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Jpg to Bmp Conversion Issues

I'm not sure whether to post this topic here or in the Modding section, so I'm just posting it here.

Anyhow, I've been going through the portraits of the various NPCs in the game, and while I'm ok with a lot of them; I found Aerie's portrait in need of a do-over. So I searched this magical internet of ours, and came across a well made fan rendition of Aerie:


I thought, "Hey, this picture looks like a somebody Haer'Dalis would kill somebody for (Or at least try to. I always end up fitting what remains of him into a casserole), AND it stays true to Aerie's character!"

I should mention that I am a mac user in case that's not apparent. More specifically, I use Mavericks in case that helps.

So I obtained this picture after much deliberation (google) and then saw the ".jpg" ending to it. I then said, "Shoot! That should be a .bmp, as the game won't take any other ending for an answer."

So I searched my computer for a way to convert .jpg to .bmp. I found Paintbrush which could do the job. So I uploaded the picture on paintbrush, and then saved it as a ".bmp" (And made sure that the dimensions were 210 x 330), and saved it as "NAERIEM". I then took NAERIEM and put it in the "overdrive" folder.

Here it goes!

I load up a saved game, and found Aerie without a portrait.


I decided then that I needed to do the same procedure of converting .jpg to .bmp, but on a different program. I chose preview. I did the .jpg to .bmp thanks to directions from Apple (Those crazy guys). I replaced this new NAERIEM with the old, and loaded up a saved game.

How is Santa Claus and that picture of Aerie I converted into a .bmp and uploaded in place of Aerie's original portrait alike?

A: They don't exist.

Yep, its not there. Where there was once a portrait on Aerie's character sheet is still darkness. Where there once was a picture on the party-bar is now a human-outline with a question-mark over it.

Paintbrush and Preview seems to have failed me as far as I know.

So I was all like:


I decided to upload a fanmade portrait of Abdel Adrian from some other forum that was already pre-converted into a bitmap. Sweet!

Well I put that picture in my portraits folder.

It worked.

I then renamed it, and overrode Minsc's portrait with it.

It worked.

But then if I did that with the above picture of Aerie converted to bitmap. No dice.

So it all boils down to a request. Can one of you be a bro/sis/cousin/friend/wife/whatever who has had success with converting all manner of pictures to bitmaps to turn the above picture of Aerie into two .bmp images, with one of those images having the dimensions: 210 x 330, and the other having the dimensions of 54 x 84?

Actually, is it even possible to upload images in the .bmp format on this here forum?


TL;DR: Anyone who can turn the above picture of Aerie into two pictures with one of those pictures having the dimensions of 210 x 330, and the other having the dimensions of 54 x 84 in the .bmp format up here will be getting an internet brofist from me, and possibly from others,


  • OversquidOversquid Member Posts: 6

    There you go!


    You sir are awesome. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    (They worked)
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Here, I think you might appreciate this:
    It automatically sizes and coverts to the appropriate .bmp file. Just upload and crop.

    Also, I am a Mac, and I don't use any standard program. Before the link^, I would save the photo, open it in preview, and crop it to the correct(give or take 5 pixels; I got *very* good at eyeballing it though). Then I would open pixlr in safari, upload, then immediately download! but save as a bmp. This would save a new copy which I would drag into the portraits file. One quirk I noticed is that I had to crop it in preview first. If I saved it and tried to crop the bmp it wouldn't show up as a custom portrait.
    This was all on my iPad. I never got custom portraits to work on my Mac App Store version of bg2.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    If you have a BMP but still see only a black field in game, it means you're using the wrong bitrate on the BMP. BG needs 24-bit BMPs, not 36; those won't be displayed.

    For editing portrait images, I usually just use GIMP. It's free and open source, and it's really easy to properly crop and resize images you find on the internet.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    You know, the standard Paint works just fine - open an image you want and save it to .bmp file with the Paint program. It will be a 24-bit bmp :)
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