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Viconia needs to do a bit of heavy lifting

Hey guys, so I'm currently playing through my first totally evil party ever, and I'm using Viconia as some extra healing power (I'm a Cleric/Thief) and as a cleric I'd like to give her some decent armor, but with a strength of 10 that's kind of difficult. Are there any items that I can use to boost her strength so I can give her some nice heavy armor? I just got out of the Cloakwood mine after drowning every poor soul in there.


  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    You'll find one such item in BG city and another in Rasaad's quest,
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    Mithril chain can only be taken off dead Drizzt in BG1, correct?
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421

    Mithril chain can only be taken off dead Drizzt in BG1, correct?

    Yep. >:D

    I personally just use the Ankheg plate on her, though. Easier to get, plus you can wear a ring, cloak, or amulet of protection with it.

  • GallengerGallenger Member Posts: 400
    It really depends on your party type, how you manage area transitions, and where she is in formation. She really doesn't need that much armor if you're protecting her effectively. I just stick the mail of the dead on her and call it a day most days.
  • SeldarSeldar Member Posts: 438
    Give her the gauntlets of Takkok :

    this will also boost her damages with weapons
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639
    unless you're looking to really push up the need for better armors, which in BG1 shouldn't be a problem, then wait until she can get her hands on Draw Upon Holy Might, and just use that instead. No use wasting strength boosters on a character that can boost their own strength unless you plan on equipping them with something better than Ankheg plate mail.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited October 2014
    Give her a STR item, Ankheg plate and a Sling.

    Don't Slings add STR damage? And with that 19 Dex she will hit all the time and be untouchable.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773

    Slings in BGEE get STR bonuses to damage and DEX bonuses to THACO. Right now in BG2EE they're bugged so they get STR bonuses to damage, DEX bonuses to THACO and additional STR bonuses to THACO.
  • FelspawnFelspawn Member Posts: 161
    with her Dex and Ank plate and magic small shield shes practically untouchable. i give her a magic sling and the stupifier for a weapon
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    Go with the Ankheg plate. You won't need anything more than that. With her DEX and that plate, she has an AC in the low negatives. Throw in a ring of protection and it just gets better. I've never needed anything more than that in BG1.
  • Lewis244Lewis244 Member Posts: 26
    Yeah, I recently gave her the Ankheg Plate, plus she's got a small shield +1 and a sling +1, so she's doing pretty good for herself at this point. I'd give her the stupifier as well if my CHARNAME wasn't using it!
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    Since I'm running an Archer with a shooter oriented party, I have fairly often used Viconia to tank. I give her a-plate, ring/amulet/cloak +1, hands of Takkok, and Shield of the Stars (large +2). At that point she is around AC -7or8, and is essentially invulnerable to any non-crit physical damage in BG1. Now the low CON/HP is still a problem when she does get hit, or from magical attack - but native 50% Magic Res makes even that much less likely. When she is fully tanked up, she is a good way to get the awesome Stupifier +1 up front in proficient hands, without wasting the reach and proficiencies of other characters.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    If Vicky is using Stupifier, I hope you use Haste liberally. 1 Apr is harsh!
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639
    edited October 2014
    yeah, Viconia isn't really geared to the front-lines until you can super-buff her in BG2. And even then, she'll be sub-par as a frontliner when compared to someone such as Jaheira or Anomen. In BG1 it's best to just stick her with slings anyway. Missle weapons are godlike in BG1.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018

    Since I'm running an Archer with a shooter oriented party, I have fairly often used Viconia to tank. I give her a-plate, ring/amulet/cloak +1, hands of Takkok, and Shield of the Stars (large +2). At that point she is around AC -7or8, and is essentially invulnerable to any non-crit physical damage in BG1. Now the low CON/HP is still a problem when she does get hit, or from magical attack - but native 50% Magic Res makes even that much less likely. When she is fully tanked up, she is a good way to get the awesome Stupifier +1 up front in proficient hands, without wasting the reach and proficiencies of other characters.

    I do this as well, making her a great focus for combat. Throw in some Divine combat skills and hey-presto.

    What's great is in BG2 there is the belt of Fortitude. Give that to her and the hammer of Thunderbolts and some divine protections and she can hold her own in combat.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I'd also give her the cloak of Balduran, which can be used with magical armor and boosts her MR.
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