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Best Romance

What's your favorite romance?
Is it:
Anomen (LG)
Anomen (CN)
A mod (please specify)


  • Viconia my dear.
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    I like Neeras best I think
    tbh I like all the original romances except Anomen
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Although I prefer Viconia's, all the original romances are well written and lovable!
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    Vanilla BG2: Anomen
    BG2 Mods: Xan

    Fyi I'm male.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    BGII : Anomen
    Mod: Haer’Dalis Romance by Aeryn at Spellhold Studios
  • KloroxKlorox Member Posts: 905
    I really hate the romances.

    Maybe I need to try an eligible female protagonist, as I've never tried Anomen.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    BG1 Npc Project - Dynaheir's
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    Vanilla? Anomen LG if only because I haven't played Dorn or Rasaad yet.
    Mod? Haer'Dalis tied with Xan mod romances. The Ajantis romance is second place only due to no ToB content yet.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,739

    Compared with most RPG romances Jaheira's feels a little deeper to me. The relationship has built up over a long time - from friendly exchanges and mourning her husband when leaving the starting dungeon, to a big questioning of "what's going on and what place do we have in this world" and then to a much deeper connection - and it also feels very mutual.

    Jaheira and Charname seem to provide one another with emotional support. Her story, thinking, actions seem to feel real.

    Also, let me quote my previous answer in another thread:
    bengoshi said:

    Jaheira's romance is my favourite. You won't regret it.

    To me, Jaheira acts like a real woman. It's interesting to know her, to see her character, to watch how she's changing. She asks solid questions, she thinks, she understands.

    Check @Quartz‌ 's and @SionIV‌ 's posts here:
    and here:

    They show this romance is worth it.

    Moreover, this romance is deep and has several quests involved.

    People usually say it's a very long romance but there's a good discussion: on this topic and I like @Dee‌ 's answer there: "because of how many lovetalks she has ... is one of the reasons why hers is my favorite romance path". You just understand Jaheira better!

  • MerinaMerina Member Posts: 303
    In BGEE I like Neera's romance especially because of her voice. I had always dropped her from the party after fetching her gem bag.

    In BG2EE I rather liked Viconia's and the way Anomen started talking to me in my early playthroughs.

    Next I'll give Neera a try in BG2EE, too, together with a more heavy-armored party. It seemed to me that Neera's enemies require more fighting-power. It's the first time I've transferred a dual-class Fighter Cleric from BGEE. A bit like Anomen, converted at level 7.
  • InvictusCobraInvictusCobra Member Posts: 108
    I've only done Aerie's and Viconia's (SoA part, my ToB bugged out and was too lazy to restart it). But from what I saw of all of them (the female ones), Aerie is my favourite by miles due to me being a White Knight guy and finding characters like Aerie worthy of attention and not the usual "man the f**k up like the rest of us!". Plus, she's an innocent, good hearted and sweet girl. Viconia was too agressive in SoA (again, haven't seen how she is after the alignment shift) and when I tried Neera, she just seemed like someone who just does whatever the hell she wants (she's Chaotic Neutral for a reason) and dating Jaheira seems weird due to the age gap and moreover, I liked Khalid a lot and dating his wife soon after his death seems a bit disrespectful. Will go for it one of these days though.
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    I dislike Jaheira's because it squicks me out that the person I had ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS assumed to be a happily married mother figure to Charname starts hitting out him after her husbands death. Thankfully as I usually play female I don't have to drop her from the party often.
  • tennisgolfbolltennisgolfboll Member Posts: 457
    Aerie. 92/100. Well done, sympathetic.
    Jaheira 45/100. Barely passable. She is to arrogant.
    Neera 42/ 100. Poor start. Decent end.
    Viconia 39/100. What a bitch. If you play evil you cant even insult her back every time she opens that big mouth full of bitch attitude. Thus the romance makes no sense.
  • MerinaMerina Member Posts: 303

    and when I tried Neera, she just seemed like someone who just does whatever the hell she wants (she's Chaotic Neutral for a reason)

    Which makes it interesting, and eventually she will talk to you about it even. It's really worthwhile.

  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    the thing I liked about Neeras romance is it actually has some romance too it.
    you meet her you become friends, become better then friends fall in love.

    I also like the fact she recognises your class makes it seem a bit more of a two way relationship then some of the others
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    My personal experience.
    Jaheira - emotion
    Viconia - mystery
    Aerie - facepalm
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited October 2014
    I've always liked Aerie. I know she's a popular bullying target for the community ("muh wiiingggsss!!!") but I found her quite endearing.

    That being said, I also enjoy the Viconia romance. Classic Tsundere, plus DROW! I mean come on.

    But hands-down the BEST romance I know of is the one from the de'Arnise Romance mod. It's soooo good! Anyone who hasn't checked it out yet definitely should!
  • SayenSayen Member Posts: 18
    I think Viconia's is the most fun, because of the whole drow/lusty/bad girl vibe and because it's refreshing to have a romance where you can actually talk back, for once. But I also like Jaheira's for the way you really get to talk to each other about your natures and your future and not just tell each other about your pasts (fitting, since you already know each other a bit). I agree with the DeArnise Romance shoutout. It's great, it keeps Nalia in character but develops her to make her far more likable and give her far more depth.

    I find Aerie absolutely insufferable although, perhaps oddly, I think the wings is maybe the fourth-most annoying thing about her.

    Although weirdly, I think the Haer'dalis-Aerie romance is actually really great and is the best part of Aerie's character. If she actually acted like that the rest of the time, I think that I'd find her not just tolerable, but actually enjoyable.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    @Lord_Tansheron I'm aware of two Nalia romances, which is which?
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212

    @Lord_Tansheron I'm aware of two Nalia romances, which is which?

    I believe it's the mod that's simply called "de'Arnise Romance". But it has been several years since I last played it, things may have changed in the meantime.

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