A few questions before I start

If I start with BGI and finish it, can I continue with the same character and items in BGII?
Also, if I buy the games (BGI and BGII) on beambog, can I play the game on my PC and my mac oder am I restricted to one system?
Also, if I buy the games (BGI and BGII) on beambog, can I play the game on my PC and my mac oder am I restricted to one system?
You can import you character to BG2(EE) from BG1(EE), yes. About items see http://www.forgottenwars.com/bg1/miscellany.htm - only several of them can be transferred if they are in your character's inventory at the end of BG1(EE).
You can play only one version of each of the EE-games if you buy one version: if you buy a PC-version, you can play it on your PC (Windows), if you buy a Mac-version, you can play it on your Mac.
Up to now, I would choose STEAM, as I can play it both on my PC and my macbook...
N.B. It is important to note that I am a Grumpy Old Man with technophobia.