. not from the wizard spellsbook, but from the innate abilities. Honestly it looks pretty shitty, so I've decided to make the hexblade a bard kit...
What I want is to use the priests spellbook as a custom template for new wizard spells, so you don't need to scribe them from scrolls, but learn with levels, like the Sorc do. And its quite impossible do to it for me. Maybe a more experienced BG modder will do such a thing in the future.
But thanks for the hint, I definately should take a look.
Do you really think I shoud add a +1 bonus to the attack speed factor?
Bard kit as a template is good enough.. wat do u think of the idea of letting thac0 remain bard level but introduce a 'pact weapon' concept? Similar to 4e hexblade flavour.
My idea is at beginning of game, u will be prompted to select a pact weapon and your pact weapon will define your class. Afterall the hexblade has a 'blade' in its name. Just throwing ideas around
The damage is tricky. What if you give him the Gauntlets of Ogre Power? The bonuses would stack. Would it be possible to give him a spell that gives him Str 18/xx for a couple of minutes?
Of course, you could consider that giving Charname the Gauntlets means you're not giving it to an NPC, so perhaps it evens out...
+ I'll try a thing about his spellbook, so he could cast only limited spells (not all wizard spells). I have an idea how to do this.
It just feels kind of weird that the owner of an establishment for entertainment curses his guests whenever he's on the stage. Chances are that spectators won't be having as much fun as if watching, say, an Jester.
But still this damn kit can learn new spells from scrolls.
Tried few things, but no luck.
Hexblade has now fighters APR, his own special spells, no dmg bonus, but more thac0 bonus and etc.
Though I also like the image you used for the Hexblade. Do you mind if I potentially use that down the line, and if so, do you have a link to it?
I spent some hours to find that image for the hexblade.. but i don't remember the link! I'll try to post here the bmp files.
I tried looking for the original pic on google, just so I could crop an L version as well, but I couldn't find the original, only weirdly modified versions and versions with sparkly eyes and cloak. Oh well, it's not like we see the L version an awful lot. :P
As for the Hexblade, in 3.x it uses the same BaB (3.x THAC0) progression as the other warrior classes (Barbarian/Fighter/Paladin/Ranger), but of course the 3.x Fighter gains a lot of bonus feats, so it balances out. They still get a benefit out of being able to grandmaster, and of course lower XP requirements, but I can see how you think it won't weigh up to the Hexblade's powers.
But if you're giving him THAC0 bonuses, wouldn't it be easier to just give him the warrior THAC0 progression?
But yeah, I might actually check this out when I do an evil playthrough. I want my character to be something iconic, and since I probably want to pick up Dorn, I don't want to play a Blackguard myself.
- can you please change the alignment, 3.5 says its any nongood (so all neutral alignments should be fine).
(But thats just me like to play chaotic neutral etc.)
- is it possible to have him cast in Light armor?
Awesome work so far, this is one of my most liked Kits/Class. Thank you.
Yeah. I also think the Hexblade is either a "vanilla" pro-fighter class like the barbarian class or he better fits the Bard role. I don't agree that a Hexblade is a Ranger kit...
1. I'll fix the alignment issue in the next update. Why only NE option? I did it just because of the familiar...
2. It's a bit tricky here. Technically you can write the Armor spell into your spellbook, even if the scroll is colored red... Theoretically- no, the hexblade can't cast any armors, just some dmg. reduct. spells.
Also I'll edit some existing spells.
I'll add a spell-list in the next update (availible hexblade spells).
What I mean was, can he cast spells while wearing armor?
Maybe more experienced modders can advice a different solution?
Kit seems intresting i'll try it later and compare it with blackguard.
A new bladesinger kit, interesting...