Halfing Fighter/Thief or Swashie Tank Viable?
Hello all! Three questions for you BG and IWD veterans today:
1) Is a halfling Fighter/Thief or Swashbuckler tank viable for IWD? (I plan on running with a barbarian as well)
2) Which character would be the more effective tank? F/T or Swash?
3) Which weapon types would you choose to dual wield?
1) Is a halfling Fighter/Thief or Swashbuckler tank viable for IWD? (I plan on running with a barbarian as well)
2) Which character would be the more effective tank? F/T or Swash?
3) Which weapon types would you choose to dual wield?
1. Yes it is viable, though obivously the survivability of a thief class is not as high as a barbarian.
2. Take what you think sounds cool and fun! Both work. The thief/fighter can do backstabs and is more versatile IMHO, but the swashbuckler is more dashing and can get very low AC (which is valuable in IWD).
3. What suits the character and looks cool?
I just refuse to look at a Swashbuckler in IWDEE as a tank. No helmet = no tank for me during early levels, and IWDEE is all about early levels - high levels are only available if you import the already existing IWD character into another IWD run with HoW mode on.
During early levels AC bonus of a swashi can't cover his inability to equip helmets. Several critical hits by an enemy = bye-bye your tank.
Although a Fighter/Thief is better used for backstabbing (combining backstabs with fighter's THACO) and thus I prefer such a character wear a leather armor, I can perfectly imagine a Fighter/Thief as a tank - just equip a heavy armor and you'll tank as any other fighter. But then - this character is much better a a backstabber. Why his Thief part is needed if a tank is his main role?
So, neigther a Fighter/Thief nor a Swashbuckler is a good tank for IWDEE, a barbarian is much better (there're many characters who are better in fact, a paladin, a F/M, a F/M/T, a F/M/C, a F/C, a F/D, a fighter...). But if you choose between these two, I'd vote for a Fighter/Thief for the reasons mentioned above.
In IWD there're 5 melee weapons that confer an extra APR: Morning Star of Action +4, the Longsword of Action +4, the Bastard Sword of Action +4, Fast Flail +2 and the Valiant Scimitar +2.
Therefore, for a a Fighter/Thief or a Swashbuckler I would choose long swords and scimitats.
Note on helmets: Halflings capable of wearing a helm have access to a very, very sturdy helmet very early. Its gnome and halfling only. So F/T halfer can be a good early tank and is plenty of thief.
So I think you'll be completely fine, especially with a Barabarian along. I had a barb type in my original Icewind group. A two handed type who used this great voice that only spoke in frankenstein growls. I'll definately have to remake him in EE.
Otherwise F/T > Swash: Exceptional CON, greater APR & better armour options
Similarly, better armor only applies if you want to micromanage your armor constantly AND don't care about backstab, as anything heavier than a thief can normally use will disable your thief skills. In thief armor, the swashbuckler will actually win out, AC-wise. At higher levels, the swashbuckler's AC will win out anyway.
Fighter APR is definitely an improvement, though. That, and backstab, is why the F/T is a better damage-dealer.
Note, however, that the available magical equipment changes things somewhat. The existence of powerful APR weapons means that the fighter APR isn't as much of an improvement (4 attacks vs. 5 isn't nearly as big as 2 attacks vs. 4), and the existence of a certain helmet does rather even out the AC difference, especially at lower levels.