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Unable to trigger a kicked out an NPC to rejoin

GreenerGreener Member Posts: 430
edited October 2014 in General Modding
I am unable to trigger an NPC to rejoin, any assistance would be appreciated, attached is a copy of the dialog file


IF ~Global("OAGinawKickedOut","GLOBAL",0) HappinessLT(Myself,-299)~ THEN BEGIN Unhappy
SAY ~I regret that our pairing could have been more fruitful, but I must express great distaste for the way this group is led. I take my leave, and I doubt we shall meet again.~
IF ~~ DO ~EscapeArea()~ EXIT

IF ~Global("OAGinawKickedOut","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN KickOut
SAY ~I do not wish to end our pairing before our tasks are done, but perhaps a rest is in order. Are you sure you want to go separate paths?~
++ ~No, I don’t want you leave just yet, Ginawa~ DO ~JoinParty()~ EXIT
++ ~We don’t need your services right now. Sorry Ginawa.~ GOTO MeetUp

SAY ~Where do you want to meet if we are to adventure again together?~
++ ~Go to Baldur’s Gate. If we need to find you, we’ll meet you there.~ DO ~SetGlobal("OAGinawKickedOut","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT
++ ~Wait here. If we need your services, we’ll be back.~ DO ~SetGlobal("OAGinawKickedOut","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT

IF ~Global("OAGinawKickedOut","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN Rejoin
SAY ~You have changed your mind? Shall we draw our blades with a common purpose?~
++ ~I would be pleased to travel with you again.~ GOTO WelcomeBack
++ ~On second thought, I don't think that's a good idea right now.~ GOTO NoThanks

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN WelcomeBack
SAY ~A triumphant day, indeed! I welcome your company once again!~
IF ~~ DO ~SetGlobal("OAGinawKickedOut","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT

SAY ~Too bad.~
Post edited by Greener on


  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    The rejoin trigger is checking for the KickedOut variable to be 0 not 1:

    IF ~Global("OAGinawKickedOut","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN Rejoin
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,009
    i believe if you have the cheat console active you can just press crtl+Q on the character and they will force join, i did this to demogorgon once just for kicks haha
  • GreenerGreener Member Posts: 430

    The rejoin trigger is checking for the KickedOut variable to be 0 not 1:

    IF ~Global("OAGinawKickedOut","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN Rejoin

    Thank you, that seems to have worked
    sarevok57 said:

    i believe if you have the cheat console active you can just press crtl+Q on the character and they will force join, i did this to demogorgon once just for kicks haha

    I don't believe have the cheat console active is a prerequisite for this, you are correct I could force them to join that way
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