Were can I find this spell scroll?

Where can I buy scrolls such as "Tenser's Transformation", "Ruby Ray of Reversal", "Flesh to stone", "Orb of Chaos", "Mordenkainen's Sword" et cetera?
I've been trying to find them ingame in a spellshop, but I've been unsuccessfull so far. I'm in chapter 3 at the moment.
Thankful for all help :-)
I've been trying to find them ingame in a spellshop, but I've been unsuccessfull so far. I'm in chapter 3 at the moment.
Thankful for all help :-)
Earlier in the game :
Tenser's transformation: You must start the unseeing eye quest to have access below the sewers, on the way to the temple of the forgotten god. It is next to a giant stone hand.
Ruby Ray of Reversal: In the underdark, with a drow merchant in Ust Natha.
Flesh to stone: With the yuan ti mage in the planar prison.
Orb of chaos : Did you mean "sphere of chaos"? It's ...boy, I forgot that one, but it can be found in chapter 2.
Mordekainen Sword: In chapter 3 it can be found in spellhold.
If you happen to miss them in SoA, at the Throne of Bhaal part of the game they can all be found in Saradush.
Thanks for the tips!
Mike's RPG: Mage Scrolls
It doesn't list random drops, but it does let you know permanent stashes and places to buy.
The night encounters with the shadow thieves/vampires drop good scrolls too. Namely, call familiar, contingency and a powerful disintegrate. They always drop these no matter your level. Good stuff.
However RNDMAG01 won't lead to it (you potentially gain access to other scrolls but its not one of them).
That leaves you with a 2/9 chance for getting one from RNDMAG02. From that you have a 1/9 chance of getting a random scroll from the RNDSCROL.2DA table (rather than a weapon or an amulet), and from that you have only a 1/9 chance of getting Spell Trigger.
So basically its possible but its an exceedingly small chance.