Russian localization Icewind Dale : Enhanced Edition

Good day, first of all I want to say thank you for IWD EE.
I am a big fan of this series IWD.
very sorry that no Russian localization, do not tell me whether the Russian translation of the game on, or who will localize in Russia! ??
I am a big fan of this series IWD.
very sorry that no Russian localization, do not tell me whether the Russian translation of the game on, or who will localize in Russia! ??
When IWD:EE was first announced, we committed to shipping the game in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish (EFIGS) at launch. We fulfilled that promise and added Polish and Turkish in as a bonus, thanks to the dedicated efforts of our localization teams.
Russian localization of IWD:EE was never promised at launch. However, it doesn't mean that we won't be supporting it at some point in the future.
Against the background of current events on the world stage I think Russian localization we have to wait for a long time.
Will have to ask his bear translate IWDEE , and then sits all without works at a nuclear missile and plays on the balalaika.
And no, none of ts is politically motivated
Now we have an unofficial russian translation for IWDEE: , so we can use it.
Let's just hope the official russian localization of IWD:EE will be out one day.