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Soloing a Bard

YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
I want to do a solo play through and I'm thinking of doing a Bard. I would play through BG1 and BG2. Possibly ToB. I have little to no experience playing bards. Any tips would be appreciated!


  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    I agree with @elminster, and I would add that since gold won't be a problem for a solo character you'll have no reason not to be generous in your use of all consumables, not just wands. Items that can come in handy to deal damage are the necklace of missiles and the ring of energy.
    There are also many types of useful potions that will buff you, heal you, protect you against magical attacks etc. The exploding potions are very good as well (at least in BG1). The same with scrolls. You'll want to copy level 1-6 spells into your spellbook, but it could be wise to hold on to any scrolls you have already copied or high level spell scrolls you won't be able to cast from your spellbook as a Bard and simply cast them in difficult battles.

    As a solo character, summons will be very useful. They can help distract enemies and they can even be useful allies in battle. Use your magical buffs and perhaps your song to boost you summons into fairly hardy combatants.

    Bards level up very fast, which means that they'll be very effective casters of spells that scale with caster level (for example Spook, Magic Missile, Mirror Image, Skull Trap, Dispel Magic, etc). You could look into that a bit.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Wand of Summons is very handy if you go Skald. Skeleton Warriors will take over for lesser summons, but buffing them is fairly effective. If you go Jester, get the Sandthief Ring and abuse invisiblr singing. If Blade, you might have a tougher time in BG1, but once you have some buffs and are rocking 19 str, you will be nice in melee. Melee Blade might want to hold onto all 3 protection belts, switch as needed. For Blade, consider daggers for BG1, as proficiencies will be tight, you can throw them or DW them, and Dag of Ven is very useful. For non-blades, darts are a useful prof, especially Skalds... 3 APR and good side effects help shut down frustrating casters.

    MMM are good for Bards especially. Wear armour and use ranged weapons early, kite if necessary. Crossbow is worthy of consideration, and you don't need maxed str. Crossbow of Speed is a beast imo (Bolts of Lightning!), though Longbow of Marksmenship is effective. You will want to boost your THAC0, so the +1 Composite might be less ideal.

    Count on Wands for most damaging spells, and recharge liberally.
  • KloroxKlorox Member Posts: 927
    Lots of wands!

    A helpful idea I was given was to start with an 18 CON, use a +1 tome and Buckley's Buckler. A 20 CON is very good in this game.
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    What weapon proficiencies would you suggest when considering weapons of both games?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    If you're going with a Blade you'll want to dualwield. Given that you only get a limited number of proficiency points to spend in BG1, 4 in total, you might want to forego investing in a ranged weapon so that you get two pips in your weapon of choice (scimitars are generally recommended) and two pips in dualwield at level 8. Not having a ranged weapon hurts a bit in BG1 though, even with high Dex for better Thac0 because there is a Thac0 penalty for non-proficiency. You could also consider placing a pip in axes or daggers. They are both melee weapons and therefore go well with a dualwielding Blade, and they have throwing variants as well, which is very useful in BG1.

    In short, I'd go for one pip in Scimitars and one in Daggers/Axes at character creation, and then build toward dualwielding.

    If you're going with any other Bard you'll have more flexibility because you have less options for weapon (style) specialization. At character creation I'd invest in one ranged weapon and one melee weapon.
    Personally I'm quite fond of darts because they give 3 APR, very useful for disrupting spellcasters, and the Darts of Wounding and Stunning are amongst the deadliest weapons in the game. Apart from Darts, there are also very good Crossbows available relatively early on in both BG1 and BG2. Short bows are nice in BG2 (in BG1 there's a good one that you'll only get pretty late in the game, so I wouldn't invest early on in the Short Bows proficiency).
    As to melee weapons, I like Halberds because they deal both piercing and slashing damage and they're long reach weapons. There are very good Halberds in both BG1 and BG2. A blunt weapon, such as Quarterstaff, Flail and/or Mace is also recommendable because crushing damage is the damage type that enemies with resistances (skeletons, jellies, golems etc) tend to be least resistant against.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    Blades can't specialise in the unmodded game, only warriors, swashbucklers & Haer'Dalis.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @abacus, good point. I've grown too used to playing with the Rogue Rebalancing mod.
    My advice still stands though.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307

    @abacus, good point. I've grown too used to playing with the Rogue Rebalancing mod.
    My advice still stands though.

    Yeah, easily done.

    And while the subject is up... If you're soloing a bard... Get Rogue Rebalancing... It's a significant improvement.
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    I have never done any mods and am unsure how to use them.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307

    I have never done any mods and am unsure how to use them.

    That's where I was a couple of months ago. In the modding sections of this forum there are some really excellent guides to lead you, and links to all the best mods.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Adding to great ideas there're already in this thread, I could advise the following:

    Don't forget to rest often in order to always have fresh spells that you can use. Rest as soon as you go out of spells.

    Cast Invisibility on your familiar and explore every map by it. You will see enemies, will know how to attack them, will be ready.

    In gerenal, always have an Invisibility spell ready - if you're in a trap/waylaid by enemies/have to retreat to rethink your tactics - just cast and you'll be fine.

    Choose spells according to the type of a problem you face.

    A group of tough enemies/assassins not far away? Web + Web + Skull Trap/Fireball + Skull Trap/Fireball.

    A difficult single melee opponent? Shield + Protection from Evil + Mirror Image + Blur + Haste (or the Offensive Spin if you're a Blade) + Stoneskin (later).

    As soon as you get Stoneskin, make sure it's ALWAYS active (it lasts more than you rest - so you can cast it before each rest/rest once more).

    Always try to use all the items available. Greenstone Amulet FOR EVERY mage/cleric fight. Darts of stunning and darts of wounding make wonders. Sell wands to the merchants when they have only 1 charge left. Buy them back (you'll have lots of charges then).
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    Is that how you charge them?! I hear people talking about charging wands all the time but I never saw how to in all my years of playing. I feel like an idiot now.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @YupImMadBro‌ Sell and buy back
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    It ain't cheap, of course. And once you get to Baldur's Gate, if you're getting low its probably easier to just buy whatever Sorcerous Sundries has available, until he runs out of charged wands.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    He runs out?
  • SleeplesSleeples Member Posts: 18
    Bard class is damn bad imho, i dont see any reason to play bard, their song pretty sucky, though skald kit could be interesting choice....cause his song is progressing, providing interesting combat bonuses, jester isnt bad as well on low lvls, but later he appears to be useless, better use confusion spell, morover party by this time is strong enough to kill mobs.

    And yes Haerdalis also sucks, worst and the most useless char in BG series...or some1 really expect him to compat with such low hp? Prolly only possible option is to give him a bow...i dont see any other possible ways of usage, his melee still sucks, i doubt that even spells will help, better to have some fighter-mage
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2014
    Sleeples said:

    And yes Haerdalis also sucks, worst and the most useless char in BG series...or some1 really expect him to compat with such low hp? Prolly only possible option is to give him a bow...i dont see any other possible ways of usage, his melee still sucks, i doubt that even spells will help, better to have some fighter-mage

    He can use Stoneskin, Defensive Spin, Improved Invisibility, Spell Immunity, and Protection from Magical Weapons (so for instance he could have Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin, Improved Haste and Spell Immunity: Abjuration active which would make him immune to efforts to dispel his protections while at the same time granting him immunity against the physical damage of melee attacks). He won't hit nearly as frequently as a one of the warrior NPCs (unless you really stalk them up with items) and technically can still max out at 9 APR, but properly played he is basically immune to most attacks against him so honestly his offensive limitations aren't that big of a deal. His health is an issue earlier on but as the game progresses it becomes less of an issue (particularly once he gains access to additional spells).
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    elminster said:

    Sleeples said:

    And yes Haerdalis also sucks, worst and the most useless char in BG series...or some1 really expect him to compat with such low hp? Prolly only possible option is to give him a bow...i dont see any other possible ways of usage, his melee still sucks, i doubt that even spells will help, better to have some fighter-mage

    He can use Stoneskin, Defensive Spin, Improved Invisibility, Spell Immunity, and Protection from Magical Weapons (so for instance he could have Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin, Improved Haste and Spell Immunity: Abjuration active which would make him immune to efforts to dispel his protections while at the same time granting him immunity against the physical damage of melee attacks). He won't hit nearly as frequently as a one of the warrior NPCs (unless you really stalk them up with items) and technically can still max out at 9 APR, but properly played he is basically immune to most attacks against him so honestly his offensive limitations aren't that big of a deal. His health is an issue earlier on but as the game progresses it becomes less of an issue (particularly once he gains access to additional spells).
    Anyone who can use arcane magic shouldn't be getting hit at all, so there's no reason why their HP should be crucial.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Sleeples said:

    Bard class is damn bad imho, i dont see any reason to play bard, their song pretty sucky, though skald kit could be interesting choice....cause his song is progressing, providing interesting combat bonuses, jester isnt bad as well on low lvls, but later he appears to be useless, better use confusion spell, morover party by this time is strong enough to kill mobs.

    And yes Haerdalis also sucks, worst and the most useless char in BG series...or some1 really expect him to compat with such low hp? Prolly only possible option is to give him a bow...i dont see any other possible ways of usage, his melee still sucks, i doubt that even spells will help, better to have some fighter-mage

    You're doing it wrong!

    As noted, Haer csn just stock up on defensive magic, and with a strength boosting item (or even yhe Strength spell early) he's pretty damn solid. You are probably using too many of his slots for offensive magic. Depending when you get him, iirc, he can start with 2 pips in SS and LS, which is illegal but handy indeed. He can use Kundane effectively, and unless you have someone else needing it, he's a great candidate. That sets him to 3 apr without his handy spin, and Tenser's Transformation is not a bad trick later game.
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    Thanks @Klorox!
  • FelspawnFelspawn Member Posts: 161
    yep, as everyone else mentioned, wands and more wands, also i like Longswords if only because you can get a +2 one so quick, plus they are common and powerful all the way to the end of ToB
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    I took Scimitars by a suggestion. Might go Dagger after the 3 points in Two Weapon Style for the Dagger of Venom.
  • FelspawnFelspawn Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2014
    Scimitars isnt bad, but i prefer longswords, i'd probably go short swords over daggers, Dagger of Venom is awesome, but its pretty much the only awesome dagger. just my 2c anyway
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Throwing daggers make a great option for ranged combat when you are short of pips! Imho, you want ranged early, right out the door if possible. The Dagger of Venom and the +2 Dagger are both early options, so a blade starting with daggers and twf can dw at his first pip. DoV is pretty devestating, especially for a character that can't start with exceptional str. Offensively, you won't be matching a Berserker, but your defences can be MUCH stronger as a blade, so DoV's on going damage can trump higher damage weapons.
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    I guess I did not mention that I did chose Blade for my run.
  • KloroxKlorox Member Posts: 927
    NG Blade dualing Drizzt's Scimitars. ::drool::
  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    edited October 2014
    @Klorox ...tell me you don't have to be good aligned to wield them.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2014

    @Klorox ...tell me you don't have to be good aligned to wield them.

    You do for Twinkle but you don't for Icingdeath.
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